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Realm of Dreams and Shadows

Jana V
Emily Sanders
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51Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:36 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:

As the Sphynx mused within the cave, everything suddenly seems to...become even slower. The air gets a crispness to it, and the sound of whispering wind fills the place although there is no breeze. Suddenly, a woman walks inside. She looks unimpressive, with scraggly brown hair and wearing the clothes of a housewife; but in her hands she holds a little brown book.

She looks up at the Sphynx, and her eyes seem to hold some spark within them...energetic, but wise, and also secretive, as if she knows something he does not.

"Greetings, Sphynx," she says, and she smiles.

How will the Sphynx react?

The Sphynx surprised,stared for a second.Many people has come to the Cave before,but he had not seen something like this.He couldn't describe it but he felt as if something was different.Then he cleared his mind,He did what he was supposed to do.
"Hello," He began "Do you think you are worthy to pass through this cave?If not,then leave,If so,answer this riddle Correctly and I shall allow you to pass."
"There are 3 doors.Behind 1 is a treasure and behind 2 are sacks of coal.You may choose a door but before you do,I shall open a door for you."The Sphynx says as he opens on of the 3 doors that are at his left.In the door lies a closed sack of coal."Now,will you take the door I opened or will you open another door?"

52Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:38 pm



ShadowsMaster wrote:
Emily Sanders wrote:

As the Sphynx mused within the cave, everything suddenly seems to...become even slower. The air gets a crispness to it, and the sound of whispering wind fills the place although there is no breeze. Suddenly, a woman walks inside. She looks unimpressive, with scraggly brown hair and wearing the clothes of a housewife; but in her hands she holds a little brown book.

She looks up at the Sphynx, and her eyes seem to hold some spark within them...energetic, but wise, and also secretive, as if she knows something he does not.

"Greetings, Sphynx," she says, and she smiles.

How will the Sphynx react?

The Sphynx surprised,stared for a second.Many people has come to the Cave before,but he had not seen something like this.He couldn't describe it but he felt as if something was different.Then he cleared his mind,He did what he was supposed to do.
"Hello," He began "Do you think you are worthy to pass through this cave?If not,then leave,If so,answer this riddle Correctly and I shall allow you to pass."
"There are 3 doors.Behind 1 is a treasure and behind 2 are sacks of coal.You may choose a door but before you do,I shall open a door for you."The Sphynx says as he opens on of the 3 doors that are at his left.In the door lies a closed sack of coal."Now,will you take the door I opened or will you open another door?"

Isn't Sphynx SIMA's character + if your being a person who speaks to him thats Emily's parts, Emily is ALL the NPCs.


53Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:49 am



Skylord_Rorak wrote:
ShadowsMaster wrote:
Emily Sanders wrote:

As the Sphynx mused within the cave, everything suddenly seems to...become even slower. The air gets a crispness to it, and the sound of whispering wind fills the place although there is no breeze. Suddenly, a woman walks inside. She looks unimpressive, with scraggly brown hair and wearing the clothes of a housewife; but in her hands she holds a little brown book.

She looks up at the Sphynx, and her eyes seem to hold some spark within them...energetic, but wise, and also secretive, as if she knows something he does not.

"Greetings, Sphynx," she says, and she smiles.

How will the Sphynx react?

The Sphynx surprised,stared for a second.Many people has come to the Cave before,but he had not seen something like this.He couldn't describe it but he felt as if something was different.Then he cleared his mind,He did what he was supposed to do.
"Hello," He began "Do you think you are worthy to pass through this cave?If not,then leave,If so,answer this riddle Correctly and I shall allow you to pass."
"There are 3 doors.Behind 1 is a treasure and behind 2 are sacks of coal.You may choose a door but before you do,I shall open a door for you."The Sphynx says as he opens on of the 3 doors that are at his left.In the door lies a closed sack of coal."Now,will you take the door I opened or will you open another door?"

Isn't Sphynx SIMA's character + if your being a person who speaks to him thats Emily's parts, Emily is ALL the NPCs.
No =.= I'm the Sphynx.Sima is Draco

54Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:59 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Skylord_Rorak wrote:-Is about to call the scientist but he leaves before I get a chance-

If the city is falling is it just me who should go or everybody? I should get to the library!!!

