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The Isle of Orontum

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1The Isle of Orontum Empty The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:56 am



The Isle of Orontum Logo

The Isle of Orontum is a magical island hidden in the Pulcharian Sea. It is beautiful and filled with all sorts of creatures and plant life.

Creatures living in the Island

The Isle of Orontum Tagar-1
Tagar- The tagar are slow, reptile-like creatures that can live for decades. They are commonly found in the shores and caves of Orontum. They are kind yet fierce when threatened. They have a diet of leaves and insects.

Perickal- Perickals are wild dogs, They eat meat and are mostly found in groups led by an alpha male and female. They are excellent hunters, They live in the mountains, forests and plains of Orontum.

Micory- Micory are fairies living in the dense forests, They are kind and giving unless you scare them or hurt them.

Badizoat- Badizoats are types of goats living in the mountains, forests and plains. They are kind and calm but often run away instantly when they see something suspicious.

The Isle of Orontum OrontianGiantCat
Orontian Giant Cat- Orontian Giant Cats are big wild cats the size of bisons. They are ferocious and either live solitary and in groups. They are sometimes used for transportation by the people of the island.

Orotam- Orotams are horse/cow like and are mostly used for transportation by the people. They are calm and most of them are tamed.

The Isle of Orontum LesserWhiteCat-1
Lesser White Cat- The Lesser is a wild cat as large as a cheetah, It eats meat and lives solitary.

Harian Eagle- Are eagles with powerful claws and great wings. They hunt from small rodents to Orotams.

Alrosaur- Alrosaurs are dangerous lizard monsters living in the Deadlands. They are gigantic.

Skulost- Skulosts are evil bones living in the winds, They are dangerous if you meet them and can slash you with their blade if they feel like it. They thrive in the Deadlands.

Places in the Island

Orontum Lake- Is a big lake in the center of the island. It is home to Micories and different types of fishes.

Mineral Mountains- Mineral Mountains are a wide range of mountains in Orontum, It is called that way because it is rich in Minerals.

Orontum Forest- Is a forest in the island, It has a wide range of trees and is a home to a lot of creatures in the island.

Orontum Plains- Is a wide flat of land, Mostly the home of the people in Orontum.

Orontian Deadlands- Is a dangerous land, heard to be filled with monsters of many kinds. It is a scary place and many avoid this place.

Shadow Dungeons- Is a dark dungeon deep below the Orontum Forest, It is dark and filled with evil

Orontum may seem a peaceful place but evil is there. A man named Otio Lues Paedor is slowly, slowly bringing evil to the island.

Be aware, Bandits also roam the island

Last edited by JL on Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:15 pm; edited 7 times in total

2The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:04 am



Can I be Rorak like I am in Rising Threat and Futuristic City


3The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:04 am




Do not make your character very op
Do not destroy the place
Do not make all the creatures extinct :p
Do not swear or say bad words
Do not make your character invincible
Do not make your character summon something invincible
follow all the rules above

Last edited by JL on Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:25 pm; edited 7 times in total

4The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:05 am




Name: Aurelius la Iustitia

Look: black hair with bangs, black eyes, tall

weapons: Blue Flame Blade, Dagger

Magic: Move very fast, Blue Flames

usual clothes: black hood, grey shirt, black pants, grey boots with red details, black cape, white scarf, white cloth hanging from pants, black glove and metal glove on right hand/

Pet: Harion Eagle

Ride: White Winged Orontian Giant Cat

background story: Aurelius is a brave warrior living in Orontum, His pet Harion Eagle has been very loyal to him since he was very young. He is great with sword combat. He worked as a farmer when he was very young and a hunter when he was an older child. He had a not so rich family so he had to work hard. When he was growing old, He joined in the Battle Stadium when he was older and was forced to fight animals and people to gain money. He grew older and became a little richer and quit in the Battle Stadium. He worked again as both a hunter and a farmer until he was found by an elite warrior and was pleased by him and he was trained by the warrior until he became a warrior himself.

Name: Draco

Look:Good Looking,black hair,tall.

Clothes:Red Scarf,brown jacket.

Weapon:Nothing,just uses what ever he can to attack or defend.

Magic: Use the power of all elements (Fire,Water,plant,etc...)

Pet: Flying bunny

Name: Rorak

Look: Nobody actually knows. You just see his face blacked away from his robe hood

weapons: Staff of Necromancy

Magic: ALL Necromancy and ALL Telekinetik Magicks

usual clothes: Full black version of Magicite Overlord's clothing

Pet: N/A But can summon any undead or airborn creature

Ride: Huge King Black Dragon

background story: Rorak was born on a planet named Necro-Topia but when he was 20 he went on a mission for diamond but when he returned home the sun had died and his race too. He's terrorizes 2 planets (Harmony and Galactia) to find a female Necromancer, find a new home planet and repopulate. He still has rage of what has happened

Name: Eols

Look: 5'5", slender, dark curly hair, hazel-eyed.

