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Emily's Illegal Shop

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26Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:24 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Emily Sanders wrote:As Emily bangs on the bahtroom's locked door, she swears loudly and starts shouting for help. Although she is wailing for someone to let her out --and if anyone does, they might be startled to find it 'empty,' as she is still invisible due to the camo-threads remaining activated-- her mind is also racing as she tries to come up with a plan.

Perhaps, if Sima passes near enough to the public restroom, he can hear her shouting...but even if he does, would he even be brave enough to venture in and unlock a stall door?

Sima is passing near the public restroom.Did i hear anything? he was thinking.Nah,i am sure it was wind,i will just keep walking and eating this delicious pizza.

27Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:59 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Sima Miletijevv wrote:
Emily Sanders wrote:As Emily bangs on the bahtroom's locked door, she swears loudly and starts shouting for help. Although she is wailing for someone to let her out --and if anyone does, they might be startled to find it 'empty,' as she is still invisible due to the camo-threads remaining activated-- her mind is also racing as she tries to come up with a plan.

Perhaps, if Sima passes near enough to the public restroom, he can hear her shouting...but even if he does, would he even be brave enough to venture in and unlock a stall door?

Sima is passing near the public restroom.Did i hear anything? he was thinking.Nah,i am sure it was wind,i will just keep walking and eating this delicious pizza.

28Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:52 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

rofl. XD


Emily remains in the stall for a while, her voice growing hoarse from all her shouting. Eventually, a random passer-by hears her calls for help. Feeling a pang of sympathy, the old woman shuffles into the public restrooms and squints at the stall door's hinges.

"Oh dear, oh dear," she says in a quavering voice, and reaching a frail hand into her purse, removes some liquid denture cleaner. Opening the small vial, she carefully drips drops of the clean on each stall door's hinges. Relieved women all emerge and thank her as she frees them, and once the old lady gets to Emily's stall, Emily's voice is hoarse from yelling. Finding the door suddenly swinging open and a wrinkled face peering in, Emily pauses, before slipping out past her.

"Thank you," the teenager says with much relief, and after washing her hands, hurries on. After she leaves, the public bathrooms are utterly silent as the other women all exchange worried looks. After all, the air had seemingly just spoken, and the sinks and paper-towel dispenser had appeared to work on their own before the restroom's door swung open of its own accord and closed.

Is there a ghost in the city...? A few whispers begin to spread, but oblivious to them, the invisible girl heads toward the heart of the city.


Ailios rushes around the room at the shop, frantically surveying buttons embedded in the counters. Uncertain as to what to do, he begins pushing random ones with no more than educated guesses to help him. What shall happen...?

29Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:01 pm

Jana V

Jana V

The police force gathered around the toilet Emily's just been in. It was free opened, unlike all the other toilets before the police checked it. "I guess we're too late. Someone freed her, but who?" The police sent a request to the database with the DNA sample from the door handle. "This should do the trick." Just a few moments later, the transmission was sent back, giving full data about the person who opened the toilet. Nancy Elena; just an elderly woman, the police thought. But it's worth investigating.

The granny was summoned into the ground headquarters and was interrogated. She simply answered that she heard a voice from inside and she opened the door to check, but there was nothing inside, just a voice, it was like the air was speaking, according to her, and she seemed to be telling the truth. "Based on the aura reading, there was definitely an individual inside. This only means she is invisible, somehow, even managing to trick Erlang's sense." At the least, they managed to discover Emily's secret.


Aillios looked like he just activated the auto-safety-lock, which covered the shop into a complete prison. This means the shop is safe from outside invasion, well, until they bring real weapons to bust through, thought Aillios. However, several agents have been inside the shop, so they are now trapped inside, but also hold the card to destroying Aillios. They are armed.

30Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:10 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Emily eventually comes to a large building which, she notes approvingly, is small, clean, and simple. On its door is a sign which says, "Plumbing Services." Pushing the door open, she enters and walks across a nice carpeted floor. She comes to a desk where a pretty blonde receptionist sits admiring her nails; and, impatiently, the teenage taps the counter.

"Ye-e-es?" the receptionist drawls boredly, glancing up. Her heavily-makeuped eyes go round as a voice speaks out of the air, "I need plumbing services. Now." The blonde looks uncomfortable, and slowly reaches under the counter toward the security button.

"Uh, we will be right with you," she answers in a stammer. Emily glances around, scowling as she sees that the place is empty save for her and the other girl. But, with a harrumph, she turns and stomps unseen toward an empty chair.


Ailios lets out a sigh of relief as the safety lock comes on, and staggering to a chair, sinks into it. The chair creaks under the weight of his armor as the Zephyrgeist starts to recover, his large hands dangling down by his sides. He does not know that others are in the shop; he only closes his eyes and wishes, silently, that Emily would come back and fix the mess.

31Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:17 pm

Jana V

Jana V

The ignorant, blonde underpaid receptionist had alarmed the public police force. The sub-headquarters under the city received the signal instantly and alerted the current Emily search party for a more important mission.

