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Guide: Tips for Making Guides

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1Guide: Tips for Making Guides Empty Guide: Tips for Making Guides Sat May 26, 2012 12:07 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Guide: Tips for Making Guides Blackkyurem
*Hey who's that? that's Black Kyurem, from pokemon BW2. let's change the theme a while, so you will not bored only miscrits.
Hi again for the...maybe.... Ah, nevermind. Here i will tell how to make useful guides, like what i have.  

Before, what you need to know is What Is A Guide For.
Guide is for...
•Helping peoples
•giving you a good reputation
•giving +Rep and sticky for your guide (Miscrimania forum)
•Make you know more about something

And, here are some tips that can help you to make guides in Miscrimania forum;
1.Take a look...
Don't make the guide that someone have make it! What will going on is only your thread will be closed! So take a look first to guides, exactly "The Guide Directory" thread that Steff has made it!

2.Don't do it alone, ask!
If you gonna make a guide, but don't know some of part, Ask! Don't be afraid! It can help to answering questions!

3.Make a section about questions...
Well, sometimes peoples asking a question that others has ask it and you answer it. It looks like he didin't read it. So, reserve one post or two for writing question that peoples has ask it, so what they need is read it!

4.Ask for some suggestions!
Suggestions are very important! It can help you to make your "next" guide much better! 

5.Make it neat, and looks great!
Make your guide tidy and neat, so people won't get confused! Or, if your writing is long, use paragraphs! Extra, if you want to "decor" your guide, use some barners! Can't make one? You can ask your friend to make it!

Try to NOT repeat some words (okay okay sorry if i don't do this, i am only a 11 years old girl that live in Indonesia. I can't speak english so..well.), and NO bad words!

Okay, that's some tips for making guide from me. With this guide, you can make your guides much better, or even MICH BETTER then mine!
So, see you on my next guide!

Like a Star @ heaven Stay Safe Everyone!!! Like a Star @ heaven

Last edited by Pawrian Gray on Sat May 26, 2012 2:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


2Guide: Tips for Making Guides Empty Re: Guide: Tips for Making Guides Sat May 26, 2012 7:16 am



Awesome. Keep it up.

+In The Guide Directory.


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