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Emily's Illegal Shop

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1Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Emily's Illegal Shop Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:03 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Theme: Historical tragedies, Miscrits, Emily, Wars

There exists in the near peak of Mt. Hobo, Emily's puny, illegal shop. I would not even begin listing what's sold there, it's too nasty, evil and horrible. The mission of my security force is to crush and destroy it permanently.

For the record, the shop has been obliterated once before after a biblical war inside a dome. It has been rebuilt and now the security force is still in the process of tracking it down.

Who's with me! (Emily's shop tortures baby rabbits!)

Characters: Jana the Angel, Emily, Aillios, Hobo Josip, Billybob the new security guy, teddy bear robots, monster teddybears, etc.

Last edited by Jana V on Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:47 am



'Pedobear' is an inappropriate word because of the PEDO.


3Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:48 am

Jana V

Jana V

BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:'Pedobear' is an inappropriate word because of the PEDO.
I will censor that if that is the case.

4Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:01 am



Jana V wrote:
BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:'Pedobear' is an inappropriate word because of the PEDO.
I will censor that if that is the case.

Please do. And see my RP


5Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:58 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

OOC (Out-of-Character/Non-Roleplay) Post:
It is best that for these particular forums ‘Pedobear’ goes unused, because it represents pedophiles – thus the ‘pedo’ in ‘Pedobear.’

WyvernLakai, please do not advertise your roleplay thread on someone else’s roleplay thread. It simply is bad form. However, I have viewed your thread and it looks interesting. I look forward to roleplaying with you.
IC (In-Character/Roleplay) Post:

(Sorry that it is so long; it’s just to help open things up. Later posts from me will be much, much shorter.)

Far, far away, amongst the peaks of the looming mountains and on the crest of Mount Hobo, a flash of gold briefly glints from amid the grey of stone and the white of snow. The glimmer only lasts a moment before vanishing, as if swallowed up by the falling snow. It had come and gone so quickly, it might seem as if it had never been there…

Ailios throws himself against the metal door, using the weight of his armor to force it open. Bitterly cold wind and snow lashes around him and forces their way through the doorway, spilling into the hallway. The Zephyrgeist manages to force the door open just enough for him to squeeze himself inside, the sides of his armor scraping against the entryway’s metallic edges. Once fully entered, he turns and heaves himself against the door again to wrestle it shut. Leaning his full weight against it, he waits until he hears the click of locks…the sign that the entrance has fully snapped shut. Exhaling, he straightens and shakes himself as he takes a large step backward. Although made of wind himself, the Miscrit found too much forceful wind to be uncomfortable…especially when it is freezing, because cold air tends to expand. Glancing down at himself, Ailios forlornly pats his stomach; within the few months that he and Emily had been on Mount Hobo, he had gained several pounds due to cold-induced air expansion. Sometimes being made of wind has its downsides.

The gusts emanating from his body blows stray snow off of his armor, but does little to help his ice-coated helm. The Zephyrgeist lifts his large hands to grasp his helmet and, lifting it off his head, he holds it out in front of him. Small slivers of ice stand out like needles from its curves and indentations, and with a sigh, he uses his giant fingers to brush away the hoarfrost. As he cleans the helm, he turns and begins to stride down the long hallway.

The hallway is dimly lit, with the only lighting coming from small yellow bulbs embedded in a low metal ceiling. Pipes, bolts and bars stand jaggedly out from broken walls, or lay flat on the floor – the signs of damage. Or, rather, the signs of building in progress. Ailios stiffly stares straight ahead as he walks past several bolted doors, from which behind come muffled sounds of: machinery humming; shrieking wind (or voices?); and other things he can not identify. Although his face is invisible, his expression shifts into an unhappy one. His ears flattening against his skull, he closes his eyes briefly: He was a noble warrior, not a villian; yet he stands in the halls of a criminal’s secret place, aiding in diabolical and insane plans.