The Library, within the heart of Hanging City, stands tall and cold amongst the other buildings. A silver tower made of metal and no windows, it looms a silent and unfriendly giant. Metal doors slide open to allow people to enter and exit, every face etched with indifference or thoughtfulness.

Inside the Library, every floor's walls are lined with shelves from top to bottom. But instead of books, small computers, digipads, and other technological devices line the shelves -- the hum of electronic equipment fills the air of the otherwise-hushed place.

Hanging from the ceiling of the third floor, little stars hang suspended...attached not by wire or twine, but by magnetism, allowing them to seemingly hover on their own accord. Among the stars two moons hang -- one large and wobbly-shaped, the other small and perfectly smooth with trapped dust and debris forming a ring around it, somewhat similar to Earth's Saturn.

Sima Miletijevv wrote:Slowly walking,without any rush,Draco was heading to the Northwest.As he was walking,he found a a paper,there wasn't anything on it,Draco turned the paper on another said and he saw nice little letters that said: Dr.Agon
Draco first saw it without a dot,seeing just letters that says Dragon.Then he saw it normally,but he remembered his little hallucination, where Dragon attacked him. Knowing that his hallucinations are sometimes telling him what will happen, he figured out that Dr.Agon will attack him,forest,or maybe something else.
He continued waling,and after few minutes saw nature guardian.He came near him,and with calm but angry voice he said:
"Beside the water's curtain,
"Below the roaring wave,
"Behind the tumbled stones,
"There sits the forgotten cave."

The Nature Guardian, sitting on a log, looks up from a book she had been reading. With curly red hair pulled back into a ponytail, green eyes and freckles, she should have a mischievous look about her...except, instead, she appears surprised. She blinks up at Draco at his angry tone, before she eventually says, "Um...Hi."

She looks rather unimpressive, dressed like any other teen you might see walking modern streets. She bites her lower lip and closes the book slowly, reaching up to straighten the glasses she is wearing. Resting the book on her lap, she studies Draco for a moment with sharp eyes, before she muses, "That poem sounds really familiar...but..." Suddenly, she stops, and her eyes widen as she remembers. Her head swiveling to look back up at Draco, her voices softens to a puzzled tone: "Um...Mister...? Where did you hear that?"

ShadowsMaster wrote:The Sphynx surprised,stared for a second.Many people has come to the Cave before,but he had not seen something like this.He couldn't describe it but he felt as if something was different.Then he cleared his mind,He did what he was supposed to do.
"Hello," He began "Do you think you are worthy to pass through this cave?If not,then leave,If so,answer this riddle Correctly and I shall allow you to pass."
"There are 3 doors.Behind 1 is a treasure and behind 2 are sacks of coal.You may choose a door but before you do,I shall open a door for you."The Sphynx says as he opens on of the 3 doors that are at his left.In the door lies a closed sack of coal."Now,will you take the door I opened or will you open another door?"

The woman watches the Sphynx, and although it appears only briefly, for a moment her face changes...not to one of anger or pity, but...compassion? But then it is gone. The lady approaches him and stands beside the door he has opened, but does not answer. Tapping the fingers of one hand on the cover of her little book, she answers gently, "Master Sphynx, coal and treasure are the same: for coal is jewels from the earth, valuable to those who need it for warmth; and silver and coal are both natural elements, although one is corrupted and the other is not. Coal is gold, for when set alight it burns gold; and neither treasure nor gold I need. It is you I have come for, Master Sphynx."

She says it all so lightly, so gently, it is almost as if she is discussing good weather. Patting her scraggly hair into a bun, she now murmurs, "Instead of you asking me a riddle or having me make a choice, you must make a choice...and depending on the choice made, there shall get a riddle to bless you or distress you. Here is your choice: Reality or Non-reality?"

55Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:11 pm



-Rorak heads to the library and when he enters a robots automatic message goes on but Rorak runs past-

Captured moons, Captured moons, Captured moons! Aaah, there it is.

-Rorak spots a metal chest-

Whats this then, Ooooooh!

