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READ FIRST: What Is Roleplay?

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1READ FIRST: What Is Roleplay? Empty READ FIRST: What Is Roleplay? Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:53 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

This section is dedicated to free-form roleplay of any and every kind of theme!

I will try to make this as short and easy-to-read as possible, so no one is turned off by humungous paragraphs.

1) What is free-form roleplay?
Roleplay is like a story being created by many different minds.
Roleplay is not planned beforehand because, like life, unexpected things can happen and all sorts of interesting people can pop up out of nowhere.
You choose a character --whether taking him or her from another source, or creating him or her out of your own imagination-- and play that character's role: Thus Role-Play. You play your character's role.
Free-form means that it is exactly that: unbound by rules (well, except for three simple rules, which are in a different thread). You can roleplay in whatever style you like, how often you like, and do whatever you like.

2) How do I roleplay?
You roleplay by posting in the roleplay thread(s). Your post should:
- Respond to other people's posts
- Be descriptive (what is your character doing? what does he or she look like? where are you? what is happening? what is the weather like? These are not all necessary, but when used, makes roleplay more interesting and fun)
- You should not edit your already-posted posts, unless it is to fix misspelled words. Why? In real life, you can not go back in time to "edit" things you say/said or do/did...thus it should not happen in roleplay either. Doing so is unrealistic, and makes roleplay messy and confusing.

3) What about the roleplay themes?
Each thread will be dedicated to a theme. One can be about fantasy; one about Miscrits; one about science-fiction; et cetera. Let your imagination soar!
However, whatever thread(s) you roleplay in, please stick to the theme. A Miscrit is not going to pop up in the middle of Star Wars, and a medieval fairy is not going to appear in modern cities.

If you have any other questions or have suggestions, please comment on this thread, or PM Emily Sanders.

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