He keeps walking until he comes to the end of a hallway, where another doorway greets him. Slipping his helmet back onto his head –as if it can protect him from whatever madness he is about to face--, he presses his giant hand against the door and warily pushes it open. As it swings silently inward, his armor clanks as he steps inside. He finds himself in a small room filled with gutted computers and machinary, with electronic parts and wires scattered all over the floor. Crouched on the floor over some unidentifiable mechanism with her back turned toward him, a scruffy teenage girl fiddles with…who knows what. Her long hair is unbrushed and wild, and her clothes disheveled; but the rigid posture of her shoulders hints at some inner, unwearied steel.

Although the sounds of his armor and the sudden gusts of wind in the room should make the Zephyrgeist’s presence apparent, the girl does not acknowledge him. She only mutters feverishly beneath her breath, her hands jerking as she twists the object violently in her hands. Feeling some alarm creeping into his heart, Ailios’ ears swivel forward as he strains to hear what she is saying; and, as she snaps the item in half, her whispered words become clear:

Jana must pay.

6Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:07 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Meanwhile in the high hovering, deep inside the Coraswine dome, the sovereign security force was preparing a new series of weapons, new weapons that is so destructive and defensive that it reaches a level of divinity.

Intel espionage has it that Emily had obscurely rebuilt her shop in paranoia. Billybob, the newly promoted head of security force is very keen on it. He's planning to maintain the success of his brother's work obliterating Emily and her business by keeping it destroyed. This is why he pleaded to the grand angel in Jana Tower for funding for new security forces and that.

"Send Erlang into Mt. Hobo."

Erlang, unsurprisingly, was the darkest, elitest and most mysterious high-ranked spy in Wish security forces. He's also cruel and he hates teenage girls.

7Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:28 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Hidden within the new shop --which, this time, is built into the mountain so it is out of sight--, Ailios shifts uncomfortably as he watches his trainer bash and dent pieces of plastic and metal. As Emily scuttles across the floor, not even bothering to get up and walk like a normal person, she casts the Zephyrgeist a narrow-eyed stare. Crossly, she asks, "Why are you just standing there? Help me! I need to break these things apart!"

After a moment of hesitation, the Miscrit begins to clank his way across the room, stepping on computer parts and cracking them. As he sheepishly walks all over valuable items, Emily scoots to the other side of the room, rubbing her hands together as she squints at the wires of a gutted machine.

"I need to have a device to spy on Jana and his forces, and my other enemies," she says beneath her breath, eyeballing the computer's innards thoughtfully. "But no doubt that someone is monitoring this mountain range; so I can not have things shipped in. I must make one of my own, out of pieces of these other things." She snatches up some copper wiring. Perhaps, if she had spared the television monitoring system, she would have seen a dark figure coming up the side of the mountain; but with even her surveillance destroyed, she has no way of knowing someone is coming.

8Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:41 pm

Jana V

Jana V

As Erlang the eagle man speeds around the mythical mountain, he managed to locate a little, hidden entrance to inside the mountain.

"That must be it."

He rushed in the speed of sound into the seemingly empty, underfunded hallway. Any bits of consciousness was surely unable to spot him as he moved in a fantastic speed. Even with camera he would be seen as nothing more than a breeze of wind. Erlang was chosen for the job for his exceptional ability.

Erlang came across a door which claims itself as the only bathroom in the whole compound. Good, all according to plan. Based on the espionage's deep research, Emily was one of those peeps who can't live without the bathroom.

-Meanwhile in Emily's room-

A heavy clanking sound came from the direction of Emily's most favourite heaven; the bathroom. As she and Ailios ran to it, she could only see the remaining of her bathroom as mere ruins. With even her favourite object, the stolen toilet, broken into pebbles. "YOU WILL PAY." Emily bursted into outrage as one thing essential to her life was destroyed. Now she would be forced to transport herself into the city to gain access to toilet, but it would be very risky. At least, for her, the presence of the guest was no longer unknown, as she laughed sinisterly across the room.

9Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:51 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Emily had just bent over the gutted machine in front of her, wrapping wiring around her hands, when a strange noise came from the direction of the restroom. Both she and Ailios grow still, listening in bewilderment for a few minutes; but once she realizes that something is happening within the bathroom, she straightens and turns, the wires still around her hand.

"Ailios, go in front of me!" she barks, and relieved to be doing more than stomping all over electrical devices --being a Wind Miscrit, Ailios disliked anything to do with electricity--, the Zephyrgeist moves in front of her. Cautiously, and curiously, he approaches the bathroom door and slowly pushes it open. He peeks in, and blinks.

Emily impatiently walks up behind the Miscrit, and ducks underneath him to stare in. As she does so, she says chidingly, "I am assuming nothing is in there, since you didn't react; so you should..." She trails off as her eyes land on her ruined toilet and destroyed bathroom, and she too blinks. Then, as she realizes her plumbing is capoot, her expression changes to one of anger and disgust. Reaching behind herself to thump her knuckles against Ailios' chestplate, she states without turning around, "We need to get a plumber; but until this is fixed, I will have to go to the city for...my needs." Sucking in a breath through her teeth, her eyes roll heavenward and she screams, "Whoever did this, YOU WILL PAY the plumber's fees."

10Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:55 pm



(It said etc for characters so meh make me own)

Whilst that was happening something emerged from IllegalHold Cave, a Wyvern names Illegal.
People in the nearby hamlet fainted but the wyvern didn't care. it was off to buy a chainsaw, dinosaur size at the Illegal Shop. The wyvern wondered 'I want KFC Chicken Wings!!!!! Or roast angel,' oh how hungry the wyvern was, it starved and starved but found a Poop-Sheep Farm and ate them all lol! .


11Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:57 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Emily Sanders wrote:Emily had just bent over the gutted machine in front of her, wrapping wiring around her hands, when a strange noise came from the direction of the restroom. Both she and Ailios grow still, listening in bewilderment for a few minutes; but once she realizes that something is happening within the bathroom, she straightens and turns, the wires still around her hand.

"Ailios, go in front of me!" she barks, and relieved to be doing more than stomping all over electrical devices --being a Wind Miscrit, Ailios disliked anything to do with electricity--, the Zephyrgeist moves in front of her. Cautiously, and curiously, he approaches the bathroom door and slowly pushes it open. He peeks in, and blinks.

Emily impatiently walks up behind the Miscrit, and ducks underneath him to stare in. As she does so, she says chidingly, "I am assuming nothing is in there, since you didn't react; so you should..." She trails off as her eyes land on her ruined toilet and destroyed bathroom, and she too blinks. Then, as she realizes her plumbing is capoot, her expression changes to one of anger and disgust. Reaching behind herself to thump her knuckles against Ailios' chestplate, she states without turning around, "We need to get a plumber; but until this is fixed, I will have to go to the city for...my needs." Sucking in a breath through her teeth, her eyes roll heavenward and she screams, "Whoever did this, YOU WILL PAY the plumber's fees."

After Emily hipsterly e-mailed the plumber for service, he quickly got a response stating that the plumber is in a honeymoon with his long-lost wife in the Hawaiian island, so the service is not available. She realised she had to endure her bladder needs for probably the rest of her life, unless she risks her business coming out of the mountain. Suddenly on the computer screen, there appeared pictures of dancing North Korean kindergartener mocking Emily. Erlang didn't just hack the bathroom, he also hacked a few other machines in the speed of light, to Emily's outrage again.

12Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:09 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Emily drums her fingers impatiently against her forehead as she scowls at her laptop --one of the few surviving electronic things she did not destroy--, one eye twitching as a dancing kindergartner prances across the screen. Then, through gritted teeth, she asks with barely-controlled composure, "Ailios, do you know how to do plumbing?"