-Rorak finds 15 mechanical teleporters, diamond edition-

In the name of Vitali! I could teleport anywhere in the realm with one of these! -Rorak takes one-

Anyway back to what I should be doing! I should take this book back to that Scientist... Whats his name anyway?


56Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:12 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Emily Sanders wrote:
The Nature Guardian, sitting on a log, looks up from a book she had been reading. With curly red hair pulled back into a ponytail, green eyes and freckles, she should have a mischievous look about her...except, instead, she appears surprised. She blinks up at Draco at his angry tone, before she eventually says, "Um...Hi."

She looks rather unimpressive, dressed like any other teen you might see walking modern streets. She bites her lower lip and closes the book slowly, reaching up to straighten the glasses she is wearing. Resting the book on her lap, she studies Draco for a moment with sharp eyes, before she muses, "That poem sounds really familiar...but..." Suddenly, she stops, and her eyes widen as she remembers. Her head swiveling to look back up at Draco, her voices softens to a puzzled tone: "Um...Mister...? Where did you hear that?"

Nice talk we had about ice cream before Emily, first time i talked to you on fb.
Now, to go back to da story

Daco was suprised, he thought that something interesting will happen after saying this poem. Than, he tried to concentrated and started explaining her that some girl somehow knew that he was looking for the guardian and that that girl told him that poem. He was expecting for her answer.

57Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:21 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Skylord_Rorak wrote:-Rorak heads to the library and when he enters a robots automatic message goes on but Rorak runs past-

Captured moons, Captured moons, Captured moons! Aaah, there it is.

-Rorak spots a metal chest-

Whats this then, Ooooooh!

-Rorak finds 15 mechanical teleporters, diamond edition-

In the name of Vitali! I could teleport anywhere in the realm with one of these! -Rorak takes one-

Anyway back to what I should be doing! I should take this book back to that Scientist... Whats his name anyway?

Somehow, a book --an ancient relic left over from days gone past-- is found and as the Skylord holds it, sits heavily in his hands. Meanwhile, the two suspended model Moons --one large and a bit lumpy, the other smaller and smoother and encircled by dust and debris like Saturn-- still hang from the ceiling by the magnetic power, being circled by the little model stars.

Sima Miletijevv wrote:Daco was suprised, he thought that something interesting will happen after saying this poem. Than, he tried to concentrated and started explaining her that some girl somehow knew that he was looking for the guardian and that that girl told him that poem. He was expecting for her answer.

The Nature Guardian sits, listening intently, before she suddenly stands up. Smiling nervously at him, she forces out, "Um, follow me...please..." She turns and starts to head off, her walk brisk and seemingly alarmed as she tucks her book beneath one arm. As she goes, she mumbles, "That's a really old song...really old...only, um, a few of us are supposed to, well, know about it...a select few, the First. So one of the First must have, um, told you, disguised as a child. But who...?"

58Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:31 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Emily Sanders wrote:
The Nature Guardian sits, listening intently, before she suddenly stands up. Smiling nervously at him, she forces out, "Um, follow me...please..." She turns and starts to head off, her walk brisk and seemingly alarmed as she tucks her book beneath one arm. As she goes, she mumbles, "That's a really old song...really old...only, um, a few of us are supposed to, well, know about it...a select few, the First. So one of the First must have, um, told you, disguised as a child. But who...?"

Draco, of course, did't knew the answer on this question. At first, he was thinking about how did this happen, he just wanted to ask why birds stopped singing. He would always go in his mind and think few minutes.
"Umm,do you hear me?" She asked quietly.
"Oh yes, yes i hear you." Draco said. He was wondering what will now happen.....

59Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:23 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:
Skylord_Rorak wrote:-Is about to call the scientist but he leaves before I get a chance-

If the city is falling is it just me who should go or everybody? I should get to the library!!!

The Library, within the heart of Hanging City, stands tall and cold amongst the other buildings. A silver tower made of metal and no windows, it looms a silent and unfriendly giant. Metal doors slide open to allow people to enter and exit, every face etched with indifference or thoughtfulness.

