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Realm of Dreams and Shadows

Jana V
Emily Sanders
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26Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:07 am

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Roleplay begins tomorrow.

27Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:31 pm



Can my character also have a destiny to destroy his father really late in the roleplay? At the start her finds this out because the Silver Maiden comes disguised and tells him. Thats what happened in AQW but the evil guy's child already knew.


28Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:38 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Herobrine wrote:Can my character also have a destiny to destroy his father really late in the roleplay? At the start her finds this out because the Silver Maiden comes disguised and tells him. Thats what happened in AQW but the evil guy's child already knew.

Nothing is pre-determined; we will see what happens throughout roleplay first.

29Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:49 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:
Herobrine wrote:Can my character also have a destiny to destroy his father really late in the roleplay? At the start her finds this out because the Silver Maiden comes disguised and tells him. Thats what happened in AQW but the evil guy's child already knew.

Nothing is pre-determined; we will see what happens throughout roleplay first.

Okay. I;m currently burning Wendelton to death in a FB Chat Roleplay.


30Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:14 am



Today it starts when Emily comes online Twisted Evil

31Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:41 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

ShadowsMaster wrote:Today it starts when Emily comes online Twisted Evil

I cant wait,oh and i am asking Emilly,can i make few changes to my hcaracter, name, one thing in the look and to add something to extra? Rolling Eyes

32Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:01 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:
Roleplay has Begun



33Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:24 pm



Character Name: Skylord Rorak

Character Gender: Male

Side: Un-Alligned

Character Race/Creature: Human Skylord

Character Appearance:

Anything Extra About Character (not required): He is a Skylord, Skylords are the council of Hanging City.


34Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:44 pm



You can only have one character I think.
Emily can you start,cause we are not sure where to begin?

35Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:45 pm



ShadowsMaster wrote:You can only have one character I think.
Emily can you start,cause we are not sure where to begin?

I'm editing my character, I told her on Facebook.


36Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:10 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Sima Miletijevv wrote:I cant wait,oh and i am asking Emilly,can i make few changes to my hcaracter, name, one thing in the look and to add something to extra? Rolling Eyes

Of course; since he hasn't actually appeared yet in roleplay, there's no harm in changing it.

ShadowsMaster wrote:You can only have one character I think.

Since there has been no roleplay as of yet and therefore no characters were used, it's okay for people to change their character BEFORE they begin roleplaying.

ShadowsMaster wrote:Emily can you start,cause we are not sure where to begin?

Yes, of course; that is what I originally planned to do, but for various reasons I kept having to put it off myself.

37Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:26 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

The Beginning

A low rumbling echoes across Dreary Glen, the only sound in a valley of silence. The dead trees creak and moan as a rush of air as cold as ice rushes down from the Dark Castle, and vague shadows moving among the fog pause to look up toward the Castle.

The birds within Singing Forest suddenly grow silent, and near Eternal Falls the Nature Guardian looks up from her book. Her brows knitting together, she looks up toward the sky and mumbles, "That's not good..."

From the peaks of the Great Mountains, winged beings stop to peer down from ledges or from the clouds toward the land below; and hidden away within the depths of one mountain, armored beings grow still.

Amongst the tunnels and caverns beneath the realm, an ancient and terrible creature stops playing with her prey, a man who scrambles away in fear while she is distracted. Lifting her head, she rubs four of her hands together and smiles slowly, whispering, "Good..."

In the Wastelands, a dragon raises her head and roars mournfully toward the heavens.

Scientists and doctors briefly look up from their work in the Hanging City, but then boredly turn back to what they had been doing.

Aquatic beings and creatures continue on with their lives, unable to hear or feel the rumbling emanating from Dreary Glen. Fishermen, merchants, and pirates glance curiously to the sky however as a strange and eerie wind begins to pick up.

Nomads race across the Never-ending Plains, some on horseback, others in vehicles. All call out to each other in their strange languages, pointing up toward the sky. All the animals seem nervous, even the lions who suddenly display no interest in hunting.

And in Havenrise, soldiers stop in their training; farmers cease ploughing their fields and tending to their animals; musicians' instruments fall silent, scholars cease learning, historians stop teaching. All eyes are trained upon the sky, where a bright and shining light arches across heavens toward the plateau...

(It is up to you to decide where you are, and how you will react. No matter how many different areas roleplayers are in, I will tend to each one.)

38Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:32 pm



In Skylord Vinatiki's name! After 100 years it's happened again! -Grabs mechanical Teleporter from bag- It's Atfraisana, the demon of the ancients...


39Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:14 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Name:Draco (xD same name)

Look:Good-looking,tall,black hair.

Extra:He sees halucinations all the time,but none of it really happens.Sometimes, what he sees in his dreams or halucinations really happens, or give him a hint what will happen in furure.

everything else stays the same.

Last edited by Sima Miletijevv on Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:02 am; edited 2 times in total

40Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:36 pm



This is how my character's story begins.
Saiyn,the magma armed pirate captain,was travelling through the aquatic city to the mirror dragon,suddenly a strange sound.Then waves,mighty waves,his ship began to shake.Losing Balance Saiyn fall into the living see.He is still alive,he can still hear,see,even talk.Soon he arrives at the bottom but nothing is wrong with him,this must be a miracle!He could probably explore the sea and easily get to the dragon now!He could do anything,It was amazing!
2 Years after the fated whatever it even was happened-
Suddenly the Old Sphynx's eyes widen."Oh,it was just a dream."He sighed.Trying to remember anything about him,he put his mind at work.Nothing but emptiness and pain.All he could remember,was 2 years ago,he woke up in the caves after something mysterious happened.He found a strange but incredibly scary man.He was frightening.To his right were a woman,2 boys,and a baby girl tied up.They claimed to be his family,and something inside of him lead him to believe that it was true.The man has told him that he would now work from him in protecting the cave and not letting anyone pass unless they are worthy,or his family would die.He took the job.For some reason he was incredibly good at riddles.As he was remembering that day,he heard a voice."Hey,come on,WAKE UP,i'm worthy and i'll prove it."(Sorry Emily,but I really had to make this guy talk,sorry.)."Oh,it's just another fool."After the riddle was over,The Sphnyx pointed to a way without saying a word.The man cheered and yelled about passing and what not."Fools."The Sphynx said.A few minutes later,scream were heard."That's that.He won't be coming back."Thought the Spyhnx to itself.He resumed thinking about his past "2 years,maybe I could have found out who I am if I left that family and asked around or anything,but 2 years have passed.Probably nobody know anything about me,and I couldn't take the chance of letting that family die." He thought sadly.What he did not know,is that time was different in the part of the cave he was in.Where he was,it had bee 2 years,but in the outside,only a few minutes have passed.He doesn't know that the people he gives riddles to are just illusions,and so are the scream to.It could be a test and it could be something else.

41Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:42 pm



If Hanging City ever falls to the demon then this world will crumble for sure... (Its an old Hangivian (Hagning City Citizien) legend...)


42Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:41 pm



(Currently making a better 6 Maps Needed version of this roleplay!)


43Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:42 am

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

ShadowsMaster wrote:Suddenly the Old Sphynx's eyes widen."Oh,it was just a dream."He sighed.Trying to remember anything about him,he put his mind at work.Nothing but emptiness and pain.All he could remember,was 2 years ago,he woke up in the caves after something mysterious happened.He found a strange but incredibly scary man.He was frightening.To his right were a woman,2 boys,and a baby girl tied up.They claimed to be his family,and something inside of him lead him to believe that it was true.The man has told him that he would now work from him in protecting the cave and not letting anyone pass unless they are worthy,or his family would die.He took the job.For some reason he was incredibly good at riddles.As he was remembering that day,he heard a voice."Hey,come on,WAKE UP,i'm worthy and i'll prove it." "Oh,it's just another fool."After the riddle was over,The Sphnyx pointed to a way without saying a word.The man cheered and yelled about passing and what not."Fools."The Sphynx said.A few minutes later,scream were heard."That's that.He won't be coming back."Thought the Spyhnx to itself.He resumed thinking about his past "2 years,maybe I could have found out who I am if I left that family and asked around or anything,but 2 years have passed.Probably nobody know anything about me,and I couldn't take the chance of letting that family die." He thought sadly.What he did not know,is that time was different in the part of the cave he was in.Where he was,it had bee 2 years,but in the outside,only a few minutes have passed.He doesn't know that the people he gives riddles to are just illusions,and so are the scream to.It could be a test and it could be something else.

As the Sphynx mused within the cave, everything suddenly seems to...become even slower. The air gets a crispness to it, and the sound of whispering wind fills the place although there is no breeze. Suddenly, a woman walks inside. She looks unimpressive, with scraggly brown hair and wearing the clothes of a housewife; but in her hands she holds a little brown book.

