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Jana V
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Last edited by Herobrine on Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:25 pm; edited 5 times in total


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Table Of Contents

1. Intro
2. You are here
3. Rules
4. Bio Format
5. Character List
6. Harmony Geography
7. Magic
8. Magic res
9. Creatures List
10. Creatures List res

11. Res
12. Res
13. Res
14. Res


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1. No Autohitting/Godmodding/Powerplaying, etc.
2. We will all be roleplaying as humans, which means no elves, no orcs, no dwarves.
3. There is magic, just remember that it draws energy from the caster.
4. There are Vampires and Werewolves, but they are unplayable.
5. There is no character requirement on bio's, as long as you provide a decent character description.
6. Non bio's are accepted, but they must be very detailed.
7. Horses do exist.
8. No teleportation.
9. You will be given three warnings, then a banning.
10. Respect both me and the POP.
11. Use common sense, if you are being rude or disrespectful, you will be kicked if you ignore your first 3 warnings.
12. Put "I can read teh rulez too" at the bottom of your bio
13. 2 characters per person


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26-May-2012 15:29:25 Last edited on 26-May-2012 16:14:08 by NotFishing
Bio Format




Personality: (Optional)

Physical Appearance:

Clothing/Armour: (Definately required)

Weapons: (Optional, but recomended)

Magic: (If any)

Short History: (Don't have to go too detailed if you don't want, as long as it provides a decent description of your character's backround.)


Fill this out

Username|Character Name|Age|Gender|Page of bio


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Character List:

Username| Character Name|Age|Gender|Page of bio

BlueWyverkai Wyvern|Rorak|23|Male|Evil
BlueWyverkai Wyvern|Mayor Akoren|23|Male|Secretive

Last edited by BlueWyverkai Wyvern on Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:09 am; edited 1 time in total


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Harmony Geography: The land this RP takes place in is called Harmony. It takes about 2 weeks to cross the world on horseback. The far north is dominated by extremely cold mountains, which are covered in snow all year round. Very few people live here, and the only civilization you will find are small hamlets and tiny villages. 60% of Harmony's minerals are collected here. The mountains are also home to Trolls and extremely rare dragons. Occasionally, the dragons fly south to wreak havoc upon villages.

The East and South are made up of Forests, hills, and flatlands, and are teeming with wildlife. There are several towns and cities in that area. You can also find several ports along the coastline. The West is mostly flat land with a few trees. In the very southwest corner of the world is a large swamp, with only 1 or 2 towns in that area. About 2 miles north of the swamp is the Capital of Harmony. It doesn't have a name, it is just known as the Capital.


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Magic: Magic in this thread is pretty simple. Magic draws power from the caster, which means overusing it could prove fatal. The stronger the spell, the more energy that is drawn from you. You are not limited to what is on this list, feel free to make up ideas, as long as they aren't overpowered. If I like it enough, I might just add it to the list.

Elemental - Elemental Magic gives you control of 1 of the 4 elements: Air, Water, Earth, or Fire. Its pretty self explanatory, really. As long as you remember that you cannot create your chosen element and use it against people, you must have access to it. So a Water mage can't make water appear out of thin air if they are miles from a lake or river. An easy way to solve this is for water mages to carry water with them, and for fire mages to carry around some way to start a fire.

Healing - Healing Magic is the ability to heal injuries, from a papercut to an arrow in the knee. However, you will find that a sword in the chest or a missing arm are beyond your abilities. Healing Magic can take years to learn. Just remember - whether you are healing yourself or someone else, it still draws energy from you.

Telekinis - The ability to move objects with your mind, however not only does this require power, but also deep concentration. The bigger the object, the more power and concentration required. This can take up to a lifetime to master. Masters of Telekinisis are also able to send Telepathic messages and read mines.

Necromancy - The ability to summon undead minions to aid in you in combat. Unfortunately though, Necromancy is outlawed, and Necromancers are to be killed on sight. No player-owned characters can use this magic, other than my own.


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Magic Res


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Creature List: All creatures encountered in the RP shall be recorded here.

Undead - Humans that have been brought back to life by necromancers. Their appearance depends on how much their body has already decomposed, which means freshly killed zombies might look alot like a normal human being (You know, aside from the wounds/injuries that killed them). While Undead are capable of wielding weapons, they are not very skilled with them. Due to the fact they are already dead, they can put up with alot more wounds then the average human. However, the head seems to be the weak point.


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There is a now a thing called Classes which decides what you are all together.

Paladin: A holy warrior working for Akoren

Mage: As you know... It casts spells

Business Man: Can summon money creatures to attack for them!

Summoner/Druid: They're mages of nature. They can summon anything BUT undead.

More soon!

Last edited by BlueWyverkai Wyvern on Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:25 am; edited 1 time in total


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Res 2


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Res 3


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Res 4


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Res 5


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Cool Join in! I've completed Cool

Last edited by BlueWyverkai Wyvern on Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:44 am; edited 2 times in total


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Name: Rorak

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Personality: Evil Necromancer

Physical Appearance: His face is blacked away by his robe hood.

Clothing/Armour: Dark Robes (ALL black Magi Overlord Robe),

Weapons: Staff with black orb ontop.

Magic: Necromancy

Short History: As a child he was reading books about magic and ponies but as he grew and was accepted to Wizard's Guild he was a Black Magic/Necromancy user! He was excluded and never seen until now.


Fill this out

BlueWyverkai Wyvern|Rorak|23|Male|Evil


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Name: Mayor Akoren

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Personality: Secretive and Unseen

Physical Appearance: Unkniwn

Clothing/Armour: Suit with gold chain round neck

Weapons: N/A

Magic: Many suspect Necromancy

Short History: His history was too brutal to him to say. But most believe he is brother to the Necromancer Rorak!


Fill this out

BlueWyverkai Wyvern|Mayor Akoren|23|Male|Secretive


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Jana V

Jana V


I'll just start shooting everyone while dancing.

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Please, don't spam my thread!


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Jana V

Jana V

LOL sorry, but that's what 'fun' roleplay is all about. So what should I do in this land?

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Jana V wrote:LOL sorry, but that's what 'fun' roleplay is all about. So what should I do in this land?

First read the threads, you'll find an application to fill in


23REMOVED!!!! Empty Re: REMOVED!!!! Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:06 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Can't you just give me a character to play? Razz

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Jana V wrote:Can't you just give me a character to play? Razz

Just copy and paste the application then fill it in and post it on the thread. V.V


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Jana V

Jana V

Owh, so you could make your own character?

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