The Miscrit rapidly shakes his head, his sounds of frantic whooshing wind answering that question for her. Then, with a sigh, she jerks upright and swivels around, slamming the laptop closed.

"It looks like someone managed to get into my networking system," she mutters as she walks across the room, plastic crunching beneath her sneakers. As she brushes past Ailios, she sighs, "I need to go to the city to find a plumber, some insulation against the cold outside, and a nice ladies' bathroom. You stay here, and guard the shop."

Startled by her command, the Zephyrgeist turns to watch the teenager disappear out the doorway. Then, reaching up to remove his helmet from his skull, he shakes his head ever so slightly before turning his attention to the floor. Summoning a gust of wind, he swings his free hand out and uses the wind to push all the broken devices, scattered wires, and whatnot into neat little piles against the walls.

13Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:13 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Erlang, who was keeping a close eye to the oblivious Emily, transmitted what he just saw to the headquarters. He is so close but unseen, enduring his desire to destroy the teenage girl.

"Emily. Leaving the shop? That's what I expect from a teddy-bear-ripping teenage girl. Send the forces to secure her. Then crush the shop." Billybob said that confidently, "huh, how easy was that!"

The forces began to pour out of the dome towards the Mt. Hobo, where Emily's going to do the unexpected.

14Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:24 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Emily emerges from the hidden entrance, dragging a sled with her. Pausing to tighten her knit cap, woolen gloves and snow pants, she glances up at the sky briefly. After a moment, she seems satisfied, and she glances back at the sled. Laying down on her stomach on it, she grasps its steer and pushes off. She starts sledding down the mountainside, slowly at first, but it picks up speed; and soon she is going so quickly, everything is a blur. She whoops as she flies over snow ledges and swings around curves, quickly and easily heading toward the city at a rapid pace, completely oblivious to anything that may be approaching.

Meanwhile, Ailios starts dusting the indoor room, whistling to himself.

15Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:30 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Emily Sanders wrote:Emily emerges from the hidden entrance, dragging a sled with her. Pausing to tighten her knit cap, woolen gloves and snow pants, she glances up at the sky briefly. After a moment, she seems satisfied, and she glances back at the sled. Laying down on her stomach on it, she grasps its steer and pushes off. She starts sledding down the mountainside, slowly at first, but it picks up speed; and soon she is going so quickly, everything is a blur. She whoops as she flies over snow ledges and swings around curves, quickly and easily heading toward the city at a rapid pace, completely oblivious to anything that may be approaching.

Meanwhile, Ailios starts dusting the indoor room, whistling to himself.

"How careless," said one of the security forces over an earphones. "This is too easy. Everyone. Launch assault." It turned out the priority was to bring destruction to the shop first then the girl. Quick missiles were launched from every angle, flying pantingly into the entrance hall. The first explosion shook the building, and Ailios, who was dusting the room, was alerted by it. He started to take action.

Erlang was revealed to be the one destined to arrest Emily. He was levitating behind her back, up and down, back and fro the mountainous terrains the whole time. He must not let her approach the city. Closer. Closer. Closer. Erlang stealthily reached the point of around 1 cm behind the teenage girl's back. What is going to happen?

16Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:36 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Ailios does not bother to run out into the hallway to see what is going on; he has enough common sense to know that Unexpected Booms means Something Bad. He dives across the room toward the counter where Emily's laptop is sitting, his eyes going wide; and, with one giant fist, he smashes down a small black button on the counter.

What happens then, to any onlookers, would seem as if the doorway to the shop has vanished. It is there one moment, only to be gone the next; there is not even an indentation in the snow or rock face! What happened?

And, at that same precise moment, as Emily sleds down the mountainside and Erlang comes closer and closer, the girl suddenly...disappears. The sled, now rider-less, continues to speed down the incline, but the teenager is no longer there. Where has she gone?

17Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:44 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Following the mysterious events, everyone in the forces' side was like..

Emily's Illegal Shop Tumblr_m4oqwqk9VH1rpp3ap

Hearing the unfortunate event, the headquarters quickly release a radiation radar around the whole land, scanning to every little detail for the girl's life aura. To Billybob's dismay, they failed to locate the disappeared shop and Emily. Have they anticipated for our radar and outsmarted us by covering themselves with anti-radiation cream? That seems to be the most possible explanation. "Emily could be down there, running around the maze of a city. It will be almost impossible for our forces to cover such area without causing public outcry. We must locate Emily conveniently."

A young, newly-hired agent entered the room hurriedly, "sir, remember, Erlang put tracking device wherever he was present. That means-"


Emily's Illegal Shop Tumblr_m4oqwqk9VH1rpp3ap

18Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:50 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Argh, we'll have to continue this in the future. I need my beauty sleep.

19Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:50 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Jana V wrote:Argh, we'll have to continue this in the future. I need my beauty sleep.

Rest well!

20Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:34 am

Jana V

Jana V

Alright I'm back. Continue this madness by replying my last role play post.

21Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:34 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Meanwhile, as the headquarters unsuccessfully search for signs of Emily's aura, the sled finishes sliding down the mountainside to the outskirts of the city. Once it settles into a snowdrift, there is a pause, and then:


Footsteps appear sinking into the snow, leaving the sled in the drift. The unseen person walks toward the city and enters it, moving to the sidewalks where there is no snow, therefore making the footprints disappear. Emily, utterly invisible due to manufactured camo-wires sewn into her clothes (all illegal, of course), walks briskly down the sidewalk, weaving between people. Although no one can see her, a few city-dwellers pause and look around in confusion as they feel something brush lightly against them and then go on; but other than that, there is no trace of the teenager.

22Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:19 pm

Jana V

Jana V

The central headquarters attempted to regain contact with Erlang's tracker device inside the shop, but it took time to locate it. Meanwhile, Billybob has came out with an extreme second plan.

Emily reached one of the 'utterly clean and beautiful' public toilet and positioned herself to end the endurance she had gone through of her bladder need. There were thousands other public members inside this neatly scattered robotic public toilets, everyone either watching the monitor showing some cheesy shows, or reading the daily newspaper. Emily, was fiddling with the futuristic tissue handler, thinking about stealing it illegally. All of those bladder activities when suddenly all the toilet doors in the city gripped with the frame, locking it into a safe, hard prison. On the monitor, message pop ups materialised, saying 'Sorry for the inconvenience. We are unable to let you out of the toilet for important safety reasons. Please remain calm and collected, and use the time by the mini-entertainment-bar provided on the side. Also, please end your bladder activity and reclothe yourself. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.' That was Billybob's plan; to lock up all the toilet and search them one by one, yes, complicated, because it was against the moral law to put a CCTV on the toilet. However, there's a life aura detector there. It could make his job easier. Emily, realising the sudden incident, went into a state of half-panic as her sweat pours out of her skin, trying to construct a counter-plan.

23Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:23 am



I the Wyvern prapareto land NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm landing on the shop, I forgot meh glasses D: Bai Bai people inside albino


24Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:43 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Waking up on the ground,finding a pizza in his arms,Sima was standing up and barely standing on his feet.
Where in the hell am i!? Sima was thinking.

25Emily's Illegal Shop Empty Re: Emily's Illegal Shop Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:04 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

As Emily bangs on the bahtroom's locked door, she swears loudly and starts shouting for help. Although she is wailing for someone to let her out --and if anyone does, they might be startled to find it 'empty,' as she is still invisible due to the camo-threads remaining activated-- her mind is also racing as she tries to come up with a plan.

Perhaps, if Sima passes near enough to the public restroom, he can hear her shouting...but even if he does, would he even be brave enough to venture in and unlock a stall door?

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