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1Verification READ BEFORE SIGN-UP! Empty Verification READ BEFORE SIGN-UP! Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:57 am



Hi to all wanting to sign up to the Miscrimania forum,

Once you have signed up and submitted your details.
Just shut your browser down and look for a verification email that will be sent from the Miscrimania forum. Please follow the instructions in the email. DO NOT retype your details in again if you do you will get (details already registered.) This is done this way to help cut down false details being given to obtain a forum account. In verifying details in this way helps to stop malicious posting and above all helps prevent wrongful activity on the forum. When you have responded to the verification email the administrator will receive an awaiting approval message and needs to decline or to accept your details.


Please note, if you do sign up you will need to use valid details like a correct email address, this email address will be used to send you a conformation email with a link that you must use to validate your new Miscrimania forum account.

If you don’t use this link in the email your account will never become active, if you don’t activate your account by using the provided link within the email within 7 days your new account will be automatically removed.

Please note, this email is an automatic instant response to you signing up to the Miscrimania forum, this email will be sent regardless to what anyone says or thinks, if you haven’t received this conformation email with the link please check your spam folder.

Also check that your email provider is sending all your mail, a lot of email providers are actively filtering all mail, and a lot are assuming a lot of emails are spam and never forwarding your new mail. So please check for mail on your email providers email server not just on your computer.

So if you haven’t received the conformation email please logon to your online email service that is provided by your inter net service provider and check for it, it’s been sent. There’s nothing I can do if you don’t click on the link to activate your new TEEP account, sorry.

Yours BlueWyverkai Wyvern, Miscrimania forums Want-To-Be administrator.


2Verification READ BEFORE SIGN-UP! Empty Re: Verification READ BEFORE SIGN-UP! Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:26 am



Stefan/Emily please may you make this a sticky on the Forum Index if possible (I think you need to make it an global announcement)


3Verification READ BEFORE SIGN-UP! Empty Re: Verification READ BEFORE SIGN-UP! Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:54 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders


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