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Guide: Miscrimania-Use it For Your Reputation!

2 posters

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Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Want a reputation(not points) in forum?  Miscrimania can be a way to get some! Here are some ways;
Advert some thread that you make :p
2.Make comics
Make a comic, an unique one if you can.
Maybe a hard way, but it helps a lot.
4.Win a contest
This one is a great choice, beside got rep, you can get advertisment or even interview. This way can done way number 3.
5.Threads in Miscrimania forum
Make some great threads, maybe Miscrimania will advert it.
6.Be a great Miscrimania game player! (Still not able to do)
Be a great player of the game, peoples will know you are a helpful people.

^.^ these ways can be accomplished, sometimes easy and sometimes hard. Try your best! I will update more as Miscrimania update.


Jana V

Jana V

Comics seem to be the funnest and easiest way.

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