She looks up at the Sphynx, and her eyes seem to hold some spark within them...energetic, but wise, and also secretive, as if she knows something he does not.

"Greetings, Sphynx," she says, and she smiles.

How will the Sphynx react?

Skylord_Rorak wrote:If Hanging City ever falls to the demon then this world will crumble for sure...

As the Skylord frets, there suddenly comes the strangest sensation of...What? An eerie stillness to the air, something not exactly welcoming. A door swings open and a young man walks in. Dressed in a white lab coat, he looks like one of the City's scientists; he even holds an electronic board in his hands.

Clearing his throat, the man looks the Skylord in the eye and states, "Sir, you need to know something...it is of utmost importance."

What will the Skylord do?

44Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:11 am



Emily Sanders wrote:
ShadowsMaster wrote:Suddenly the Old Sphynx's eyes widen."Oh,it was just a dream."He sighed.Trying to remember anything about him,he put his mind at work.Nothing but emptiness and pain.All he could remember,was 2 years ago,he woke up in the caves after something mysterious happened.He found a strange but incredibly scary man.He was frightening.To his right were a woman,2 boys,and a baby girl tied up.They claimed to be his family,and something inside of him lead him to believe that it was true.The man has told him that he would now work from him in protecting the cave and not letting anyone pass unless they are worthy,or his family would die.He took the job.For some reason he was incredibly good at riddles.As he was remembering that day,he heard a voice."Hey,come on,WAKE UP,i'm worthy and i'll prove it." "Oh,it's just another fool."After the riddle was over,The Sphnyx pointed to a way without saying a word.The man cheered and yelled about passing and what not."Fools."The Sphynx said.A few minutes later,scream were heard."That's that.He won't be coming back."Thought the Spyhnx to itself.He resumed thinking about his past "2 years,maybe I could have found out who I am if I left that family and asked around or anything,but 2 years have passed.Probably nobody know anything about me,and I couldn't take the chance of letting that family die." He thought sadly.What he did not know,is that time was different in the part of the cave he was in.Where he was,it had bee 2 years,but in the outside,only a few minutes have passed.He doesn't know that the people he gives riddles to are just illusions,and so are the scream to.It could be a test and it could be something else.

As the Sphynx mused within the cave, everything suddenly seems to...become even slower. The air gets a crispness to it, and the sound of whispering wind fills the place although there is no breeze. Suddenly, a woman walks inside. She looks unimpressive, with scraggly brown hair and wearing the clothes of a housewife; but in her hands she holds a little brown book.

She looks up at the Sphynx, and her eyes seem to hold some spark within them...energetic, but wise, and also secretive, as if she knows something he does not.

"Greetings, Sphynx," she says, and she smiles.

How will the Sphynx react?

Skylord_Rorak wrote:If Hanging City ever falls to the demon then this world will crumble for sure...

As the Skylord frets, there suddenly comes the strangest sensation of...What? An eerie stillness to the air, something not exactly welcoming. A door swings open and a young man walks in. Dressed in a white lab coat, he looks like one of the City's scientists; he even holds an electronic board in his hands.

Clearing his throat, the man looks the Skylord in the eye and states, "Sir, you need to know something...it is of utmost importance."

What will the Skylord do?
I'm becoming too old but okay, I'll tell the other Skylords if you'd like afterwards.


45Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:56 am

Jana V

Jana V

Before I start, I'd like to know where is the castle/base of the Silver kingdom? Is it in the Havenrise?

46Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:08 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Emilly you could now put little changes to my character in the first page,thanks. Very Happy

In the singing forest,where Draco lived in a small hidden house,everything was quiet.He was thinking why birds weren't singing,since they always do that.He want to the nature guardian,to ask what happened,why aren't the birds singing.But the problem was that nobody knew where guardian was,she was never staying in the same place.He was waling around the forest,hoping to find the nature guardian,but nothing.He was losing his hope that he will find the nature guardian,but suddenly,hallucination started.Dragon appeared out of nowhere,heading to him.He was ready to yell and run away,when he figured out that it was just a hallucination.
-God i hate that almost in every hour i see hallucinations.
Draco was thinking.
He continued searching,hoping to find the nature guardian soon.

47Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:45 am



-For some reason Rorak thinks of a random number-

Random number (1,50) : 35

Last edited by Skylord_Rorak on Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:48 am; edited 1 time in total


48Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:02 am

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Jana V wrote:Before I start, I'd like to know where is the castle/base of the Silver kingdom? Is it in the Havenrise?

