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Futuristic City

Emily Sanders
Jana V
Sima Miletijevv
9 posters

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1Futuristic City Empty Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:26 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv


Futuristic City is very,very large city in the future that is different in every areas of this large city.Here,people,aliens and monsters live together,and people have different powers.

Characters that will pop out of nowhere and spice the things up:The police officer,Robot guard,strange man,hungry monster,mysterious lady,detective Smith,black rose(I will explain how this character looks later).

Different areas in this large city and places you can go:

The Dark Side
Futuristic City Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR0kTt7wa2LB7Q9iSA7HKEem3YklzGTS3AfeG3XE3TO30xXsRdD Futuristic City Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdt4YYUM5tzaUO-WcG3-LcPhulkrxIfPAImYHdqYwf6V0rg-EOZw
The name sounds very scary,and as the name says this place is always in dark.How you will ask?Well,large buildings that are putted very close make a shadows that makes one large area covered in dark every minute of the day.Be careful,many monsters are hiding there...........

Music Arena
There are arenas where you fight but this is a music arena!We say music can do a lot of things,but in music arena,you can fight with music!You just choose your instrument or choose to sing against other group and fighting will start!(We shall be able to do this when many members join this roleplay,i will explain how fight works better later).

Cold forest
In one place of the town,there is big garden that is so big that it is like a forest!But on question why is it cold in there,nobody knows the answer.......

The ship of ghosts
In the end of the city there is a big boat that is so old that there is ghosts in it.Skeletons guard the boat because there is a treasure in it that many heroes tried to get.Will you get it?

Fire island
Fire island is the most dangerous place in this city,actually it is far away from the city but it isn't that far.Nobody actually was there to see it but from the city you can see one big volcano in it and many weird plants around it.There is many different monsters in this island that you never seen........

The center
The center is the center of this big city.There is many shops there and many not so big buildings.But there is one,the biggest building of all.It is called the air building because it is so high that when you are on the top of it you can touch the clouds!

Cookies land
When you don't have time to fight,go in magical land that is filled with delicious cookies,but watch out for cookie monster!

There will be new enemies,and few of them are coming.
Thundercats tribe,Vampire lord,and many more..
Who will be the first enemy?Stay tuned.........


More updates coming soon.......

Last edited by Sima Miletijevv on Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:44 pm; edited 7 times in total

2Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:26 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv



Looks:(If you are lazy to make this you don't need to but it would be nice if you could)Tall,black eyes,black hair.

Power:can control all elements to attack and to defend himself.(Air,Fire,Water,Earth and other......)

Monster/Pet follower:(You don't need to have this if you don't want)Lion Bunny,a big monster that looks like lion and bunny,he is very fast.

You must have this to have a character in this roleplay. What a Face

Last edited by Sima Miletijevv on Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:42 am; edited 1 time in total

3Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:27 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

So i added my character,i will add more places in this city later,and this post will be for list of characters. Razz

List of characters:

Jana V:

Name: May Or

Age: 37

Looks: Business Suit, Moderately good-looking

Power: Alchemy; transforming metals into gold and manipulating it in a big scale

Monster/Pet follower: An invisible angel

History: He was elected as a young mayor a few years ago. Co-incidentally, his name spelled out 'Mayor'. However, his name means May, as he was born in May, and Or, which vaguely is translated into gold. He has the ability to manipulate gold.


Name: Rorak, the Necromancer of Harmony

Age: 23

Looks: Dark Robes (ALL black Magi Overlord Robe), also His face is blacked away by his robe hood.

Power: He is the most powerful Necromancer in all of the galaxy! He can destroy most buildings with 1 attack.

Monster/Pet follower: Since coming to Galactia (Planet of the City) he has had a Ghast as his follower.

Emily Sanders:

Name: Sarah "Xat" Miller

Age: 18

Looks: Petite, thin, large-and-green-eyed, closely-cut brown hair.

Power: Code-creation and code-breaking.

