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Realm of Dreams and Shadows

Jana V
Emily Sanders
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1Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:06 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

This roleplay thread will not be like the others. It is not a total-combat thread!
This roleplay will involve a lot of thinking and cunning; there will be riddles, quests, codes, and tests; Consequences, triumphs, adventures, betrayals, unexpected things, and some battles.
You will have to rely on brainpower more than brawn; Will you succeed, or fail? Will you even survive...?

You create your own character; it can be any theme you like, any race/creature you like (even something you made up), and it can have magic.
You can only have one character, as a way to prevent roleplay from getting confusing.
The Shadow Lord, the Silver Maiden, Nightmares, and other non-member characters crucial to quests will be played by me only.

The Realm of Dreams and Shadows

The Realm of Dreams and Shadows (RDS) is an ancient "unreal" world separate but dependent upon the Real World (a.k.a. our world/real life). The creatures, beings and areas within RDS were created within the depths of Real People's (us) imaginative minds; so, if you can think of it, it is in RDS, whether 'it' is fantasy-themed or modern or sci-fi or whatever.

RDS is divided up into different Areas, which in turn are divided into different kingdoms/nations. However, each Area and its kingdoms/nations must follow the laws of the Vagary, who is the supreme ruler over all of RDS and its denizens.

This is where the trouble begins.

The last Vagary, a widower named Ahwer, had twin children: a son who is the leader of Nightmares and their allies, the Shadow Lord Rah'wei; and a daughter, the leader of all those (good and bad) who opposed Nightmares - the Silver Maiden Wysther. When Ahwer faded (Dream and Shadow People fade into nonexistence when they grow too old), he had not said who would take his place as Vagary; and thus there began a war between the neutral-but-just Silver Maiden and the wicked Shadow Lord.

After several centuries (time works differently here; you will learn why) of battle, the Silver Maiden and her followers -- the Silver Army -- managed to drive the Shadow Lord and his Nightmares into a small valley called Dreary Glen and temporarily contain them there. However, shortly afterward the Silver Maiden vanished. With her absence, Nightmares have begun to creep out of their prison and soldiers of the Silver Army are attempting to stop them.

The Shadow Lord and the Silver Maiden will sometimes appear to you. They will always be disguised, however. Unless you have evidence gained through roleplay of how you know who they are, you can not know them unless they tell you. Depending on who you are and what your alignment is, they will either try to help you or hinder you - sometimes directly, other times indirectly.
Nightmares can be: intelligent; unintelligent; "normal"-looking; warped-looking; beast-like; or having no form, but emanating a sense of terror. Some Nightmares make sense, others are insane; some are mild, like reminders of minor embarrassments; others seem like they came straight out of a horror movie. When a Nightmare comes around, there always comes with it a sense of helpless, primeval terror which affects everyone, good and bad.
Can you control your fear...?

Choose a Side

~ Silver Soldier: (You do not have to be a literal soldier; it is a term) You are either good or neutral-aligned. Either by accident or intentionally, you have found yourself fighting against the Shadow Lord and his minions. You want the Silver Maiden, wherever she is, to become the Vagary.
~ Shadow Hand: You are either evil or neutral-aligned. You have chosen to fight against the Silver Maiden and all that she stands for. Nightmares are your allies, and you serve the Shadow Lord.
~ Un-Aligned: You serve neither the Silver Maiden nor the Shadow Lord; you only try to take care of yourself and anyone dear to you. However, you might choose to temporarily ally with one side or the other -- for your own purposes, of course.