Clothes: A simple leather shirt and pants, with leather boots.

Weapon: A simple dagger hidden in one of her boots.

Magic: Necromantic powers (but in the process of learning them).

Pet: A Micory.

Last edited by JL on Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:05 pm; edited 6 times in total

5The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:06 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Grat,i shall make my character soon. Very Happy
Hoping for good fun in this thread as in Rising Threat and Futuristic City (My roleplay Razz ).

6The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:15 am



Sima Miletijevv wrote:Grat,i shall make my character soon. Very Happy
Hoping for good fun in this thread as in Rising Threat and Futuristic City (My roleplay Razz ).
Can't wait for that Smile

7The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:16 am



Oh and magic, pet and ride is optional

8The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:18 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Name: Draco

Look:Good Looking,black hair,tall.

Clothes:Red Scarf,brown jacket.

Weapon:Nothing,just uses what ever he can to attack or defend.

Magic: Use the power of all elements (Fire,Water,plant,etc...)

Pet: Flying bunny

9The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:19 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Let the roleplay start! Rolling Eyes
i will post backside story later...... Razz

10The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:25 pm



I hear an explosion... I dash as fast as I can to the place to see a Sordessor, One of the people of Otio. He looks at me with a cold glare and dashes at me and hits me with his mace. I managed to dodge and counter with a punch, knocking him down. I looked at him as I walk away with confusion why the Sordessor would cast the explosion there...

Meanwhile in the mountains, a lesser white cat was angered, watching something, It was another Sordessor. The Sordessor merely looked at the wild cat shot dark magic at the wild cat. The white cat was blown away, the cat looked at his paw and it turned into color black. He felt a sudden change and he was hypnotized by the Sordessor and worked for him. Orotams ran away with fear. But someone walked to Sordessor... It was...

11The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:32 pm



Name: Rorak

Look: Nobody actually knows. You just see his face blacked away from his robe hood

weapons: Staff of Necromancy

Magic: ALL Necromancy and ALL Telekinetik Magicks

usual clothes: Full black version of Magicite Overlord's clothing

Pet: N/A But can summon any undead or airborn creature

Ride: Huge King Black Dragon

background story: Rorak was born on a planet named Necro-Topia but when he was 20 he went on a mission for diamond but when he returned home the sun had died and his race too. He's terrorizes 2 planets (Harmony and Galactia) to find a female Necromancer, find a new home planet and repopulate. He still has rage of what has happened


12The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:37 pm



Character: Rorak
Location: Deadlands (Home on Oruntiana/Planet)

The third planet I've been to now! If I don't find a female necromancer on this planet I'm destroying everything on this planet!

My people we evil but they did not deserve to die out, if only the sun had survived! I take out my rage whilst on this quest!!!


13The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:38 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

JL wrote:I hear an explosion... I dash as fast as I can to the place to see a Sordessor, One of the people of Otio. He looks at me with a cold glare and dashes at me and hits me with his mace. I managed to dodge and counter with a punch, knocking him down. I looked at him as I walk away with confusion why the Sordessor would cast the explosion there...

Meanwhile in the mountains, a lesser white cat was angered, watching something, It was another Sordessor. The Sordessor merely looked at the wild cat shot dark magic at the wild cat. The white cat was blown away, the cat looked at his paw and it turned into color black. He felt a sudden change and he was hypnotized by the Sordessor and worked for him. Orotams ran away with fear. But someone walked to Sordessor... It was...
....Draco!He used power of fire element to attack Sordessor,then he sent water jet at him,water become ice when touched him,then he used lighting beam to finish him off.Great combo for defeating an enemy.

14The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:54 pm



Sima Miletijevv wrote:
JL wrote:I hear an explosion... I dash as fast as I can to the place to see a Sordessor, One of the people of Otio. He looks at me with a cold glare and dashes at me and hits me with his mace. I managed to dodge and counter with a punch, knocking him down. I looked at him as I walk away with confusion why the Sordessor would cast the explosion there...

Meanwhile in the mountains, a lesser white cat was angered, watching something, It was another Sordessor. The Sordessor merely looked at the wild cat shot dark magic at the wild cat. The white cat was blown away, the cat looked at his paw and it turned into color black. He felt a sudden change and he was hypnotized by the Sordessor and worked for him. Orotams ran away with fear. But someone walked to Sordessor... It was...
....Draco!He used power of fire element to attack Sordessor,then he sent water jet at him,water become ice when touched him,then he used lighting beam to finish him off.Great combo for defeating an enemy.
as Draco left the place, A Sordessor walked and looked at the defeated Sordessor. He put his hand at the defeated one and he suddenly swirled into the other one's hand. "Weakling" The Sordessor thought to himself. He walked away.

