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Rules for Lazy People.

Laziest Gamer
Sima Miletijevv
Pawrian Gray
Pritam Nayak
Jana V
13 posters

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1Rules for Lazy People. Empty Rules for Lazy People. Sat May 12, 2012 9:49 pm



Rules for Lazy People. HoGhJ

Laziness is the mother of all bad habits. But ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her. Unfortunately, most of us have to admit that we will find our selves in this rules for lazy people. Few of them I have found on one Macedonian site, but I few of them are also my own "creation", if I can call it like that. This is my list of Rules for Lazy People, but if you have something to add, feel free and I will update the list. Also, don't forget to leave your feedback, and say am I right. Wink Let's see how lazy you can be!

The Rules:
1. If you spill water on the floor, leave her. The water will dry out either way.
2. Don't make your bed in the morning. Tonight you're gonna sleep again in that bed, and you will don't have to make it again.
3. If you can't get it, you don't need it.
4. You dropped an ice cube on the floor in the kitchen? Hide it under the fridge.
5. If you're looking for something on Google, and if it's not on the first page, give up, it don't exist.
6. Don't clean. If you're waiting long enough, someone else will do that.
7. I'm lazy when I'm excited about cancelled plans.
8. Staying in bed while having to pee, hoping it'll go away.
9. Saying "nevermind" because you don't feel like repeating yourself.
10. Changing the date on the homework so the teacher won't know you just did it.
11. Using your feet to pick up things because you're too lazy to reach for it.
12. If you come over and my house is clean, for the love of God, do NOT open a closet.
13. Sorry, I can't today. My sister's friend's mother's grandfather's brother's grandson's uncle's fish died. And yes, it was tragic.
14. If we cannot find the remote, we will just see whats on the TV at that time!
15. "kjakfla" is the perfect name for saving a file!
16. Use the same clothes all day for an eternity.
17. Don't charge your phone until it says "low battery".
18. If you say " I'm on the way" then you mean " I haven't started yet".
19. Whenever you want to end a Facebook conversation, just "like" their last comment.

Last edited by Steff on Sat May 12, 2012 10:36 pm; edited 5 times in total


2Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sat May 12, 2012 10:08 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Use the same clothes all day for an eternity. Twisted Evil

3Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sat May 12, 2012 10:12 pm



Jana V wrote:Use the same clothes all day for an eternity. Twisted Evil

:p Thank you. Check #16.


4Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sat May 12, 2012 10:14 pm

Jana V

Jana V

A random picture of laziness to give a little laugh on this thread.

Rules for Lazy People. Internet-memes-laziness-level


5Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sat May 12, 2012 10:21 pm



Haha epic! I like that Asian levels. Keep updating the list, and also feel free to post lazy pics as you did. I see a bright lazy future of this thread. Razz


6Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sun May 13, 2012 1:48 am

Pritam Nayak

Pritam Nayak

Too Lazy yo Walk to The Bed.......Sleep on The Computer Chair Twisted Evil
Rules for Lazy People. Young_man_sleeping_on_a_chair_in_an_office_1574R-27829

7Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sun May 13, 2012 1:49 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

#17. Don't charge your phone until it says "low battery".

What i do to my iPod. Twisted Evil


8Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sun May 13, 2012 4:41 am



Somebody wants to talk to you? Wait until their screaming at you to talk to you


9Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sun May 13, 2012 9:54 am



Rules for Lazy People. J3yCs
Who is lazy,i am not lazy Very Happy

10Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sun May 13, 2012 10:12 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Well,i am lazy Rolling Eyes

11Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sun May 13, 2012 3:17 pm

Laziest Gamer

Laziest Gamer


Last edited by Laziest Gamer on Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


12Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sun May 13, 2012 5:58 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Pawrian Gray wrote:#17. Don't charge your phone until it says "low battery".

What i do to my iPod. Twisted Evil
Not good enough.

Don't charge your phone until it's dead.

13Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sun May 13, 2012 7:14 pm

Laziest Gamer

Laziest Gamer

Jana V wrote:
Pawrian Gray wrote:#17. Don't charge your phone until it says "low battery".

What i do to my iPod. Twisted Evil
Not good enough.

Don't charge your phone until it's dead.
And mute all the volume for unlimited battery Idea


14Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sun May 13, 2012 7:15 pm



LOL, I didn't know you're that lazy, Jana. Razz


15Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Mon May 14, 2012 4:09 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Steff wrote:LOL, I didn't know you're that lazy, Jana. Razz
Or am I? Very Happy

16Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Mon May 14, 2012 6:23 pm



Jana V wrote:
Steff wrote:LOL, I didn't know you're that lazy, Jana. Razz
Or am I? Very Happy

Or are you a magicite SECRETLY?


17Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Tue May 15, 2012 5:46 pm


Say stuff like lol,omg,gg,bl,gl,ikr ind daily life just because your too lazy to speak Razz

18Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Thu May 17, 2012 9:35 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Steff wrote:1. If you spill water on the floor, leave her. The water will dry out either way.
I would love to do this, but my mom would shriek at me if I did. So I use her socks to mop it up instead. +0

Steff wrote:2. Don't make your bed in the morning. Tonight you're gonna sleep again in that bed, and you will don't have to make it again.
I do this. Unless I hear my stepfather nearing my room. Then I hastily and sloppily yank the blankets back to make it look like it is made. +.5

Steff wrote:3. If you can't get it, you don't need it.
Yup. Especially homework. If I can't find my homework, then I don't need to do it. Too bad this argument doesn't work with my teachers the next day. +1

Steff wrote:4. You dropped an ice cube on the floor in the kitchen? Hide it under the fridge.
Yes. Or under the stove. +1

Steff wrote:5. If you're looking for something on Google, and if it's not on the first page, give up, it don't exist.
Yes. Especially when I am doing a research project I don't like. If I can't find it on the first page, clearly the subject isn't important enough to be researched. +1

Steff wrote:6. Don't clean. If you're waiting long enough, someone else will do that.
I do this. Until the rodents start moving in and cleaning up the food crumbs in my room for me. Then I clean. +.5

Steff wrote:7. I'm lazy when I'm excited about cancelled plans.
Yes. Unless it was something I really, really wanted to do. Then I'm peeved. +.5

Steff wrote:8. Staying in bed while having to pee, hoping it'll go away.
YES. EVERY DAY. (Too much information for you guys though, I bet... Very Happy ) +1

Steff wrote:9. Saying "nevermind" because you don't feel like repeating yourself.
All the time. Especially to my mother. And she has terrible hearing, so she never minds a lot. +1

Steff wrote:10. Changing the date on the homework so the teacher won't know you just did it.
Yes. Every day. Each day the homework is turned in on a different date, yet on the wrong date, but with the right date. +1

Steff wrote:11. Using your feet to pick up things because you're too lazy to reach for it.
Yes. Unless it's too big for my toes to handle. Then I pick it up with my hands. +.5

Steff wrote:12. If you come over and my house is clean, for the love of God, do NOT open a closet.
Yes yes yes yes yeeeeeeees. The bodies are in there. +1

Steff wrote:13. Sorry, I can't today. My sister's friend's mother's grandfather's brother's grandson's uncle's fish died. And yes, it was tragic.
Nope. But I did tell a teacher once that I couldn't go to her class because I had a disease called Cafeterium Neurosis, which is a psychological dependency to remain in the school cafeteria with friends, caused by stress from mentally taxing classes. For some reason, she laughed in my face and made me go to her class anyway... +1

Steff wrote:14. If we cannot find the remote, we will just see whats on the TV at that time!
I don't watch T.V. that much, but when I do...Yep. +1

Steff wrote:15. "kjakfla" is the perfect name for saving a file!
I prefer "jlkjkh." +1

Steff wrote:16. Use the same clothes all day for an eternity.
Not all day for eternity. But when I can pull it off, I wear the same clothes for as many days in a row as possible. My current record: 4 days. But then my mom ruined it all and made me wear clean clothes. Really, why does it matter...? Clothes are all going to get dirty again anyway... +1

Steff wrote:17. Don't charge your phone until it says "low battery".
I don't have a phone, but I do it with my iPod. I wait until it's run out, and then I recharge it. +1

Steff wrote:18. If you say " I'm on the way" then you mean " I haven't started yet".
Yes yes yes yes. Yes. +1

Steff wrote:19. Whenever you want to end a Facebook conversation, just "like" their last comment.
Yup. I do it all the time. Especially to relatives of mine. +1

+0+.5+1+1+1+.5+.5+1+1+1+.5+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 16

Wow. I am a very lazy person. Should I be ashamed of myself?

19Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Fri May 18, 2012 3:45 am



No, only lazy people get 19! 16 means your energetic but usually tired, THAT IS NOT LAZY.


20Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Fri May 18, 2012 8:32 am



Emily Sanders wrote:Wow. I am a very lazy person. Should I be ashamed of myself?

Shame on you. Evil or Very Mad


21Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Fri May 18, 2012 10:04 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Steff wrote:
Emily Sanders wrote:Wow. I am a very lazy person. Should I be ashamed of myself?

Shame on you. Evil or Very Mad
-Tommy Thai



22Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Fri May 18, 2012 2:10 pm


Pawrian Gray wrote:
Steff wrote:
Emily Sanders wrote:Wow. I am a very lazy person. Should I be ashamed of myself?

Shame on you. Evil or Very Mad
-Tommy Thai


Feeling....the need....to screenshot.....this......and......show it......to ame.....where did u find this btw?

23Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Fri May 18, 2012 3:39 pm

Jana V

Jana V

@Emily: Shame on you!!!

24Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Fri May 18, 2012 3:40 pm



@Emily: SHAME ON ME!


25Rules for Lazy People. Empty Re: Rules for Lazy People. Sat May 19, 2012 9:42 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Steff wrote:
Emily Sanders wrote:Wow. I am a very lazy person. Should I be ashamed of myself?
Shame on you. Evil or Very Mad
Jana V wrote:@Emily: Shame on you!!!
*hangs her head and crawls off to a corner to wither away.* Sad

Wyver-Triumph wrote:@Emily: SHAME ON ME!
I can deal with that.

SHAME ON YOU, WYVER! How could you do that?! Mad Especially to...eh...that person, of all people!

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