Inside the Library, every floor's walls are lined with shelves from top to bottom. But instead of books, small computers, digipads, and other technological devices line the shelves -- the hum of electronic equipment fills the air of the otherwise-hushed place.

Hanging from the ceiling of the third floor, little stars hang suspended...attached not by wire or twine, but by magnetism, allowing them to seemingly hover on their own accord. Among the stars two moons hang -- one large and wobbly-shaped, the other small and perfectly smooth with trapped dust and debris forming a ring around it, somewhat similar to Earth's Saturn.

Sima Miletijevv wrote:Slowly walking,without any rush,Draco was heading to the Northwest.As he was walking,he found a a paper,there wasn't anything on it,Draco turned the paper on another said and he saw nice little letters that said: Dr.Agon
Draco first saw it without a dot,seeing just letters that says Dragon.Then he saw it normally,but he remembered his little hallucination, where Dragon attacked him. Knowing that his hallucinations are sometimes telling him what will happen, he figured out that Dr.Agon will attack him,forest,or maybe something else.
He continued waling,and after few minutes saw nature guardian.He came near him,and with calm but angry voice he said:
"Beside the water's curtain,
"Below the roaring wave,
"Behind the tumbled stones,
"There sits the forgotten cave."

The Nature Guardian, sitting on a log, looks up from a book she had been reading. With curly red hair pulled back into a ponytail, green eyes and freckles, she should have a mischievous look about her...except, instead, she appears surprised. She blinks up at Draco at his angry tone, before she eventually says, "Um...Hi."

She looks rather unimpressive, dressed like any other teen you might see walking modern streets. She bites her lower lip and closes the book slowly, reaching up to straighten the glasses she is wearing. Resting the book on her lap, she studies Draco for a moment with sharp eyes, before she muses, "That poem sounds really familiar...but..." Suddenly, she stops, and her eyes widen as she remembers. Her head swiveling to look back up at Draco, her voices softens to a puzzled tone: "Um...Mister...? Where did you hear that?"

ShadowsMaster wrote:The Sphynx surprised,stared for a second.Many people has come to the Cave before,but he had not seen something like this.He couldn't describe it but he felt as if something was different.Then he cleared his mind,He did what he was supposed to do.
"Hello," He began "Do you think you are worthy to pass through this cave?If not,then leave,If so,answer this riddle Correctly and I shall allow you to pass."
"There are 3 doors.Behind 1 is a treasure and behind 2 are sacks of coal.You may choose a door but before you do,I shall open a door for you."The Sphynx says as he opens on of the 3 doors that are at his left.In the door lies a closed sack of coal."Now,will you take the door I opened or will you open another door?"

The woman watches the Sphynx, and although it appears only briefly, for a moment her face changes...not to one of anger or pity, but...compassion? But then it is gone. The lady approaches him and stands beside the door he has opened, but does not answer. Tapping the fingers of one hand on the cover of her little book, she answers gently, "Master Sphynx, coal and treasure are the same: for coal is jewels from the earth, valuable to those who need it for warmth; and silver and coal are both natural elements, although one is corrupted and the other is not. Coal is gold, for when set alight it burns gold; and neither treasure nor gold I need. It is you I have come for, Master Sphynx."

She says it all so lightly, so gently, it is almost as if she is discussing good weather. Patting her scraggly hair into a bun, she now murmurs, "Instead of you asking me a riddle or having me make a choice, you must make a choice...and depending on the choice made, there shall get a riddle to bless you or distress you. Here is your choice: Reality or Non-reality?"

The Sphynx stood stumped for a minute.What was happening.For the first time in years,someone answered the question correctly?On top of that,he was give a question he could not think of an answer for.His mind told him Fiction,but as he was answering,he paused.Then quickly replied "Reality.It's the only thing that doesn't make sense."His mind had told him Fiction but he answered reality.The Sphynx was even more stumped now waiting to see if his answer was correct or incorrect.

60Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:52 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

ShadowsMaster wrote:The Sphynx stood stumped for a minute.What was happening.For the first time in years,someone answered the question correctly?On top of that,he was give a question he could not think of an answer for.His mind told him Fiction,but as he was answering,he paused.Then quickly replied "Reality.It's the only thing that doesn't make sense."His mind had told him Fiction but he answered reality.The Sphynx was even more stumped now waiting to see if his answer was correct or incorrect.

