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Guide: How to be Interviewed by Miscrimania, PLUS Advertistment!

Pawrian Gray
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Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Guide: How to be Interviewed by Miscrimania, PLUS Advertistment! Aquinebar

Like a Star @ heaven So maybe you're dream is to be interviewed. But, wait! It's not easy, of course. But I've got some ways to catch up your Dream!Like a Star @ heaven 

1.Be famous on forum (Miscrits.com).-hard
Well, based on persons that got interviewed, almost all of them are famous on miscrit forum or have important jobs (Such as Developer, Moderators, Magazine maker, etc.). So, try to make yourself famous as you can, by making useful thread, drawings, or else.
Example of persons that are interviewed without having important jobs: Wendelton(drawing), KazeBlack(Drawing), Mania Gow(Guide), etc.

2.Win a contest.-medium
Some of miscrimania contest have a reward being interviewed, like contest #1 and 3. Try to win it, maybe you can win it!
Exmaple of persons that are interviewed by contest: Wendelton, Bunga, etc.

3.Win Deja-Vu game.-medium/hard
In this forum(miscrimania), there is a game called "Deja-Vu" by the admin, Steff. Where is it? In "Off-Topic" section. (position:most down from all the section in homepage.) Win a season, and you will be interviewed and got an ads!
*NOTE: This way is currently or un-do-able anymore, due to the Deja-Vu game haven't be announced it's next season.
Example of person that are interviewed by Deja-Vu: Sima Miletijevv

4. Win PGP (Potatoes Gonna Potate)-medium
In every edition, there is PGP game in miscrimania. Everytime you win PGP, you got a badge. Collect 3 badges, and got an inteview!
*NOTE: This way is NOT available anymore, since the Badge system is changed. I will NOT write who are interviewed with this way.

5.Pray.-easy (chance 20-50%)
If you not suceed with all the ways in above, then just pray, wish that you will be interviewed.
Example... wait... i don't know do you pray...?
Like a Star @ heaven
New Section: Advertistment!

Yep. A way to make your thingies known by peoples. Everytime the magazine is released, some games popped up~Basically, you need a badge to get your thread/web-site/others adverted. Some ways to make your thingies adverted, or get a badge:

1. Game in Miscrimania -Easy-Medium-Hard
Currently, there are FOUR games in the magazine; PGP(Potatoes Gonna Potate), RoM (Riddles of Miscria), FTMW (Find the Mixed Words), and TYK (Test Your Knowledge). Each of them will grant you ONE Badge. I will list the games from the easiest to the hardest.

-FTMW: You only need to guess the 12 mixed words. They're ususally about Miscrits. Simple, ya?
-TYK: This test your knowledge, about the real world and the game itself, or the forum, or Miscrimania. It's actually fine if you want to do it by racking your brain, but most players are using our dearly search engine (Such as Google, Yahoo!, etc.). Your choice.
-RoM: It could be hard or easy for you, most of them need your knowledge about their lores, or their skills and stats, sometimes. In Edition 34, It took a lot of guessers, but they're all WRONG. This is the tricky part. I've told you, it's NOT only by the lores, and FYI, It's considered as 'Easy level'. So, gud luck. Very Happy
-PGP: Okay. I would like to say the hardest, sometimes the miscrits are re-sized, flipped, or hidden. You need to guess the miscrits that are hidden by shilouette. Most of the players are going to this game first. And, Steff (hi~) Will consider the diffculity. As far, there's two: Tricky and Hard.

2. Sudoku -Medium Or Easy, depends on your skill playing Sudoku.
This is a new branded-game, Steff will pick three players from many ones that wish to play, and they who got most less mistake (As far, this is how do the winner taken) will win. This will Grant THREE badges.

3. Deja-Vu -Medium

4. Contest -Hard
YAY! Who won't join? Just kidding. This is the HARDEST way to win badges, but worthy rewards. You only need to win the contest (How do you win depends on the rules and type of contest). Your rewards are THREE Badges, A INTERVIEW, and additonal things, such as contest #4.

Thank you! Hope it helps!
UPDATE: July 27: Updated... editing some ways, and added advertistment!


Last edited by Pawrian Gray on Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:34 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Update.)






Good thread, keep updating!



Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Steff wrote:Good thread, keep updating!

thanks a lot! XD i only want to help peoples.
i'll update this if there is an event or else with prize interview :p


Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

You forgot something! Cool
PGP-When you get 3 badges from PGP game,you will get an interview as reward!

6Guide: How to be Interviewed by Miscrimania, PLUS Advertistment! Empty S Tue May 08, 2012 11:36 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Sima LYE wrote:You forgot something! Cool
PGP-When you get 3 badges from PGP game,you will get an interview as reward!
Ah yes! I'll update it! XD




I tought I had stickyed it. Now stickying it.


Jana V

Jana V

Wow amazing guide Very Happy



I will pray Cool

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

RockyBalboa wrote:I will pray Cool
I already got interview Cool

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Sima Miletijevv wrote:
RockyBalboa wrote:I will pray Cool
I already got interview Cool
dream become true, lol


Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Pawrian Gray wrote:
Sima Miletijevv wrote:
RockyBalboa wrote:I will pray Cool
I already got interview Cool
dream become true, lol
It wasn't a dream,i just wanted interview and tried my best to get one! Razz

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