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A Point of Culmination

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1A Point of Culmination Empty A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:31 pm



A Point of Culmination As9Tm

"A point of Culmination" is a night club near South California. It is a place with many characters. We will have to look, and get what they really are. It is not a fantastic place, in this roleplay you can't do anything that you can't in your real life. We don't have magic here, we don't have aliens, vampires, weird animals and so on. This is a roleplay with people, only people, and only with stuff that can happen in our real life. With this roleplay we will try making comedy, sad story, horror, drama and everything.

You are allowed to add your character, but only if you find a transparent picture that can be made a banner with him, as I have for the rest of the characters in the second post. So before you make characters, please make sure that you have a transparent picture, and post here. I will make a banner as fast as I can, but you don't have to wait me to start roleplaying.

We will try making this roleplay more "pictured", as one diary, as one story, without end. Let the roleplay begin!


2A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:31 pm




A Point of Culmination 3Qb1v

*Vanja is 19 years old girl. She is neutral. She is not a good person, she is not a bad person. She is variable. She loves playing with boys, and she is never in love. Vanja enjoys making people sad. She is different, she have random details on her whole body. No one can understand her.

A Point of Culmination RQiWL

*Aldo. Aldo is a person that can't show his emotions. Also, he is a pirate. Hmm, don't understand me wrong, he is calling hisself a pirate, but he is just one simple navigator. He is always the boss in the boat, and you can see him very rarely in the club "A point of Culmination". He is a very mysterious person. He want to tell something, but when he start, he always give up.

A Point of Culmination SmkEV

*Ivanna is the prettiest girl in the story. She is very friendly, and she is always trying to help out anytime. She loves Markko, she really love him. But the problem is, that Ivanna is often jealous, sometimes with a reason, but sometimes without. Markko is not sure about her love for him.

A Point of Culmination XOwpF

*Johnny is Nathalia's son. He is always taking care about the club when Nathalia is not free for doing it, as far as the club is under their leadership. Johnny don't really care about the "modern" world, and the parties around the club. He is in love, but with his computer, and his social network's love. Johnny is used to be offended.

A Point of Culmination 67zlv

*Maria is a girl, don't get confused. She used to be offended too, as Johnny, but she is offended by the people that comes in the club, as far as she is one of the favourite for her friends. Ivanna is her best friend. Maria have a secret, and we have no idea what can that be.

A Point of Culmination GwBcr

*Markko is the lover. He is very confident. He don't believe in Ivanna's love, I don't know why. He thinks that she is pretty, but he also love playing with other girls. He is a friend with Johnny, and he loves social network's life too, but Markko is everywhere, and he can find time for everything.

A Point of Culmination OrL6C

*Nathalia is the oldest of them all, and she is the leader of the most famous club in California. Nathalia lost her husband on their wedding, from weird resources. The police was descovering for years, and nobody knows anything about the murder. Nathalia was pregnant on her wedding, and after four months, Johnny was born, and he have never seen his father.

A Point of Culmination RgisX

*Ufona is just as any other typical suburban schoolgirl when you first see her, but actually she's a mad girl with personal mental problems. She insistently believes in UFO. She is adopted by a nice old couple who lives in a small, peaceful house at the end of the street, since her parents disappeared a long time ago when she was just born. They left a name tag necklace that says Ufona, which leads her to believe that her parents were trying to tell her something; they were abducted by UFOs. Of course, she hasn't any concrete proofs at all, but she keeps on believing. It was rumoured that she might be Aldo's long lost sister.

Last edited by Steff on Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:39 am; edited 8 times in total


3A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:36 pm



It was one really beautiful morning, one usual. Nathalia wake up first, and she was preparing the new day in the club. She went to Johnny's room, to see is he awake or not. She found him sleepy, with his lap-top in his hands. "He is really getting crazy with this computer life. What will I do with this child? Ohh." -She said. She didn't like Johhny's life. Johnny is sick with that social life. She was trying to find a solution for years. Poor mother. Their past was really hard.