"It seems that there's something queer in Plumbing Services, I need you to check it. Just abandon the search for now, it could be procrastinated."

The search party immediately flew into the plumbing services, which was a clean, cubical building sunken into the solid pavement in the concrete shore of the city's mainland part (the city is divided into two area; mainland and the Ile de l'Ange). The search party, lead by Johnson, swung the door open and went lightly armed into the building. One of the men walked into the blonde lady and asked for detail, whereas Emily came into another state of panic realising the police force. The only door, the entrance, was guarded by one of the men. After receiving the lady's evidence, Johnson stated, "the girl's invisible, guard the door locked, she's somewhere here." Does this spell Emily's doom?

32Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:23 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Emily stands slowly up, and as people guard the doors and officers roam the place, she carefully walks around them all. Every time someone gets near her, she backs away; if two or more people come close, she weaves between them. She moves as quietly and painstakingly as possible, trying not to touch any of them or make a noise.

33Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:27 pm

Jana V

Jana V

After half an hour of trying to locate the invisible girl, with the receptionist watching the polices as if doing a weird ritual dance, Johnson decided for an alternative plan. "I will import the aura glasses from the sub-headquarters, you guys wear it and locate Emily easily." He ended his statement with a tiresome sigh. The glasses didn't take long at all to arrive. Unfortunately for Emily, the transportation of the item into the building was completely secure. It was done through a small slot on the glass wall, so Emily couldn't escape. Johnson grabbed one and put the aura glasses onto his face, then opened his eyes, ready to scan.

34Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:30 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Emily begins to edge toward the officers guarding the doors, although she keeps a wary eye on Johnson. As he slips the glasses onto his face and looks around, she knows she has been spotted when he looks directly at her and his eyes focus. In a sudden burst of energy, she charges the police officers at the door. She turns so her shoulder is aimed toward them, one arm bent so that the elbow is sticking out. Her plan is to take them by surprise -- who would expect to be suddenly attacked by air? -- and, if she manages to make impact, there will be a lot of pain for whoever gets jabbed by her elbow and shoulder.

35Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:33 pm

Jana V

Jana V

"The cat-mouse chase ends now!" Johnson declared ambitiously. The guard officer was enduring the pain, still sticking himself onto the door behind him. The other men sprinted into that direction, trying to locate Emily. Meanwhile Johnson locked his vision on Emily, who was looking back furiously. "YOU! LOCK THIS BUILDING COMPLETELY NOW!" Before Emily manages to charge through the door, the building was now a solid prison. "Mwahahaha! I'm coming to get you," as Johnson walks slowly towards Emily, who was cowering in the corner.

36Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:36 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Emily whips around, her eyes now blazing as she raises her fists threateningly. She widens her stance and bends her knees slightly in a balancing karate pose taught to her by her big brother (wait...she has a brother? Dun dun duunn...to be learned more about later) as she readies for a fight. Although he speaks to her as he approaches, she does not verbally respond; there is no need for her, herself, to give away her position to the other officers. She does, however, curl her upper lip in a defiant sneer at him.

37Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:40 pm

Jana V

Jana V

"You little.." Johnson charged towards Emily, ready to strangle her neck into a tin line of thread. His grandmother taught him how to strangle (wait there.. Johnson has a grandmo- I mean grandmother who strangles? Dundunndunnn! To be revealed later.)

38Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:45 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Emily waits until Johnson is nearly on her, before suddenly dropping to the floor and swinging one leg out. The front of her foot catches Johnson at the front of his feet and swipes his legs out from beneath him. As he falls to the floor, the other officers start to rush closer, alarmed that he is being beaten up by air. While he fell, Emily had leapt back to her feet and run toward the door, which is now guarded by only one guard; the other had moved forward to help Johnson. Pushing the door open, she runs straight out and back into the street of the city.

39Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:47 pm

Jana V

Jana V

"Aaargh. Damn it!" cursed Johnson. "No, no, actually. Yes, we've succeeded." The other officers looked curiously, almost assuming Johnson was crazy. "I attached an INVISIBLE chip on Emily, when she attacked me. This time, the chip can explode." Johnson ended the conversation by laughing maniacally.

40Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:52 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

The winter clothes she had worn when leaving the shop to sled down the hill were becoming heavy, and making her feel far too hot, as well as slowing her down. Beginning to pant, Emily shrugs off her coat and snow pants as she runs, leaving them on the sidewalk. Now only in a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt, she runs toward a bus which has stopped to pick up passengers. She throws money into the change box as she shoves past entering passengers, and then dashes to a seat in the back to ride. The camo-threads are woven into her clothes too, so she is still unseen, although a few people are aware of her being in the seat.

The invisible snow clothes on the sidewalk trip a few people, and then suddenly explode. Terror and confusion erupts among the people on the sidewalks as they try to figure out what happened; that will not be good for authorities to deal with. Meanwhile, the bus pulls away and begins driving downtown.

