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Guide: What do you Need to Know About Off-Topic...

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Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Guide: What do you Need to Know About Off-Topic... 1su0A

Yes! hello again! this thread will explain about something that you need to know about OFF-TOPIC!
before read, take this note, ya.
*I'm making this not for rules, but only for some thing you need to know. But it's OK if you want think this is a rule.

understand? kay kay and here is it

1.Your language!
careful, use your best language. The official language is English. speaking like (ups sorry but this is an example :p) "S**t, F**k", or else. It will give you a -Rep.
2.No secrets!
remember, this is a forum. You speak something, everyone can see it, no matter he/she logged to forum or not. So, don;t speak about your privacy/secret things!
3.What i can write? ._.
Here, write anything about your Life. or something not related to miscrimania, but not that means you can advertise, ya. advertise in here.
4.what item that are allowed to share?
this is the allowed items:
-animated pictures (GIF)
and all of them should be not related to adult nature, adversting, fan-made miscrits.(and else)
here, you may make a quiz related to off topics. Some of them are mixed with Miscrimania things. :p

Last edited by Pawrian Gray on Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:40 am; edited 1 time in total


Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

will be updated soon, im writing this in a rush.




I'm gonna give my opinion once it's fully-made. Good luck!


Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

updated and done.




You are definitly the first Guide Master so far. Razz



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