Monster/Pet follower: A young Shadowcrawler (here is a pic of what one looks like: http://www.flickr.com/photos/41917190@N08/4303466842/in/photostream/ ). It is usually a fantasy creature, but for this, it will be an intelligent alien. Also: It can see well in the dark; it can climb walls and hang upside-down from ceilings; it eats rocks; it only speaks in clicks, chirps, whistles and growls, it cannot speak human languages, it relies solely on body language to understand things.

History: Sarah was born to a poor family. She grew up in a bad neighborhood, and fell into the wrong crowd, gave herself a new name: Xat. In order to get food and money, she learned to build and crack codes for the gangs in her area. During a stunt that inevitably led to her fleeing police and angry gang members, she ducked into an alleyway and where she ran into a strange creature--the Shadowcrawler. It was scrounging through garbage and items, and was startled to find a random human girl come barging in; but when it saw that she was terrified and that people were pursuing her, it felt a pang of sympathy and helped her escape. After that, Xat remained with the Shadowcrawler wherever he went.


Name: Alion la Aiustitia

Age: 20

Looks: Moderately good looking, kinda long hair

Power: Control Blue Flames and Water

Monster/Pet follower: Giant Cat with wings

History: Lived a simple life, learned how to manipulate weapons and control powers at a young age.


Name: Lycus,The Demon of Death

Age: 14(Demon Years,Human years-14,000)

Looks: Cool looking Black Cloak with a torn right sleeve showing his white and red hand with claws.(right hand-http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://wikimon.net/images/thumb/e/ef/Bagramon.gif/240px-Bagramon.gif&imgrefurl=http://wikimon.net/Bagramon_(Xros_Wars)&h=240&w=240&sz=26&tbnid=2O-JzfFbRZbk7M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=90&zoom=1&usg=__nGxaTrOOtrhQXgQKKqsvZoXTgN4=&docid=sIP5A8LidHT-FM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=nlrUT42RF6mk0QXy492WBA&ved=0CGUQ9QEwBQ&dur=258)Small horns,Humanish face and Skin color except for right hand which is red.Demon Eyes.(Completely Red except in the middle there is an hourglass shape that is Blue-green)Demon Teeth.Giant Blade on back.(It has tiny spikes so only I can wield it).Tail with a Scythe at the end of it.Black Angelic Wings.Long Silver Spiky hair going down not up.

Power: Assassination powers.Control body at will.(Ex-turn normal nails into killer claws just like Killua from Hunter X Hunter)Controls Flames and Darkness.Blade can not be destroyed and gets strong with more blood on it.Anything drrawn comes to life and he is artist.

Monster/Pet follower: Tigerian.(A Tiger-Human) which has an electric bow and arrow,and knows kung-fu and stuff.

History: Born into a demon race,Lycus was always hated.One day he just killed everybody and went to live in Shadow City were people now name him the Weapons Master.He trains with his blade and challenges anyone who comes on his turf.The years have made him more mature and older,he searches for the 21 gems which give him mysterious power and could save or destroy the world,hoping to save it.He currently has 3,and is arch-enemies with angels.Currently the leader of "Guns n' Blades",which has 10,000 members.


Name: Pyronkight

Age: 18

Looks: Cool jeans,with biker jacket and a helmet with horns...He also has two swords in his back and a hidden blade in his arm with the hammer of fire in his other hand!

Power: Fire and Swordsmanship: He can manupulate fire and create them with his hammer!He is also the greatest swordsman ever!

Monster/Pet follower: Flying Dragon!

History: He comes from a race of dragons and was transformed into a human by a curse that was put on him by his brother on the day he became king!

Name:PG(real name is my username)
Looking:have brown hair, have wolf ear, using white scarf.
Monster/pet follower: a small dark grey wolf with raven wing.
Power/Alchemy:can transform into a werewolf and can make hot blue fire.
History:Long time ago, a mysterious person make a cool wolf that painted with human pose. When halloween midnight, the wolf went out from the painting and ran away from the mysterious painter house with werewolf form. His power will be 3 times much stronger when halloween come. Strangely, he can transform into werewolf even is morning/afternoon.

name:snappy(nick name for my character)(real name:derrick el pincher)
looks:wears big armour and wears metal pincers(can act like a bomerang)
power:king of all crab like creatures.have a whole army in control
pet(monster):a fast crab creature called crabby.its has a big pincer,and as agile as a monkey.renamed jade(yeah jana,i brought jade here into the roleplay.got a prob with that?)