"Oh, Natti! What is this today? I'm always waking up first, but this morning you were faster! Is there any special reason?" -Asked Maria, and she said the truth. Maria was always the first person to wake up. "Oh, nothing dear Maria. That awkward dogs are really barking much this morning. I can't sleep! What's your plans for today, dear?". "Mmm, I don't know. I can be helping you out with the club. I have nothing on my list today!" -Said Maria happily. "Heh, great. Thank you dear!".


Now, any of you, Miscrimaniars, can keep roleplaying and make the story more complicated.

Last edited by Steff on Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:05 pm; edited 1 time in total


4A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:59 pm



Aaaaah! Stop torturing me and start it! Pwease!!!


5A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:06 pm



Herobrine wrote:Aaaaah! Stop torturing me and start it! Pwease!!!

The roleplay can begin! And about the PM you sent me, feel free to roleplay with any already made characters!


6A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:07 pm



Steff wrote:
Herobrine wrote:Aaaaah! Stop torturing me and start it! Pwease!!!

The roleplay can begin! And about the PM you sent me, feel free to roleplay with any already made characters!

Very Happy I take Markko!


7A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:10 pm



Everyone can play with everyone Smile


8A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:12 pm



Steff wrote:Everyone can play with everyone Smile

Don't get this anymore.


9A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:13 pm



Just continue the story, with any character(s).


10A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:41 pm



I personally will only use Aldo,my favorite character so far.
Aldo walked into the club.He went and sat at one of the tables.A few guys approached him.They clearly wanted to fight and Aldo being a pirate he wasn't afraid,he knew he was strong."I'm a pirate,yarghh,are you sure you want to take me on?"The first guy punched but Aldo dodged and hit him in the stomach the he roundhouse kicked the one behind him.There was one left,after seeing his friend sown he panicked and ran.Aldo grabbed the 2 others who were unconscious.Then Aldo excused himself and went outside,threw them outside and went back in."I've see you've been working out Aldo." Markko said.

11A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:02 pm



ShadowsMaster wrote:Aldo walked into the club.He went and sat at one of the tables.A few guys approached him.They clearly wanted to fight and Aldo being a pirate he wasn't afraid,he knew he was strong."I'm a pirate,yarghh,are you sure you want to take me on?"The first guy punched but Aldo dodged and hit him in the stomach the he roundhouse kicked the one behind him.There was one left,after seeing his friend sown he panicked and ran.Aldo grabbed the 2 others who were unconscious.Then Aldo excused himself and went outside,threw them outside and went back in."I've see you've been working out Aldo." Markko said.

"Aldo! Please! How can you do this? This is the most famous and the most visited place in California! Many teens run out because of your fight, please be more careful next time! Is this your real face, showing after many years? Tell us faster, we really wanna know what we will be doing with you in the future!" -said Nathalia angrily. Vanja was starring at Aldo - "I like this guy." -she said.


12A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:06 pm



Steff wrote:
ShadowsMaster wrote:Aldo walked into the club.He went and sat at one of the tables.A few guys approached him.They clearly wanted to fight and Aldo being a pirate he wasn't afraid,he knew he was strong."I'm a pirate,yarghh,are you sure you want to take me on?"The first guy punched but Aldo dodged and hit him in the stomach the he roundhouse kicked the one behind him.There was one left,after seeing his friend sown he panicked and ran.Aldo grabbed the 2 others who were unconscious.Then Aldo excused himself and went outside,threw them outside and went back in."I've see you've been working out Aldo." Markko said.

"Aldo! Please! How can you do this? This is the most famous and the most visited place in California! Many teens run out because of your fight, please be more careful next time! Is this your real face, showing after many years? Tell us faster, we really wanna know what we will be doing with you in the future!" -said Nathalia angrily. Vanja was starring at Aldo - "I like this guy." -she said.

Aldo quickly apologized "I'm sorry Nathalia,but they had started it.Next time I will be more careful."

13A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:15 pm



"Thank you." -Nathalia said.