~ The Singing Forest: This area brims with beautiful plant-life, giant waterfalls, pristine lakes, and fantastical creatures and beings. It is always a paradise here; the Shadow Lord and Nightmares can not reach here. The Forest got its name from all its singing birds.
~ Dreary Glen: This small valley is the prison of Nightmares and the Shadow Lord. It is always as dark as night here; the trees are dead, the mountains rocky and treacherous, the rivers polluted, there is little wildlife, and it is always cold and foggy.
~ The Great Mountains: This is the mountain range which encloses all of RDS. Their peaks reach so far that they disappear above the clouds. On their outer edge (not the inside, which houses RDS), there is nothing; only a void where all things end. The mountains literally are the edge of the world.
~ The Forgotten Caves: This is the underworld, a series of underground caverns and tunnels which stretch beneath all of RDS. They are always at a constant cool temperature, and damp. Large caverns are lit with glowing crystals. Both dangerous and gentle beings live here.
~ The Wastelands: This is an area which exists in the middle of RDS. During the day, it is sand and as hot as an oven; during the night, it becomes dangerously freezing, and ice and snow forms...only to melt away in the morning.
~ Havenrise: This is a giant plateau which is treeless, but has plenty of green moss and grass. This is the meeting place and training grounds of the Silver Army. It is also home to farmers, historians, weavers, artists, scholars, and musicians.
~ Hanging City: This is a realm over the Realm, suspended from air- and space-ships. It is a towering city of metal and science, coldly indifferent to the world below it. All medicines, advanced weaponry, scientific discoveries, flying devices, et cetera, come from here.
~ The Living Sea: This is a body of water which is not wide enough to be a true sea, but is as deep as one. It can be placid, it can be violently stormy; it houses both friendly and hostile aquatic creatures. Pirate ships, merchant vessels and fisherman boats sail these waters.
~ The Never-Ending Plains: This is a wide expanse of untamed wild which closely resembles an African savannah. There are many wild creatures here, both familiar and unfamiliar. You might also find some nomadic peoples...some technologically advanced, others not.

Quests + Note

Each quest will lead into another. For some quests, you might need knowledge, and object or a person you gained from another adventure.
You might choose to ally with other playing members and help each other, or you might find yourself battling against or hiding from other members. This is not required; you choose to do this on your own. But, all fighting has to be logical and relevant to roleplay! Spontaneous battling taking place without valid reason is not allowed here. Everything must have a plot.
Adventures are unique to each player, but will tie into other members' quests either positively or negatively. Some quests will have you search for other playing members!

If you have to travel somewhere, be logical; if you are in a desert and want to go to the ocean or a mountain, you cannot simply "appear" there. That's, for lack of a better term, just plain dumb. Whether by flight, boat, car, or foot, you must roleplay traveling. Yes, teleporting is allowed, but only for short distances unless you own a machine teleporter...and once again, be logical; how would you have gotten a machine teleporter?

Characters will be provided for you to roleplay with!
For example, if you are roleplaying traveling by foot, I might play a random other traveler coming to walk beside you and chat, or I might be a bandit about to rob you.
If you are sitting in a restaurant, I will be a waiter or waitress. And so on...

Roleplay is Not Pre-Determined!
Yes, there are quests and adventures which tie into each other; but whether you succeed or fail in them is not determined. Roleplay determines that.
This means there is no pre-determined end to the roleplay, either. Both sides - good and evil - have a chance to win this war.
If you have any ideas for quests, adventures or areas you would like to see done or added in here, SEND ME A PM! I will GLADLY take your suggestions and work with you on integrating them into the roleplay!

Map of the Realm of Dreams and Shadows

Realm of Dreams and Shadows 198351_2945767622979_648710125_n


Map of the Forgotten Caves

Realm of Dreams and Shadows 599030_2951183438371_929923996_n

Last edited by Emily Sanders on Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:23 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:07 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders


To make things quick, fast and easy, please just copy-and-paste what is below and jot down whatever information is relevant about your character, then post it in the thread. I will then copy-and-paste it up here for everyone else to see. Smile

Character Name:

Character Gender:

Character Race/Creature:

Character Appearance:

Anything Extra About Character (not required):



Look:Good-looking,tall,black hair.

Extra:He sees halucinations all the time,but none of it really happens.Sometimes, what he sees in his dreams or halucinations really happens, or give him a hint what will happen in furure.

everything else stays the same.


Character Name:???(Just call him Sphynx for now)

Character Gender:Male

Character Race/Creature:???/Sphynx

Character Appearance:A Sphynx

Anything Extra About Character (not required):He was once a different being but then was cursed.He is now a Shpynx who's family had been kidnapped by an unknown being.Most of his memory has been wiped and all he knows is that to protect his family,he has to let only the most worthy people pass the caves,and that's what he does with his riddles.He will NEVER say if you are wrong or right,he will just tell you,that you may pass and show you one of the ways.You could fall in Peril or quite the opposite.Its up to your intelligence.


Character Name: Sir Enero

Character Gender: Male

Character Race/Creature: Delux, which is basically advance humans one level above normals, with telekinesis power and superior intelligence.

Character Appearance: Formal. Wears a suit.

Extra: He is the high knight of the Silver Soldiers. His power is telekinesis; movement and manipulation of non-living or limited living things.


Character Name: Skylord Rorak

Character Gender: Male

Side: Un-Alligned

Character Race/Creature: Human Skylord

Character Appearance:

Anything Extra About Character (not required): He is a Skylord, Skylords are the council of Hanging City.