Yes, it is. The castle/base of the Vagary's Fortress on Havenrise, to the South, near the Mountains (you can see it on the map if you need a visual image).

Skylord_Rorak wrote:I'm becoming too old but okay, I'll tell the other Skylords if you'd like afterwards.

The young man dressed in the lab coat and holding the electronic clipboard briefly appears amused by the Skylord's statement, but then his face becomes serious again.

"You can do as you wish, Skylord Rorak," he answers, fixing his stare directly on the Skylord. The young man's eyes look...odd...as if something is not quite right, but they gleam with intelligence. "But what is of main importance is that you have received a message which, if you ask me, seems a bit sketchy." He holds up the electronic pad and turns it so that the Skylord can see its surface. Scrawled across the screen in Courier New font, a message blinks at Rorak:

Your floating city is falling, Mister Rorak;
If you know what is best for yourself and the city,
You shall seek the Captured Moon.
Look in your city's library.

The message ends there, and the young man --without a word-- turns and silently exits the room, not waiting to see how the Skylord will react.

Sima Miletijevv wrote:Emilly you could now put little changes to my character in the first page,thanks. Very Happy


Sima Miletijevv wrote:In the singing forest,where Draco lived in a small hidden house,everything was quiet.He was thinking why birds weren't singing,since they always do that.He want to the nature guardian,to ask what happened,why aren't the birds singing.But the problem was that nobody knew where guardian was,she was never staying in the same place.He was waling around the forest,hoping to find the nature guardian,but nothing.He was losing his hope that he will find the nature guardian,but suddenly,hallucination started.Dragon appeared out of nowhere,heading to him.He was ready to yell and run away,when he figured out that it was just a hallucination.
-God i hate that almost in every hour i see hallucinations.
Draco was thinking.
He continued searching,hoping to find the nature guardian soon.

As Draco searches the forest, the sound of twigs and dead leaves snapping under feet becomes apparent. It seems to walk alongside him, hidden among the trees, for a moment, before there emerges a young girl. Dressed in a pretty yellow little dress and carrying a basket full of flowers in her hands, she beams up at him. She opens her mouth, possibly to greet him, but instead she says joyfully:

"Head toward the Northwest, friend; the one you seek rests there. And once you find her, tell her this:" The girl pauses, and then giggling, begins to sing:

"Beside the water's curtain,
"Below the roaring wave,
"Behind the tumbled stones,
"There sits the forgotten cave."

As she sings this, she skips up and grasps his elbow, turning him in the correct direction. Then, giggling again, she reaches into her basket and hands him a daisy before turning and flouncing off to vanish once more among the trees, like a ghost.

49Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:00 am



-Is about to call the scientist but he leaves before I get a chance-

If the city is falling is it just me who should go or everybody? I should get to the library!!!


50Realm of Dreams and Shadows - Page 2 Empty Re: Realm of Dreams and Shadows Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:41 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Emily Sanders wrote:
As Draco searches the forest, the sound of twigs and dead leaves snapping under feet becomes apparent. It seems to walk alongside him, hidden among the trees, for a moment, before there emerges a young girl. Dressed in a pretty yellow little dress and carrying a basket full of flowers in her hands, she beams up at him. She opens her mouth, possibly to greet him, but instead she says joyfully:

"Head toward the Northwest, friend; the one you seek rests there. And once you find her, tell her this:" The girl pauses, and then giggling, begins to sing:

"Beside the water's curtain,
"Below the roaring wave,
"Behind the tumbled stones,
"There sits the forgotten cave."

As she sings this, she skips up and grasps his elbow, turning him in the correct direction. Then, giggling again, she reaches into her basket and hands him a daisy before turning and flouncing off to vanish once more among the trees, like a ghost.

Slowly walking,without any rush,Draco was heading to the Northwest.As he was walking,he found a a paper,there wasn't anything on it,Draco turned the paper on another said and he saw nice little letters that said: Dr.Agon
Draco first saw it without a dot,seeing just letters that says Dragon.Then he saw it normally,but he remembered his little hallucination, where Dragon attacked him. Knowing that his hallucinations are sometimes telling him what will happen, he figured out that Dr.Agon will attack him,forest,or maybe something else.
He continued waling,and after few minutes saw nature guardian.He came near him,and with calm but angry voice he said:
"Beside the water's curtain,
"Below the roaring wave,
"Behind the tumbled stones,
"There sits the forgotten cave."

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