Last edited by Sima Miletijevv on Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:26 pm; edited 10 times in total

4Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:27 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Creatures that you will meet in this city:

Dranny is a creature that looks like half bunny half dragon.They have wings of a dragon and long tail.They are used for transportation.

This creature looks like a dog/wolf.It isn't weird looking,it is just bigger then other dogs or wolfs,and it is much faster.They live in Cold Forest.

This creature is like a monkey,but with one eye and with two tails.He can shoot rays from his eye,he lives in Fire Island,most dangerous place in futuristic city.

Last edited by Sima Miletijevv on Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:03 pm; edited 2 times in total

5Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:51 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

1.You cant make or summon anything that cant be killed or that is immune to attacks
2.Don't make you character overpowered.
3.Stay nice,don't post bad words.

Last edited by Sima Miletijevv on Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:07 pm; edited 2 times in total

6Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:06 am

Jana V

Jana V

Name: May Or

Age: 37

Looks: Business Suit, Moderately good-looking

Power: Alchemy; transforming metals into gold and manipulating it in a big scale

Monster/Pet follower: An invisible angel

History: He was elected as a young mayor a few years ago. Co-incidentally, his name spelled out 'Mayor'. However, his name means May, as he was born in May, and Or, which vaguely is translated into gold. He has the ability to manipulate gold.

7Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:34 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Jana V wrote:Name: May Or

Age: 37

Looks: Business Suit, Moderately good-looking

Power: Alchemy; transforming metals into gold and manipulating it in a big scale

Monster/Pet follower: An invisible angel

History: He was elected as a young mayor a few years ago. Co-incidentally, his name spelled out 'Mayor'. However, his name means May, as he was born in May, and Or, which vaguely is translated into gold. He has the ability to manipulate gold.

Nice!I will add you in character list,i didn't added history to my character because nothing happened to him.

8Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:38 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Suddenly,fast lighting flash is running on its way to air tower.
Climbing on the top and jumping on the clouds searching for somebody.Then,police officer stands on my way:
-Stop right there!
But lighting flash is still moving and all you can see is a police officer falling on the ground.

Meanwhile in music arena,where two groups were fighting,a woman in black jumps in front of the battle.One of the music fighters attacks her with a laser from his guitar but she dodges the attack and throws black rose and hits him in the head and kills him instantly.She leaves the place and after that police and hospital is coming and detectives trying to find out why did that women randomly killed a music fighter.They called her Black Rose

9Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:25 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

I need to go now,others you can make your characters and continue roleplaying,i will be back as soon as i can! What a Face

10Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:30 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Oh and i am using this last few minutes that i am here that i added one more random character in whole story,you will see who is it on first post. Very Happy

11Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:48 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Meanwhile inside the cloud-fogged mayor office above the tower of golden trinity, Mr Or was scanning through his paperwork regarding recent rise in crime, especially murder activity around the music district. "The Black Rose.. interessant."

Unexpectedly the door seemed to ring, and it produced a sheet of paper, like a card, flying towards the mayor's desk. The card was his occasional reminder if he needs to go to an appointment, and in this case he needed a haircut in his favourite barber shop. The 'Razor' was a private salon near downtown, where the famous hair-cutter brothers serve their customers.

This time, however, the brothers were absent. Instead there showed up a creepy, sombre person with sinisterly pale skin.

"I am here to take your order," the person said in a clearly lazy, unwilling way, "please sit down."

Just as May Or was staring sharply at the dusty mirror, the mysterious person rapidly revealed a pair of gigantic scissors from his palm and he swung it towards May Or's head, ready to cut his hair, even his head, in a quick instance. Just as the scissors hit the head, a sharp clang sounded and blew all the dusts on the mirror, giving the mayor a clear vision of what was behind him.

