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Off Topic Rules

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1Off Topic Rules Empty Off Topic Rules Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:26 pm



Off-Topic Forum Rules

Please remember that this is still apart of the Heroes of Newerth forums, the forum rules all still apply.

While the forum rules cover all of this, these are a few specific things that are common issues for this section.

Referral links of any kind are not allowed, these include things such as invite links to other games and advertisement links for commercial purposes.
The trading of goods and services are not permitted within this forum.
The forums are rated PG, all users need to remember this and keep discussions appropriate for this rating.
Threads on games, please keep these to a single thread rather than spamming several threads on the same topic.

Breach of these rules will result in the offending posts being removed and in most situations an infraction being given, continuous breaches by a user will result in the loss of forum access.


2Off Topic Rules Empty Re: Off Topic Rules Sun May 13, 2012 10:12 am



nice quide Very Happy

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