While Aldo was leaving the club, Vanja stopped his way. "Hey, dear. What's your plans for today?" -she asked. Aldo ignored her, he was the guy without emotions. Now, he was running. Vanja was wondering, and secretly, she was following him to the boat.


14A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:33 pm



Aldo was sitting in his boat looking at the sky.It was night now and he was looking at the starry sky.Vanja was wondering"why doesn't this guy like,go home or something?"Aldo went inside for a while then came out with a pillow and a blanket,he put them on the boat and started to go to sleep while starring at the sky.

15A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:41 pm



-Nathalia becomes drunk-



16A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:01 pm



ShadowsMaster wrote:Aldo was sitting in his boat looking at the sky.It was night now and he was looking at the starry sky.Vanja was wondering"why doesn't this guy like,go home or something?"Aldo went inside for a while then came out with a pillow and a blanket,he put them on the boat and started to go to sleep while starring at the sky.

The next morning, when Aldo wake up, he found Vanja sleeping next to him. But for some weird reason, Aldo said "Let it be, I like it!". He was starring at her closed eyes, at his mouth. Vanja wake up and saw how Aldo is starring at her, with a little smile on his face. "I knew that you love me, honey." -she said. Aldo didn't know what to do. And for the first time in his life, he showed his emotions. He kissed her.

Nathalia came to the boat, for a reason that she found Aldo a little mystery, and she never bealieved that Aldo is a good person, because the moments when Aldo was talking were very rare. She was wondering when she saw that Aldo is kissing with Vanja, and she tought that they are in relationship for long. Nathalia knows that Vanja is not a good person, so she tought that Aldo is just like her. Nathalia leaved the boat.


17A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:34 am



Count Ponyula!
A Point of Culmination Mr4hvd
Count Ponyula thinks hes a vampire but he isnt. People dont like to but him since he WILL kill them if they do.


18A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:11 am



This roleplay does not accept anything fantastic. Only real. And no animals please.


19A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:54 pm

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Steff wrote:This roleplay does not accept anything fantastic. Only real. And no animals please.
But she is still cute and looks like evil :3


20A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:55 pm



She IS cute, but not acceptable for this roleplay. Twisted Evil


21A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:13 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

I want to join roleplay and post something,but i just....i just don't have any idea what to post. Neutral

22A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:17 pm

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

A Point of Culmination Tek4fd9e14ed56352894263

I really dont know the picture is transparent or not ._. But i want to join the roleplay.

Her name is violette. She has many names, and almost all of them related to Aldo, like Aldo's sister, counterpart of Aldo, and more. But, no one know who is her. She really mysterious lime Aldo. But what the clubs know is how she join he club. Violette was found in front of the club's door when snowing.


23A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:19 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Pawrian Gray wrote:A Point of Culmination Tek4fd9e14ed56352894263

I really dont know the picture is transparent or not ._. But i want to join the roleplay.

Her name is violette. She has many names, and almost all of them related to Aldo, like Aldo's sister, counterpart of Aldo, and more. But, no one know who is her. She really mysterious lime Aldo. But what the clubs know is how she join he club. Violette was found in front of the club's door when snowing.

You don't need to add your character to join,you can roleplay with all characters. Rolling Eyes

24A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:21 pm

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Sima Miletijevv wrote:
Pawrian Gray wrote:A Point of Culmination Tek4fd9e14ed56352894263

I really dont know the picture is transparent or not ._. But i want to join the roleplay.

Her name is violette. She has many names, and almost all of them related to Aldo, like Aldo's sister, counterpart of Aldo, and more. But, no one know who is her. She really mysterious lime Aldo. But what the clubs know is how she join he club. Violette was found in front of the club's door when snowing.

You don't need to add your character to join,you can roleplay with all characters. Rolling Eyes
But in the frotpage it said if you want to make a new character you can as far as the character picture is transparent. ._.


25A Point of Culmination Empty Re: A Point of Culmination Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:28 pm



The picture is too small. Crying or Very sad Maybe you can draw her big? and transparent.


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