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Futuristic City

Emily Sanders
Jana V
Sima Miletijevv
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351Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:55 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Sima Miletijevv wrote:Well, solider wouldn't be called the best if he is beaten that easy. He stand on the ground, alive. He raised his hand, and suddenly, portal appeared in his hand, he could control it. He threw it on May Or, and he disappeared.

Where the portal sent him?
The portal sent him somewhere unknown.

But of course it was not May Or if he didn't leave any souvenires. When the soldier was shocked, May Or purposefully plant tiny golden seeds on the soldier. Unexpectedly, the seeds grown rapidly and wrapped the soldier with giant golden trunks. The soldier is now almost completely covered with heavy gold that's binding and squeezing him until he fell slowly into the ground.

The same happened to Black Rose, will Black Rose be able to avoid her soldier's fate?

352Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:03 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

When Black Rose noticed that gold is growing on her, first she was shocked. But then, roses, black roses started breaking gold. Nobody knew, but she had the secret power. Breaking the gold, black roses were making wings, and now she was able to fly. Now, she was heading back to the city, to send more soliders and finaly destroy the place.

353Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:04 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Sima Miletijevv wrote:When Black Rose noticed that gold is growing on her, first she was shocked. But then, roses, black roses started breaking gold. Nobody knew, but she had the secret power. Breaking the gold, black roses were making wings, and now she was able to fly. Now, she was heading back to the city, to send more soliders and finaly destroy the place.
In the half-ruined city, the evil forces propaganda flags were waving in every towers, black airships were shielding the city from the warm sunlight and soldiers were cleaning every bits of people left to arrest. Narita, whereas, was lurking through the dark part of the city with her temperature mode. She's now invisible, she's now just a form of cold air, but she's not completely undetectable since infrared glasses could see temperature. She was wondering what was happening to the city and she started to feel unsafe.

Last edited by Jana V on Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

354Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:17 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Meanwhile, Draco and Iva beaten their enemies easy, and Iva saved the spellbook from the girl. They were heading to the city, ready to save it.

What powers do the spellbook hide?

355Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:22 pm

Jana V

Jana V

In the city, something caught Narita's sense. She heard footsteps and she stayed calm so she didn't make any sound. The man stopped just behind Narita, who was invisible.

"Narita, is that you?"

First Narita went panic but she recognised the voice. Narita quickly became visible and went to the man and hugged him. "Man Go! It's you!" Man Go was the head of the secret police department, which was now defeated by the evil forces. "How on earth did you find me?"

"I can sense your coldness around, hehe. Follow me, I know somewhere safe."

356Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:57 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

They were there. Slowly walking around half-destroyed city, Draco and Iva were ready to revenge Black Rose. Suddenly, tornado appeared out of nowhere heading to them. Draco stood in front of it. Fire started growing in his arms. He released giant fire blast, destroying the tornado.
- Who attacked us? Iva said curiously.
Up in the sky, Black Rose was going down.

Draco started sending fire blasts, and Iva threw five blades at her. She dodged all attacks fast, and kicked Iva. Solidars were heading to them too.
-We don't have any chances, we must go now! Draco said.
Black Rose started making tornados and attacking them, and Draco was they were dodging the attacks. Draco sent lighting at her and hitted her, but she was still standing on the ground. Soliders were there, ready to fight to death.
-Lets go! Iva said, she summoned a dragon.
Draco didn't liked leaving from fight, but they didn't had any chance. He went away with Iva, but they will come back.

357Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:58 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Narita is now in safe hands, in the secret HQ of the resistance force. The location is impassable by unauthorised people, because it's located in a vortex dimension that has no definite place in the real world. It can be found anywhere in the city at any random times. In addition, it has a hard iron wall assisted with magic seals to protect the HQ, also with strong fighters ready to protect it.

"Narita, welcome to the Resistant City Force."

She was introduced to several fighters. They seemed powerful and each of them wielded unique weapons, a giant fan, a big steel golem, a crystal shield with a tiger carved on it and much more.

"I believe you are far than powerful enough to join us. We must resist."

358Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:05 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

They landed in hidden place in the City. Iva started summoning giant tigers, dragons and many different monsters. After few minutes, their little army of monsters were ready.
Dragons were summoned high in the sky, where Iva was controlling the air, and Draco was with few other monsters down the ground.
Few people with powers joined them, they had flying abilities, some of them were using magic, giant swords or riding a monster.