Meanwhile at the shores. I am just relaxing here with a Tagar, My Harian Eagle and my Orontian Giant Cat. But a huge wave splashed on to us there stood up another Sordessor in front of us. I took out my Rapier and was about to slash the Sordessor but he instantly held the Rapier and blasted water in my face. My Harian Eagle grabbed his hand with his massively sharped claws, The Sordessor felt pain but easily blasted my Harian with a great gust of wind. I stood up and road my Giant Cat and charged at the Sordessor, I slashed my blade wounding the Sordessor and my Giant Cat pounced at him and slashed him with his claws. I then lifted the wounded Sordessor and threw him on the sea.

15The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:35 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Wait a second.. why are we not including miscrits as the creatures in the isle?

16The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:19 pm



Jana V wrote:Wait a second.. why are we not including miscrits as the creatures in the isle?
Because this is a different island with different creatures! Very Happy

17The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:03 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Draco and his flying bunny was walking near the orontum lake,and saw a Sordessor that was going at them.Then,Draco attacked Sordessor with strong water jet,and his flying bunny kicked Sordessor and finished him off.

18The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:08 pm



Sima Miletijevv wrote:Draco and his flying bunny was walking near the orontum lake,and saw a Sordessor that was going at them.Then,Draco attacked Sordessor with strong water jet,and his flying bunny kicked Sordessor and finished him off.
Aurelius was riding his Giant Cat named Carnarion while his eagle, Aquilio was flying above them. Aurelius got shot by an arrow to the shoulder, He looked in front and saw an Archer with purple clothes and a dark purple hood. He said, "Give me all your money, medicine and weapons!" Aurelius said "Why would I do that?" he replied "If you want to live!" He shot his arrow again but Aurelius blocked it with his blade then he jumped from his Cat and was about to jump on the bandit...

19The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:15 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Name: Eols

Look: 5'5", slender, dark curly hair, hazel-eyed.

Clothes: A simple leather shirt and pants, with leather boots.

Weapon: A simple dagger hidden in one of her boots.

Magic: None.

Pet: A Micory.

20The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:16 pm



(All rides are indestructable and are immune to all)

-Rides on King Black Dragon!-



21The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:18 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Herobrine wrote:(All rides are indestructable and are immune to all)

-Rides on King Black Dragon!-


Draco quickly dodges attack and send a strong water jet.When water touched Rorak and his dragon,it frozed,making both of them unable to attack.

22The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:23 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:Name: Eols

Look: 5'5", slender, dark curly hair, hazel-eyed.

Clothes: A simple leather shirt and pants, with leather boots.

Weapon: A simple dagger hidden in one of her boots.

Magic: None.

Pet: A Micory.
I added you to the character list Very Happy

23The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:31 pm



JL wrote:
Sima Miletijevv wrote:Draco and his flying bunny was walking near the orontum lake,and saw a Sordessor that was going at them.Then,Draco attacked Sordessor with strong water jet,and his flying bunny kicked Sordessor and finished him off.
Aurelius was riding his Giant Cat named Carnarion while his eagle, Aquilio was flying above them. Aurelius got shot by an arrow to the shoulder, He looked in front and saw an Archer with purple clothes and a dark purple hood. He said, "Give me all your money, medicine and weapons!" Aurelius said "Why would I do that?" he replied "If you want to live!" He shot his arrow again but Aurelius blocked it with his blade then he jumped from his Cat and was about to jump on the bandit...
The Bandit shooted an arrown hitting Aurelius again in his shoulder. Aurelius ignored it and hitted him with Blue Flames blasting him to a tree, He removed the arrow from his shoulder and finished the Bandit with another blast of flames.

24The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:23 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Meanwhile, a girl named Eols rests within the Orontum Forest. Lounging by a lake with crystal-clear waters in the shade of the trees, she leans her back against a tree trunk as she sits comfy and snug among its roots. A Micory flits around, here and there, and Eols watches him with a sleepy, pleasant look upon her face. Beside the girl is a small pile of berries and nuts, each looking fresh and delicious. Closing her eyes, Eols listens to the singing birds and humming of insects, and the occasional splash of a fish in the water, as she picks up a berry between her thumb and forefinger and pops it into her mouth. Biting down on it, its sweetness bursts in her mouth and she sighs happily.

"This," she mumbles, as something which resembles a butterfly flutters by, "is the life."

25The Isle of Orontum Empty Re: The Isle of Orontum Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:32 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:Meanwhile, a girl named Eols rests within the Orontum Forest. Lounging by a lake with crystal-clear waters in the shade of the trees, she leans her back against a tree trunk as she sits comfy and snug among its roots. A Micory flits around, here and there, and Eols watches him with a sleepy, pleasant look upon her face. Beside the girl is a small pile of berries and nuts, each looking fresh and delicious. Closing her eyes, Eols listens to the singing birds and humming of insects, and the occasional splash of a fish in the water, as she picks up a berry between her thumb and forefinger and pops it into her mouth. Biting down on it, its sweetness bursts in her mouth and she sighs happily.

"This," she mumbles, as something which resembles a butterfly flutters by, "is the life."

-Somebody teleports my dragon somewhere then teleports me to Eols-

Where and who am I?


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