Will the police think that Emily is dead? Or will something else happen?

41Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:55 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Emily Sanders wrote:The winter clothes she had worn when leaving the shop to sled down the hill were becoming heavy, and making her feel far too hot, as well as slowing her down. Beginning to pant, Emily shrugs off her coat and snow pants as she runs, leaving them on the sidewalk. Now only in a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt, she runs toward a bus which has stopped to pick up passengers. She throws money into the change box as she shoves past entering passengers, and then dashes to a seat in the back to ride. The camo-threads are woven into her clothes too, so she is still unseen, although a few people are aware of her being in the seat.

The invisible snow clothes on the sidewalk trip a few people, and then suddenly explode. Terror and confusion erupts among the people on the sidewalks as they try to figure out what happened; that will not be good for authorities to deal with. Meanwhile, the bus pulls away and begins driving downtown.

Will the police think that Emily is dead? Or will something else happen?


Johnson and his pathetic search party realised the explosion was not what they were aiming for. So they surrendered. This girl is too maniacal to catch. Now they're gonna leave the business to BillyBob on the sky.

"Secure the shop. Make sure no one comes in."

42Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:15 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

From one small house,Sima comes out dressed up very nice in business suit.Heading to the store,but police said nobody can come in.From his pocket,Sima takes out a camera.
-May i have one picture of you?I never had a picture of a policeman.
Policeman lets Sima to take a picture,but when Sima pressed the button to take a photo,big light gets out of the camera making policeman and all people close to him blind.Sima goes in the shop,leaving the blind policeman.

43Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:17 am

Jana V

Jana V

Sima Miletijevv wrote:From one small house,Sima comes out dressed up very nice in business suit.Heading to the store,but police said nobody can come in.From his pocket,Sima takes out a camera.
-May i have one picture of you?I never had a picture of a policeman.
Policeman lets Sima to take a picture,but when Sima pressed the button to take a photo,big light gets out of the camera making policeman and all people close to him blind.Sima goes in the shop,leaving the blind policeman.
SIMA, the shop is not technically a public shop. It's hidden far in Mt. Hobo, surrounded by police forces.

44Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:20 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Jana V wrote:
Sima Miletijevv wrote:From one small house,Sima comes out dressed up very nice in business suit.Heading to the store,but police said nobody can come in.From his pocket,Sima takes out a camera.
-May i have one picture of you?I never had a picture of a policeman.
Policeman lets Sima to take a picture,but when Sima pressed the button to take a photo,big light gets out of the camera making policeman and all people close to him blind.Sima goes in the shop,leaving the blind policeman.
SIMA, the shop is not technically a public shop. It's hidden far in Mt. Hobo, surrounded by police forces.

My mistake XD

45Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:23 am

Jana V

Jana V

Sima Miletijevv wrote:
Jana V wrote:
Sima Miletijevv wrote:From one small house,Sima comes out dressed up very nice in business suit.Heading to the store,but police said nobody can come in.From his pocket,Sima takes out a camera.
-May i have one picture of you?I never had a picture of a policeman.
Policeman lets Sima to take a picture,but when Sima pressed the button to take a photo,big light gets out of the camera making policeman and all people close to him blind.Sima goes in the shop,leaving the blind policeman.
SIMA, the shop is not technically a public shop. It's hidden far in Mt. Hobo, surrounded by police forces.

My mistake XD
It's actually like Emily's workshop where she sells illegal, nasty things to aliens, astronauts and some other criminals.

46Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:28 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

I guess i will leave this place quietly and go back in my home..........

47Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:57 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Sima Miletijevv wrote:I guess i will leave this place quietly and go back in my home..........
Maybe I should recruit you to pretend to be Emily's friend and capture her. Twisted Evil

48Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:24 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Sima Miletijevv wrote:I guess i will leave this place quietly and go back in my home..........

You can stay. Things were just a little confusing; it's not your fault at all.

Ailios waits within the shop for Emily to return, sagging in the small room's chair. After the shop being attacked twice, he is still a bit on edge, and he occasionally twitches. He does not know that armed-and-dangerous spies are within the shop, and he knows nothing about BillyBob in the sky.

49Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:32 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Emily Sanders wrote:
Sima Miletijevv wrote:I guess i will leave this place quietly and go back in my home..........

You can stay. Things were just a little confusing; it's not your fault at all.

Ailios waits within the shop for Emily to return, sagging in the small room's chair. After the shop being attacked twice, he is still a bit on edge, and he occasionally twitches. He does not know that armed-and-dangerous spies are within the shop, and he knows nothing about BillyBob in the sky.
The spies decided to terrify Ailios. They made scary noises like horror movies and magical special effects. They also projected a picture of a scary witch on the wall.

50Emily's Illegal Shop - Page 2 Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:34 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Sima is still in his home,sitting quietly and watching his old,small and almost destroyed TV.

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