"Impossible. You have.. steel hair?!" The person was questioning how the scissor failed to do its work hesitantly. The mayor nodded calmly. "You're.. it's so rare to encounter people with this trait. You are one lucky person."

"Indeed, a person with steel hair is believed to have a solid, strong mind. And I happen to be one."

The metal particles in the thick blade of the person's scissor polished itself into shiny gold. The gold moved on its own will, finding its way into stabbing the man's heart, squirting a dark, rosy blood. "Black rose. So they have taken serious move around here."

12Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:21 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Jana V wrote:Meanwhile inside the cloud-fogged mayor office above the tower of golden trinity, Mr Or was scanning through his paperwork regarding recent rise in crime, especially murder activity around the music district. "The Black Rose.. interessant."

Unexpectedly the door seemed to ring, and it produced a sheet of paper, like a card, flying towards the mayor's desk. The card was his occasional reminder if he needs to go to an appointment, and in this case he needed a haircut in his favourite barber shop. The 'Razor' was a private salon near downtown, where the famous hair-cutter brothers serve their customers.

This time, however, the brothers were absent. Instead there showed up a creepy, sombre person with sinisterly pale skin.

"I am here to take your order," the person said in a clearly lazy, unwilling way, "please sit down."

Just as May Or was staring sharply at the dusty mirror, the mysterious person rapidly revealed a pair of gigantic scissors from his palm and he swung it towards May Or's head, ready to cut his hair, even his head, in a quick instance. Just as the scissors hit the head, a sharp clang sounded and blew all the dusts on the mirror, giving the mayor a clear vision of what was behind him.

"Impossible. You have.. steel hair?!" The person was questioning how the scissor failed to do its work hesitantly. The mayor nodded calmly. "You're.. it's so rare to encounter people with this trait. You are one lucky person."

"Indeed, a person with steel hair is believed to have a solid, strong mind. And I happen to be one."

The metal particles in the thick blade of the person's scissor polished itself into shiny gold. The gold moved on its own will, finding its way into stabbing the man's heart, squirting a dark, rosy blood. "Black rose. So they have taken serious move around here."

At the same time near the music arena,where the police was exploring this scary murder,Draco and his Lion Bunny were trying to come closer to the Music Arena to find out what happened.The police officers was behind him ready to attack with his electrical weapon.It was long,very long sword that will kill the person when it touch it.Police officer jumped and was ready to attack Draco but as sword touched Draco,body disappeared with cold,clouds that makes your blood,brain,arms and legs freeze in a second.

-That was a air clone! Police officer said and found out that he cant move.

Draco appeared behind him,fire started getting bigger and bigger in his arms,and punched Police Officer in the stomach.That was a shock for his body,first a cold,freezing attack on his body and then a hot,strong hit.It was very powerful attack but just powerful enough to hurt officer but not to kill him.

Draco was about to come closer to music arena but other police dogs that were very wild and deadly,so hungry for humans blood heard that short fight.They started running to attack Draco.They didn't killed him but just trapped him so he couldn't move.Police and detective putted him in jail.

-What were you doing there spying on police near the music arena!?
One of the police asked.
-I just wanted to see what happened,nothing else.
-I cant trust you,you will stay here few days.
-No but!You will do what i said!
Policeman left the room.After few hours Draco made a giant lighting ball and used lighting laser beam to blow up the wall.He jumped and he was falling down.(Jail was huge,high tower).His Lion Bunny was waiting for him on the ground and together the two of them escaped from jail.

13Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:28 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Near the best place for eating in the city,Draco was walking and eating his sandwich.Then he saw beautiful T-shirt that he wanted to buy but he didn't had money to get it.Suddenly,his dark side toked control.Draco used his powers to break the doors of the shop.-Took everything you want!Please just don't kill me! scared man in the store was saying.
Draco just toked T-shirt and left the room.Man from the store called police.

14Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:11 pm

Jana V

Jana V

The police force sprawled all over the city, trying to recapture the escapee Draco. "Sigh, I should've put him in the proper prison," Elber, the head of the police, regretted as he flew through the city jungle of skyscrapers. Fortunately, every prisoner was attached with a tracking chip on their body. So finding him isn't a problem at all. The problem was how to calm him down and cage him.

Meanwhile after May Or decapitated the mysterious person who attempted to kill him with scissors, the press and the polices have already flocked in trying to learn what has just happened.

"No comment," that's all he said to the press, who was demanding further explanation. May Or walked out the crowd looking distressed with the word 'Black Rose' on his mind. "They made their move."

15Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:15 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Police was hunting the Draco,and after some time,one policeman found him.
-Please,don't do anything,i cant explain how,but i actually didn't wanted to do this.
The policeman wasn't so good person,so he said that he will let him,but that he need to give him money at the end of this month.
After that,Draco continued walking and he saw a man yelling:
Music arena is active again!Go and fight in the tournament for a great money reward!
Draco thought that he can earn money,but he needed at least two more people to battle with him.
Then he transformed in lighting flash and started running searching for somebody to help him..........

Police man toked his tracking chip and said he found it on the ground.Now,the police couldn't find him.

16Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:22 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Draco was searching,when suddenly,a lady dressed in black stopped him.Draco was confused.The woman was standing,not saying anything.
-Do i know you? Draco asked.
-No,but i am searching for somebody to help me and battle with me in music arena.
-Great!I am searching for somebody too!We can battle together,but we need one more person.
-Okay.I will wait for you here tomorrow and bring the second person with you.
As the woman left,Draco saw a black rose on the ground.
-You forgot something!
But the woman already left.
-Hmm,i have strange feeling about this,but i really need that money.

17Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:24 pm

Jana V

Jana V

The scene switched to a bunker room, with walls of completely dark solid metal. In the centre sat the officer who had let Draco go, he was sweating panicked, as the dim illuminations around him mesmerised him. A voice spoke just a millimetre beside his ear, "where is Draco?"

The music arena, a rather groovy but gloomy gridlocked area was the top crowd destination especially for younger citizens. People risk being cramped inside a small space, rubbing themselves against strangers, just to receive the entertainment promised. The entertainment itself, a rather dangerous battle, wasn't even completely legal. There has been voices recently from the council to bring down the music arena, but democracy ruled in the city, so people's opinions always overshadowed these proposals. But for the first time since 13 years, the police force will have to interfere with the arena. Suddenly, all the entrances around the circular arena came to a fastened lock. The power went off, replaced by a dimmer lightings from the floor. From the ceiling the police rained down from the sky, scanning for people with their special infrared glasses. Elber is taking serious actions to get Draco.

18Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:33 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Jana V wrote:The scene switched to a bunker room, with walls of completely dark solid metal. In the centre sat the officer who had let Draco go, he was sweating panicked, as the dim illuminations around him mesmerised him. A voice spoke just a millimetre beside his ear, "where is Draco?"

The music arena, a rather groovy but gloomy gridlocked area was the top crowd destination especially for younger citizens. People risk being cramped inside a small space, rubbing themselves against strangers, just to receive the entertainment promised. The entertainment itself, a rather dangerous battle, wasn't even completely legal. There has been voices recently from the council to bring down the music arena, but democracy ruled in the city, so people's opinions always overshadowed these proposals. But for the first time since 13 years, the police force will have to interfere with the arena. Suddenly, all the entrances around the circular arena came to a fastened lock. The power went off, replaced by a dimmer lightings from the floor. From the ceiling the police rained down from the sky, scanning for people with their special infrared glasses. Elber is taking serious actions to get Draco.

Elber was in arena,searching for Draco,suddenly,in the middle of arena,Draco appeared with a guitar.
-What the...... Elber was shocked.
Red,burning circle appeared around Draco.Power went on.
Draco started singing.
You don't have,
any chance against me.
(music started)
And if you fight back,
(Ice ray from the guitar attacked Elber and froze him.)
I will use,
the burning fire,
that is in my heart!
(now a fire laser attacked Elber and made a shock to his body making him to fall on the ground,almost death,same as for the police officer.)
-Well,that was extremely easy.And i thought i am weak. Draco said.
Draco came closer to Elber.
-You will stop searching for me!Be happy that you are alive!