The woman stares up at the Sphynx, and at his answer, the lines around her eyes deepen as she smiles.

"Very good, Master Sphynx; I am proud of you." She steps back from him, and reaching into the opened doorway, grasps the door and ever so gently pulls it back closed. "Here is your reward." Even as she speaks the last sentence, everything around them begins to ripple like a heat wave; colors blur together, and the cave seems to melt. It all slips away to reveal both the woman and the Sphynx standing on a high mountain's ledge, the cool wind buffeting them gently.

The Illusion has ended.

"Master Sphynx, you have been rewarded with a piece of the Truth," the strange lady says, turning to stare out across the land. A landscape of forests, deserts, and water stretches out in front of them, a brilliant mix of color and geography. The Sun is setting ever so slowly behind the distant Great Mountains, casting the land in red and orange glow. "But if you wish the whole Truth, the entirety of it, you must try harder."

She pauses, tilting her head as she listens to something. Except for the wind, the world is silent: there is no birdsong, no humming insects. Nothing. With a sigh, she adds ever so softly, "But the Truth is not always what one wishes it to be, although there are some things of beauty in it; like a Ying-Yang, mixing sorrow and joy. Are you willing to search for the Truth, Master Sphynx? And solve the greatest Riddle of them all? The 'Riddle of Why'?"

61Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:54 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Finally it has begun. I will be a passive character for now, residing in the Silver Castle in the Havenrise.

62Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:08 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:
ShadowsMaster wrote:The Sphynx stood stumped for a minute.What was happening.For the first time in years,someone answered the question correctly?On top of that,he was give a question he could not think of an answer for.His mind told him Fiction,but as he was answering,he paused.Then quickly replied "Reality.It's the only thing that doesn't make sense."His mind had told him Fiction but he answered reality.The Sphynx was even more stumped now waiting to see if his answer was correct or incorrect.

The woman stares up at the Sphynx, and at his answer, the lines around her eyes deepen as she smiles.

"Very good, Master Sphynx; I am proud of you." She steps back from him, and reaching into the opened doorway, grasps the door and ever so gently pulls it back closed. "Here is your reward." Even as she speaks the last sentence, everything around them begins to ripple like a heat wave; colors blur together, and the cave seems to melt. It all slips away to reveal both the woman and the Sphynx standing on a high mountain's ledge, the cool wind buffeting them gently.

The Illusion has ended.

"Master Sphynx, you have been rewarded with a piece of the Truth," the strange lady says, turning to stare out across the land. A landscape of forests, deserts, and water stretches out in front of them, a brilliant mix of color and geography. The Sun is setting ever so slowly behind the distant Great Mountains, casting the land in red and orange glow. "But if you wish the whole Truth, the entirety of it, you must try harder."

She pauses, tilting her head as she listens to something. Except for the wind, the world is silent: there is no birdsong, no humming insects. Nothing. With a sigh, she adds ever so softly, "But the Truth is not always what one wishes it to be, although there are some things of beauty in it; like a Ying-Yang, mixing sorrow and joy. Are you willing to search for the Truth, Master Sphynx? And solve the greatest Riddle of them all? The 'Riddle of Why'?"

The Sphynx,yet stumped again,asked a barrage of questions."Wait,what happened?!What is this,where's the cave!?More importantly,what is this riddle?" Then he thought again and said "If i'm supposed to search for this riddle,how am I supposed to.I am simply a Sphynx,weak but wise.I can not fend off any enemies."Suddenly,his mind flashed.Another scene in his mind,this time it was the same pirate fighting a giant 5 times his size.The pirate simply grabbed the giants hand with his magma hand and incinerated it.Then he jumped high and cut off the other arm swiftly.The flash in his mind stopped."What was that?" The Sphynx thought to himself.

63Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:35 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Sima Miletijevv wrote:Draco, of course, did't knew the answer on this question. At first, he was thinking about how did this happen, he just wanted to ask why birds stopped singing. He would always go in his mind and think few minutes.
"Umm,do you hear me?" She asked quietly.
"Oh yes, yes i hear you." Draco said. He was wondering what will now happen.....

