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*READ ME* Callum Banned.

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1*READ ME* Callum Banned. Empty *READ ME* Callum Banned. Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:47 pm



Callum, Herobrine, Skylord_Rorak... I just banned him for 27 days, or better said, till 1st August. I know you know the reason, spamming and insulting daily, but this time he negative reped 18 posts of Jana Virananda. I stopped that in right moment.

Callum, if you are reading this, I'm letting you know that you are getting your third and last chance from Miscrimania. You can be back then, but if you do another mistake, you will be banned forever.

Callum was the only problem here till now, and I hope that he will be the last one. Thank you.


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