Last edited by Emily Sanders on Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:39 am; edited 10 times in total

3Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:45 pm



Meh. Rorak bekingof the Dark Castle :3 He's really evil!!!


4Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:43 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Map looks epic. I wanna see Hanging City. Twisted Evil

5Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:05 pm

Elene Rashkovich

Elene Rashkovich

a chance for me to start roleplaying Laughing

6Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:11 pm



Seems awesome!

7Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:54 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Herobrine wrote:Meh. Rorak bekingof the Dark Castle :3 He's really evil!!!

The Dark Castle is ruled by the Shadow Lord, but you can be one of his powerful high-standing officials who is like a minor king, if you'd like.

8Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:57 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:
Herobrine wrote:Meh. Rorak bekingof the Dark Castle :3 He's really evil!!!

The Dark Castle is ruled by the Shadow Lord, but you can be one of his powerful high-standing officials who is like a minor king, if you'd like.

This is for if you reject my PM.

Character Name: Rorak, Prince of Shadows

Character Gender: Male

Character Race/Creature: Human (Can transform into a Black Dragon)

Character Appearance: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Necrom10

Anything Extra About Character (not required): Is the Master of Necromancy and Telekinetic Magicks


9Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:07 pm



Ugh! When will my father give me a Machine Teleporter, I keep asking for one!


10Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:10 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

I am going to wait a day or two longer to see how many other members submit character cards before any roleplaying starts. That way no one is lost or confused.

11Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:11 pm





12Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:13 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Character Name: Sir Enero

Character Gender: Male

Character Race/Creature: Telekinesis; movement and manipulation of non-living or limited living things.

Character Appearance: Formal. Wears a suit.

Anything Extra About Character: He is the high knight of Silver Kingdom.

13Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:39 pm



Jana V wrote:Character Name: Sir Enero

Character Gender: Male

Character Race/Creature: Telekinesis; movement and manipulation of non-living or limited living things.

Character Appearance: Formal. Wears a suit.

Anything Extra About Character: He is the high knight of Silver Kingdom.

You wrote your power next to your race :3 ._. maybe you should fix that?

Character Name:???(Just call him Sphynx for now)

Character Gender:Male

Character Race/Creature:???/Sphynx

Character Appearance:A Sphynx

Anything Extra About Character (not required):He was once a different being but then was cursed.He is now a Shpynx who's family had been kidnapped by an unknown being.Most of his memory has been wiped and all he knows is that to protect his family,he has to let only the most worthy people pass the caves,and that's what he does with his riddles.He will NEVER say if you are wrong or right,he will just tell you,that you may pass and show you one of the ways.You could fall in Peril or quite the opposite.Its up to your intelligence.

Well this is my character,but I could make a different one if this one isn't good :S I was thinking a pirate....(If this one is not good)

14Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:40 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Jana V wrote:Character Name: Sir Enero

Character Gender: Male

Character Race/Creature: Telekinesis; movement and manipulation of non-living or limited living things.

Character Appearance: Formal. Wears a suit.

Anything Extra About Character: He is the high knight of Silver Kingdom.
Oops sorry I must've been so messed up that moment.


Character Name: Sir Enero

Character Gender: Male

Character Race/Creature: Delux, which is basically advance humans one level above normals, with telekinesis power and superior intelligence.

Character Appearance: Formal. Wears a suit.

Extra: He is the high knight of the Silver Soldiers. His power is telekinesis; movement and manipulation of non-living or limited living things.

15Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:25 pm



Theres 3 people now (NOT Including the NPCs and Shadow Lord etc.)


16Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:41 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Two more days, and then the roleplay begins (partly because I am a bit busy in real life at the moment, and so can not successfully help kick-start it).

I will post this here so that Herobrine and others can be aware of it:

Rorak is the son of the Shadow Lord, and therefore has some power over Nightmares and other people following the Shadow Lord. BUT, he is -not- the Shadow Lord and therefore does have all the power which comes with the title. The Shadow Lord is not a loving father; he will ignore anything Rorak does, or if Rorak does something he approves of, he -might- reward Rorak. But, if Rorak causes problems to the Shadow Lord's plans, the Shadow Lord will remove him - destroy him, even - if his son causes too much trouble for him.

17Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:44 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:Two more days, and then the roleplay begins (partly because I am a bit busy in real life at the moment, and so can not successfully help kick-start it).