The Nature Guardian looks satisfied, and as they walk, rumbling begins to fill the air. It makes the ground tremble and the very air vibrate, like growling from an enormous creature. As they grow nearer and nearer, the rumbling rising into a wild roar, the Guardian must raise her voice to be heard over it:

"There's a second part to that song; it's like a little lullaby. This is how it goes:

"Hiding behind the bubbles,
"Hidden below the froth,
"Hides within the silver box
"The Tear of Asheroth."

ShadowsMaster wrote:The Sphynx,yet stumped again,asked a barrage of questions."Wait,what happened?!What is this,where's the cave!?More importantly,what is this riddle?" Then he thought again and said "If i'm supposed to search for this riddle,how am I supposed to.I am simply a Sphynx,weak but wise.I can not fend off any enemies."Suddenly,his mind flashed.Another scene in his mind,this time it was the same pirate fighting a giant 5 times his size.The pirate simply grabbed the giants hand with his magma hand and incinerated it.Then he jumped high and cut off the other arm swiftly.The flash in his mind stopped."What was that?" The Sphynx thought to himself.

The lady sighs again, before she answers kindly, "It was all an illusion, Master Sphynx; the cave, the doors, the people, the triumphs and screams. None of it was real. It is amazing how when the mind is tricked into believing something, it thinks it can truly feel, smell, or hear something."

She gestures at the land, folded out in front of them both like a giant 3D map. "This land, Master Sphynx, and its people are the Riddle; every question, every whisper, every wishful thought is a tiny portion of the Riddle of Why. To answer it, however, you shall only have to find a few people." Then, she turns her smiling face up toward him. "And what is 'weak,' Master Sphynx? What makes weakness, weakness? Oftentimes a weakness builds up other strengths, therefore rendering it not a weakness at all but an iron sharpening other things." She taps her temple and then says softly, "Use your mind, Master Sphynx; that brilliant thing which gives memories and wishes and understanding. And not only will you solve the Riddle of Why, you will solve your own personal riddle too; the one you see but do not share."

She does not explain more than that, but she does offer him her little brown book. Opening it, on the first page in bold black letters is scrawled:

...we saw a white flame among the trees, high on a sheer peak before us. We thought that it was a fire and we stopped. But the flame was unmoving, yet blinding as liquid metal. The trees had protected it from time and weather, and from men who have less pity than time and weather.*

"Seek this," she whispers, and in the blink of an eye, she is gone...leaving the Sphynx with the little brown book and its letters.

* Excerpt from Anthem by Ayn Rand, chapter X.

64Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:42 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Emily Sanders wrote:

The Nature Guardian looks satisfied, and as they walk, rumbling begins to fill the air. It makes the ground tremble and the very air vibrate, like growling from an enormous creature. As they grow nearer and nearer, the rumbling rising into a wild roar, the Guardian must raise her voice to be heard over it:

"There's a second part to that song; it's like a little lullaby. This is how it goes:

"Hiding behind the bubbles,
"Hidden below the froth,
"Hides within the silver box
"The Tear of Asheroth."
Draco stopped. Getting closer to her, asking quietly, but very seriously:
"So what do that poem means?
He wanted to know that, since he was a writer, he loved making poems but his poems were different.You will see why later...
Seriously this is going very slowly, i wonder what will happen next bounce bounce bounce bounce

65Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:05 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:
Sima Miletijevv wrote:Draco, of course, did't knew the answer on this question. At first, he was thinking about how did this happen, he just wanted to ask why birds stopped singing. He would always go in his mind and think few minutes.
"Umm,do you hear me?" She asked quietly.
"Oh yes, yes i hear you." Draco said. He was wondering what will now happen.....

The Nature Guardian looks satisfied, and as they walk, rumbling begins to fill the air. It makes the ground tremble and the very air vibrate, like growling from an enormous creature. As they grow nearer and nearer, the rumbling rising into a wild roar, the Guardian must raise her voice to be heard over it:

"There's a second part to that song; it's like a little lullaby. This is how it goes:

"Hiding behind the bubbles,
"Hidden below the froth,
"Hides within the silver box
"The Tear of Asheroth."

