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1REMOVED!!!!! Empty REMOVED!!!!! Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:00 am




Last edited by Herobrine on Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:26 pm; edited 2 times in total


2REMOVED!!!!! Empty Re: REMOVED!!!!! Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:09 am



But the shelters did well at protecting against the rain and other weather. The days and nights were very warm due to the location of the colonization, so heat was not an issue. Scientists began to study insects and animals in make shift labs and logged them by appearance, name, and threat level. There was a large crater nearby but it was too steep for anyone to climb down without help. Eventually brave explorers ventured down into the massive crater and discovered many cave entrances inside. They came back with information and a new long term objective was set. Long term colonization began at the original site and now inside the craters. Exploration of caves began and research of all surrounding areas of the planet began. The two towns became part of a single community know as Neo-Domus, meaning New Home. Repopulation began in Neo-Doums and after many years a new community was being built upon trust, friendship and kinship. This is our new life.


Ok, so basically, you are a colonial on this new world. This is a roleplay that has the main plot of recreating Earth. You can choose to help in the various missions and objectives, you can explore the new world, help other individuals with tasks or seek out your own personal gain in relationships, romantic or otherwise, wealth etc. It's up to you, but reputation will be earned based on your decisions, so be careful what you do. Further explanations will be posted later.


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-Basic Rules, No Spam, leet, powerplaying, godmodding etc.
-You may have as many character as you want.
-If you wish to start a mission please run it by me first, then you can recruit players.
-To go off and explore beyond the colony and explored areas (Known as the 'Beyond') you must have at least 10 successful missions under your belt with at least 100 XP Points (gained by being part of successful missions.)
-More rules will come as I think of them.


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Current Missions:


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Characters: (Name/Age/Gender/Username/Bio Page #)


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Bio App:





History (Who you were on Harmony, jobs, abilities, etc.)

New Job: (Job in Neo-Domus)



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Active Missions:

-Gather Resources
*To keep the new Colony up and running resources always need to be gathered. Building materials as well as information on the planet.

-Explore the caves
*To know the full extent of the available and usable resources the underground areas must be explored and mapped and new caves must be dug out to try to find good veins of minerals, metals and precious materials.


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Missions Explained:

Missions are not only to help the colony and individual people, but they are also to gain experience to be able to explore beyond the mapped surrounding of the Neo-Domus (The Beyond). It will also allow individuals to create missions in the Beyond to further the exploration options. Anyone, however, can create a mission with the safe areas of the Neo-Domus. After I approve of a mission you can begin to recruit people to your Mission. I will do an online dice roll to determine the experience points gained and the outcome (success or failure) of the mission. All participants in the mission will then receive experience if the mission is a success. Basically you don't roleplay the events that lead to success, you basically roleplay the events (Success and failure, that will also be determined by dice roll, let me know when you need this done) and when you reach the high point of research, or exploration, and when you have done all you can possibly do without determining success let me know and I will do the final dice roll and I will let you know the results.

Mission App:

Objective: (Very Basic, Like the title of the mission)
Experience Maximum (Between 20-50 XP, I will roll a die and whatever I land on that percent of the Max XP will be the XP gained if the mission is successful.
Purpose: (What is the need?)
Location: (Where will this be done)


9REMOVED!!!!! Empty Re: REMOVED!!!!! Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:13 am



Post NAO!


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