Draco left the room quietly leaving the T-shirt he toked before.

19Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:56 pm

Jana V

Jana V

The other police force was temporarily immobilised, but when Draco busted his way out, the force regained its alert. The police poured out of the arena, ready to locate Draco again. The chip was still attached, and again, finding him would be no trouble. The thing is that they need strong reinforcements to capture him. Strong one.

20Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:04 pm



Name: Rorak, the Necromancer of Harmony

Age: 23

Looks: Dark Robes (ALL black Magi Overlord Robe), also His face is blacked away by his robe hood.

Power: He is the most powerful Necromancer in all of the galaxy! He can destroy most buildings with 1 attack.

Monster/Pet follower: Since coming to Galactia (Planet of the City) he has had a Ghast as his follower.


21Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:08 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Draco was walking on the street thinking where to hide,he tried to get off tracking chip but he couldn't.
-Leo! Draco was yelling.
Suddenly his lion bunny appeared.Come on Leo,we have some work to do.He and his pet Leo were heading to giant boat.Two Skeletons were guarding and standing on Draco's way.
-You shall not pass.
Draco attacked both skeletons with strong Lighting hit destroying the skeletons.
-You cant stand on my way.I will hide here,police wouldn't search for me here.

22Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:09 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:Name: Rorak, the Necromancer of Harmony

Age: 23

Looks: Dark Robes (ALL black Magi Overlord Robe), also His face is blacked away by his robe hood.

Power: He is the most powerful Necromancer in all of the galaxy! He can destroy most buildings with 1 attack.

Monster/Pet follower: Since coming to Galactia (Planet of the City) he has had a Ghast as his follower.

Great!I shall add you in characters list! Very Happy

23Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:11 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

I need to go now,you can continue roleplaying,you shall see me later! Very Happy

24Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:23 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Sima Miletijevv wrote:Draco was walking on the street thinking where to hide,he tried to get off tracking chip but he couldn't.
-Leo! Draco was yelling.
Suddenly his lion bunny appeared.Come on Leo,we have some work to do.He and his pet Leo were heading to giant boat.Two Skeletons were guarding and standing on Draco's way.
-You shall not pass.
Draco attacked both skeletons with strong Lighting hit destroying the skeletons.
-You cant stand on my way.I will hide here,police wouldn't search for me here.
Unfortunately, Draco was right. Even though the police managed to gather strong reinforcement, it's just common sense not to go into the boat. The boat is cursed. However, there's an alternative. Trapping Draco inside the boat so he can never come out.

25Futuristic City Empty Re: Futuristic City Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:19 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders:

Name: Sarah "Xat" Miller

Age: 18

Looks: Petite, thin, large-and-green-eyed, closely-cut brown hair.

Power: Code-creation and code-breaking.

Monster/Pet follower: A young Shadowcrawler (here is a pic of what one looks like: http://www.flickr.com/photos/41917190@N08/4303466842/in/photostream/ ). It is usually a fantasy creature, but for this, it will be an intelligent alien. Also: It can see well in the dark; it can climb walls and hang upside-down from ceilings; it eats rocks; it only speaks in clicks, chirps, whistles and growls, it cannot speak human languages, it relies solely on body language to understand things.

History: Sarah was born to a poor family. She grew up in a bad neighborhood, and fell into the wrong crowd, gave herself a new name: Xat. In order to get food and money, she learned to build and crack codes for the gangs in her area. During a stunt that inevitably led to her fleeing police and angry gang members, she ducked into an alleyway and where she ran into a strange creature--the Shadowcrawler. It was scrounging through garbage and items, and was startled to find a random human girl come barging in; but when it saw that she was terrified and that people were pursuing her, it felt a pang of sympathy and helped her escape. After that, Xat remained with the Shadowcrawler wherever he went.

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