ShadowsMaster wrote:The Sphynx,yet stumped again,asked a barrage of questions."Wait,what happened?!What is this,where's the cave!?More importantly,what is this riddle?" Then he thought again and said "If i'm supposed to search for this riddle,how am I supposed to.I am simply a Sphynx,weak but wise.I can not fend off any enemies."Suddenly,his mind flashed.Another scene in his mind,this time it was the same pirate fighting a giant 5 times his size.The pirate simply grabbed the giants hand with his magma hand and incinerated it.Then he jumped high and cut off the other arm swiftly.The flash in his mind stopped."What was that?" The Sphynx thought to himself.

The lady sighs again, before she answers kindly, "It was all an illusion, Master Sphynx; the cave, the doors, the people, the triumphs and screams. None of it was real. It is amazing how when the mind is tricked into believing something, it thinks it can truly feel, smell, or hear something."

She gestures at the land, folded out in front of them both like a giant 3D map. "This land, Master Sphynx, and its people are the Riddle; every question, every whisper, every wishful thought is a tiny portion of the Riddle of Why. To answer it, however, you shall only have to find a few people." Then, she turns her smiling face up toward him. "And what is 'weak,' Master Sphynx? What makes weakness, weakness? Oftentimes a weakness builds up other strengths, therefore rendering it not a weakness at all but an iron sharpening other things." She taps her temple and then says softly, "Use your mind, Master Sphynx; that brilliant thing which gives memories and wishes and understanding. And not only will you solve the Riddle of Why, you will solve your own personal riddle too; the one you see but do not share."

She does not explain more than that, but she does offer him her little brown book. Opening it, on the first page in bold black letters is scrawled:

...we saw a white flame among the trees, high on a sheer peak before us. We thought that it was a fire and we stopped. But the flame was unmoving, yet blinding as liquid metal. The trees had protected it from time and weather, and from men who have less pity than time and weather.*

"Seek this," she whispers, and in the blink of an eye, she is gone...leaving the Sphynx with the little brown book and its letters.

* Excerpt from Anthem by Ayn Rand, chapter X.

The Sphynx turned quickly to ask her a question but he couldn't find her.Where did she go,he wondered."A White flame that is not a fire,it doesn't move yet it blinds.The tree's protected it from weather and time and humans.Hmmmm,I have heard this before,but where?"After a while,The Sphynx had remembered such a place.A Sheer Peak with mountains and a small house behind a blinding light that people would see then suddenly be engulfed in flames by unknown methods.Though it was just a rumor,The Sphynx set out.It was either in the Never-Ending Plains or the Great Mountains.He decided and set out to the Never-Ending Plains,arriving after a few days.

66Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:12 pm

Jana V

Jana V

I really want to continue playing this roleplay. Sad

67Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:24 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders


Sorry guys, I've been really distracted lately with trips to the hospital to see a friend, my birthday, and an internship I've just received and am still setting things up for. I will continue this very soon, I promise.

68Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:56 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Emily Sanders wrote:

Sorry guys, I've been really distracted lately with trips to the hospital to see a friend, my birthday, and an internship I've just received and am still setting things up for. I will continue this very soon, I promise.
You didn't tell me about ur birthday? You must really dislike me Sad((((

69Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:59 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Jana V wrote:
Emily Sanders wrote:

Sorry guys, I've been really distracted lately with trips to the hospital to see a friend, my birthday, and an internship I've just received and am still setting things up for. I will continue this very soon, I promise.
You didn't tell me about ur birthday? You must really dislike me Sad((((

Birthday? Emily doesn't likes me too than. Sad

70Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:58 pm


Character Name: Lyron Arkiof

Character Gender: Male

Character Race/Creature: Orlik (Cat People)

Character Appearance: He is a travelling bard who Plays a flute but its a magic one because it is made of holy stone.

Anything Extra About Character (not required):

71Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 3 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:53 am



There you are Grizwold! I found this book wich that message told me to get. Could you show me the message again. I forgot it.


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