I will post this here so that Herobrine and others can be aware of it:

Rorak is the son of the Shadow Lord, and therefore has some power over Nightmares and other people following the Shadow Lord. BUT, he is -not- the Shadow Lord and therefore does have all the power which comes with the title. The Shadow Lord is not a loving father; he will ignore anything Rorak does, or if Rorak does something he approves of, he -might- reward Rorak. But, if Rorak causes problems to the Shadow Lord's plans, the Shadow Lord will remove him - destroy him, even - if his son causes too much trouble for him.

The army of Nightmares, I have Lieutenant and under.

Undead, 100% power of them since I brought them to this realm after research in another


18Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:47 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Herobrine wrote:The army of Nightmares, I have Lieutenant and under.

Yes. Just remember, if you somehow displease the Shadow Lord or go against one of his commands for the army, your character will be disciplined in roleplay. The Shadow Lord's wishes come first.

Herobrine wrote:Undead, 100% power of them since I brought them to this realm after research in another

There can be undead, but they can not have come from another realm. Remember, the Great Mountains are the edge of RDS; after that, there is nothing. Nada. Nonexistence. The Undead came from RDS, nowhere else.

19Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:51 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:
Herobrine wrote:The army of Nightmares, I have Lieutenant and under.

Yes. Just remember, if you somehow displease the Shadow Lord or go against one of his commands for the army, your character will be disciplined in roleplay. The Shadow Lord's wishes come first.

Herobrine wrote:Undead, 100% power of them since I brought them to this realm after research in another

There can be undead, but they can not have come from another realm. Remember, the Great Mountains are the edge of RDS; after that, there is nothing. Nada. Nonexistence. The Undead came from RDS, nowhere else.

What if there was a portal to another universe? (And did you look at the map of the Dark Castle I made?)


20Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:01 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Herobrine wrote:What if there was a portal to another universe? (And did you look at the map of the Dark Castle I made?)

No. RDS is separate from all other worlds; no portal, wormhole, or anything can connect it to another place.

And yes, I looked at the Dark Castle map; I am going to redraw it to make it look the same, but clearer, and give you the credit.

21Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:03 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:
Herobrine wrote:What if there was a portal to another universe? (And did you look at the map of the Dark Castle I made?)

No. RDS is separate from all other worlds; no portal, wormhole, or anything can connect it to another place.

And yes, I looked at the Dark Castle map; I am going to redraw it to make it look the same, but clearer, and give you the credit.

Thanks, I'm not all that good at drawing but I'll be 'trying' to use GIMP from now on and maybe a bit of Paint Tool SAI


22Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:53 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:Two more days, and then the roleplay begins (partly because I am a bit busy in real life at the moment, and so can not successfully help kick-start it).

I will post this here so that Herobrine and others can be aware of it:

Rorak is the son of the Shadow Lord, and therefore has some power over Nightmares and other people following the Shadow Lord. BUT, he is -not- the Shadow Lord and therefore does have all the power which comes with the title. The Shadow Lord is not a loving father; he will ignore anything Rorak does, or if Rorak does something he approves of, he -might- reward Rorak. But, if Rorak causes problems to the Shadow Lord's plans, the Shadow Lord will remove him - destroy him, even - if his son causes too much trouble for him.

He is also an assassin who works for the Shaodow people. He's still the Shadow Lord's son but sometimes hangs out at taverns and kills people for others.


23Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:15 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:
Herobrine wrote:What if there was a portal to another universe? (And did you look at the map of the Dark Castle I made?)

No. RDS is separate from all other worlds; no portal, wormhole, or anything can connect it to another place.

And yes, I looked at the Dark Castle map; I am going to redraw it to make it look the same, but clearer, and give you the credit.

How did you get the pictures of the realm? If you tell me can I make a 2nd one of this roleplay called: Realm of Dreams and Shadows 2: New Land...


24Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:31 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Character Name: Draco

Character Gender: Male

Character Race/Creature: Human

Character Appearance: Good-looking,tall,and always wearing red scarf.

Anything Extra About Character:When he was 7 years old,his parents died,he learned how to survive and the only thing that is reminding him on his parents is a red scarf.It was his father's scarf.

25Realm of Dreams and Shadows Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:07 am

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Herobrine wrote:How did you get the pictures of the realm? If you tell me can I make a 2nd one of this roleplay called: Realm of Dreams and Shadows 2: New Land...

If you look closely at the pictures, you will see my name written near the upper right-hand side of each map near the borders; it was created by my own hand and imagination.

Let's see how this roleplay thread goes and ends before thinking of a sequel, first.

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