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1REMOVED!!! Empty REMOVED!!! Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:47 pm




Last edited by Herobrine on Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


2REMOVED!!! Empty Re: REMOVED!!! Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:48 pm



Because every roleplay needs them

1. Follow the Miscrimania rules.
2. Don’t godmod, don’t meta-game, don’t overpower your character, don’t auto-hit, don’t… You get the drift.
3. Romance isn’t really smart here on this island, since you could get the task to hit him/her on the ground anytime. But I guess it’s allowed… just keep it at pegi-13
4. Those who post one-liners shall burn.
5. Sorry for the guys who got a day-based task, but I really hate time-skips. You have to put yourself through it!
6. Abilities for Mutari can pretty much be everything, except manipulating space, time, other people or katanas.


3REMOVED!!! Empty Re: REMOVED!!! Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:49 pm



-The different animals on the island-

Unnamed animal
These large animals, standing a total height of 30 feet, are one of the beasts Jack had found while venturing the area. They have a large, flat horn with two bone spheres at the end, and are rather fat. Standing on four feet with toes built into it's feet on the end and with his sharp teeth it isn't really the animal that you should be making angry. Nothing is known about their aggressiveness level, but they get mad if you shoot at them with a crossbow.

Unnamed animal #2
Quite a plump in appearance, with short fur covering it, these little cute animals was one of the things Renee found while survying the area. They have a tail like a bunny and ears too, but longer. They also have four paws, the front ones bearing huge claws at least around the length of half a pencil, and have pads on it like a cats. Nothing is known about their beheviour, but they seem to like a certain red berry.

These beast are rather dangerous carnivorous animals, standing roughly 3 feet on their four paws. They hunt on their own and are always searching for prey. Because of that they practically attack everything smaller then them. Leorepti look like feline beasts, somewhat like a cross between a lion and a jaguar. Apart from their grey hide. The thing what makes this animal so dangerous aren't only their sharp teeth, but they are also able to climb. Their arms and feet are able to move sidewards, making them also able to move quickly through the tops of the trees.

Sapara are funny little creatures, that resemble a gecko. They are around 1 feet tall from their head to the end of their tails, and have six feet instead of four. They move pretty fast, and are pretty peacefull animals. Just be sure you don't eat them, the poison produced from their skin is able to knock you out for a bit.


4REMOVED!!! Empty Re: REMOVED!!! Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:49 pm



-bio sheet-

Name: (first and last)

Number: (The watchers and the presenter aren’t going to call you by your name. You’re an ‘unworthy creature’ after all. Please leave this empty, I’ll give you your number once I accepted your bio.)

Age: (The humans are pretty cruel, but not that cruel. ‘Contestants’ must be at least 16 years old.)



Clothing: (keep it simple, they aren’t going to give a slave a tuxedo.)

Weapon: (Once again, they aren’t going to give a slave a gun. Keep it simple.)

Ability: (can be everything! Use your imagination!)

Short history: (Most Mutari are born a slave, just so you know.)

Other: (Something else we need to know about your character?)

And fill this out, please: Username|charactername|Number|age|gender|ability|page of your bio


5REMOVED!!! Empty Re: REMOVED!!! Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:49 pm




When you thought the island itself wasn’t enough. Every Mutari dumped on the island will be given a task. Completing a task will result in one point. The one who completed the most tasks before the season ends, will be a free (wo)man. But don’t expect that to happen so fast, as these tasks are incredibly difficult.
To keep things… interesting, you may not make up your own task. But neither may I. I’m going to write some tasks down on a paper and let a random number generator choose. How random is that? Of course, if you have any ideas for a task yourself, feel free to mention them. If I like them, I’ll add them to the list. For the sake of social interaction, the most tasks have something to do with another contestant. And most of the time, it isn’t in their favor. So be prepared for a lot of resistance and battles.

Taken tasks:
Scyler404/Kathy: Make sure number 2 doesn't get wounded even once for one day.
RainAtDawn/Renee: Don't use your ability for a whole day.
Lsufsvar/Jack: Defeat number 2 in a fair fight.

Tasks ready to be taken:
-Wound at least every contestant once.
-Make sure number (?) doesn’t complete his task within two days.
-Steal the weapon of number (?)
-Defeat a random contestant bare handed.
-Don’t harm anything for a whole day.

If a mission fails you’ll have to do it over again. In the case if that is impossible, you’ll receive a new one without getting any points.
Also ‘defeating’ doesn’t mean kill, but knock out. Having your character killed isn’t really enjoyable.


6REMOVED!!! Empty Re: REMOVED!!! Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:51 pm



Character list:

Amount of points:

Last edited by BlueWyverkai Wyvern on Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


7REMOVED!!! Empty Re: REMOVED!!! Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:51 pm



You May Join Survive!


8REMOVED!!! Empty Re: REMOVED!!! Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:59 pm



Name: Rorak Necromi

Number: Taskmaster/Presenter

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Blacked Away Face

Clothing: Full Black Version of Magicite Overlord clothing.

Weapon: Staff of Necromancy

Ability: Can use all Necromancy and Telekinetic Magicks

Short history: You know it.

Other: He is the presenter of the show


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