-Okay we are ready now. Let's go and destroy them.
Draco started telling their plan to others, preparing to take one little base of united forces of evil's, so they could have a base and some weapons.

359Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:11 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Iva and air force were near the one of the bases of united evil forces. She jumped of the Dragon, since they weren't high in the sky anymore. Soliders started attacking her, but that few dragons started sending fire rays at them. She was in the base with two people with her. More soliders came near them. One of them tried to attack her, but she dodged the attack and slashed him with a sword. Man with a sword and one that could use plants to battle started fighting with Iva. Dragons were waiting near the base.

360Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:13 pm





Looks:Messy brown hair.Ripped Sleeved-shirt (Brown).Ripped Baggy green jeans.Wears a Locket.

Power:Locket of the Sands allows him to control any ground or earth type stuff.He can use his aura fluently.(Make a shield of Aura,make stuff come to him ect.)He can transform into a Golem.

Monster/Pet follower:Locket of the sands.(can transform into pets and monsters.)

History: He is from a rich family but he ran away cause he hates money.He traveled the desert and found an ancient tomb with the locket he wears in it.Soon he joined the resistance.(Story is long but i'm to lazy so keep rest as unknown!)

Anyone can use this character if you want!
Lycus was relaxing until he heard some footsteps.Then a familiar voice."Lycus,what are you doing?".Lycus sat their in thought for a moment then said "Colen?" as he turned his head."Ya,it's me.What are you doing.I didn't know you were the type to relax."Lycus replied "I've had a hard day."."Well,I don't know if you could help me,but when I went home,I found my parents dead and the house frozen completely.The only clue was this....White Rose." Colen said."White rose?!" Lycus got up quickly."Black Rose might know something.Follow me fast." He started to run to Black Rose.(He can follow her smell).Soon he fell off a cliff and bumped into someone.After a few seconds he said "Draco?"

361Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:15 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Iva and Draco battled their way closer and closer towards the base, but they stopped. A big explosion happened at the base itself, burning all of its soldiers and dragons. Iva and Draco almost got swallowed by the flaming explosion. They felt lucky, another force is attacking the evil forces at the same time, which will increase their success rate.

362Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:21 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Iva and Draco tooked weapons that left in the explosion, now they needed to take other base under their control. They already were gone when other force came to see who was there. In the meantime, Vampire Lord sent group of vampires and soliders to check what happened to the base.

363Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:25 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Sima Miletijevv wrote:Iva and Draco tooked weapons that left in the explosion, now they needed to take other base under their control. They already were gone when other force came to see who was there. In the meantime, Vampire Lord sent group of vampires and soliders to check what happened to the base.
Meanwhile in the sky celestial bird dragons were flocking into the city, dropping light bombs that wards off dark auras from the city, slowly cleaning up the city. More bombs arrived in the bases of the United Forces of Evil.

364Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:29 pm



Jana V wrote:
Sima Miletijevv wrote:Iva and Draco tooked weapons that left in the explosion, now they needed to take other base under their control. They already were gone when other force came to see who was there. In the meantime, Vampire Lord sent group of vampires and soliders to check what happened to the base.
Meanwhile in the sky celestial bird dragons were flocking into the city, dropping light bombs that wards off dark auras from the city, slowly cleaning up the city. More bombs arrived in the bases of the United Forces of Evil.
As Lycus got up he realized he was hallucinating.A bomb fell onto him burning off his arm."Ahhhhh,he screamed in pain".

365Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:34 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

It wasn't possible to destroy their bases, because they have static shields that are protecting them. You could only attack from the ground, there was the only way to go in.

366Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:36 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Sima Miletijevv wrote:It wasn't possible to destroy their bases, because they have static shields that are protecting them. You could only attack from the ground, there was the only way to go in.
Alright still they are bombing to make the situation tenser.

367Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:02 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

In main base of united evil forces........

-Sir, somebody is bombing our bases!
-Send special units to take care of that.
-Sir, yes sir! Solider walked away fast.

Meanwhile, Iva and Draco were in old building far from city.
-We upgraded defense weapons on the base!
-Great, now continue repairing the base, i will help you. I will be there in few minutes. -Draco said.

368Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:09 pm

Jana V

Jana V

The crowd of celestial bird dragons passed the city, and unexpectedly didn't come back to bomb the city again. It seemed the wave of attack wasn't full force. The people in the ground also seem to retreat to nowhere. However Iva and Draco's attack still continues.

369Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:14 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

While Draco and his people were finishing their base, Iva was in the city, alone. She wanted to take base alone, without any help. Draco thought that it was bad idea, but he couldn't stop her. She was near enemies base. He slashed two of the soliders quietly with her sword, and she was able to enter the base so nobody saw her.

Will she be able to take the base?

370Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:19 pm

Jana V

Jana V

May Or, who was sent to nowhere by Black Rose's underling, found himself stranded in a sandy desert. Everywhere he looked around, it was just the blue bright sky or the golden sand. Nothing else. No plants. No life. No objects. No clouds. He almost exhausted himself because of the heat and the lack of water, but he finally found something. A shelter. It looked like an ancient temple with hieroglyphics writing on it, but half destroyed. When he got inside, he was stunned by the cavernous space he was lead to, with mythical statues, and most importantly, an oasis.

371Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:14 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Meanwhile, in place far from the Futuristic City, something was happening. It was underwater world, where people were looking normal, they could do everything in same speed, they could "fly" in the water and do everything like people in the city, since the water was magic.
-Sir, two of our soliders died.
-It seems that water was poisoned by the liquid from some bombs that somehow got in our water too.We took care of it, water is clear now, but i am afraid that it could happen again.
-From where came the bombs?
-If i am not wrong, and i am usualy always right, it came from place called Futuristic City, it is very advanced place.
-You and group of soliders will go there and see what happens. Send Lady Bat and Emily with you.
-Sir, yes sir!
-Good luck Makko!
He got out the room fast, he was going to the small house not that far from the castle.
-We must go now.
-B...but where??? little girl asked.
I will explain later, hurry up!
Girl started running with him.

Meanwhile, Iva took the base on her control, and they had two bases now.The were stronger.

372Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:17 pm

Jana V

Jana V

In the Resistant Force headquarters, the top people were having a important meeting.

"The city under the evil's occupation is very vulnerable. The people are against them, the city's infrastructure is failing and they have no official allies abroad. Their only advantage is power and forces in a very big scale. That's why we must structure a witty strategy to get all the states surrounding them into war agains them. The magical underwater city, the Thundercats Tribe, the desert state of Neferosa, the jungle state of Maouiwe and the town of Mediena. If we got all those forces together, the evil force wouldn't have any chance. Any questions?"

No one answered.

"Good. We must get them to co-operate."

373Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:22 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Meanwhile in the headquarters of the evil forces.....

"Alright, we have seen that some people are trying to defend the city, as we expected. We know that one of the forces will try to be together with other places like underwather city, thanks to spy bugs from our best soliders. Good job. But they will be suprised, because thundercats tribe is willing to help us to destroy this place."
-Sir, some people were located at the beach of the city, we couldn't find them on the list of people who live there.
-Interesting. Send group of soliders to see who are they. And if you think that they could maybe help us, bring them here, to me.
-Sir, yes sir!

Solider left the room.

Meanwhile, Iva and Draco were raising their power with now 2 bases.

374Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:29 pm

Jana V

Jana V

The Resistant Forces (RS) had reliable espionage forces too. Microx was a human and insect hybrid well known for his ability to remain completely undetected as he moves. When he does this he sprays a gas of incognito from his butt that removes any trace of himself for a long time and let him spy without ever getting caught. His weakness is well, he's not a good fighter.

Microx reported to Mango about the Thundercats Tribe's latest move which was to support the city's evil forces. However, the good news were that the other states were wanting to co-operate.

"Alright, send a blockade so the tribe cannot supply troops to the city. If possible eliminate the leader of the tribe. Fiona and Zigrax, you two could go."

Fiona was a florist that uses deadly scent and gooey vines to immobilise opponents. Zigrax has a gigantic axe that can easily makes earthquake. The two of them were ready to confront the Thundercat Tribes.

375Futuristic City - Page 15 Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:41 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Group of soliders with different super powers were heading to underwater city people.
-You stop right there! Solider said.
-Oh shut up! Emily said.
Emily was girl from water tribe, she knows only water skills. She is wearing blue shirt and dark blue dress, she has brown, dark hair and some material on her hand that shows that she is from water tribe.
She started running at them and made water appear in her hand. She started hitting them with water that became ice when she released them. Every solider fall on the ground, one by one.
-Well, that was easy.

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