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Suggestions forum rules

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1Suggestions forum rules Empty Suggestions forum rules Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:11 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Hello everybody.I made this thread so everybody could now for what is this forum made for.

1)In this forum you can suggest comics for the magazine,you can also suggest something that you would like to see in Miscrimania magazine.

2)When you suggest something that you would like to see in magazine,be sure that you didn't suggested something that somebody else already suggested.

3)When you suggest comic,be creative,don't post something that other person already made.

4)And last,but important,if you don't like something that is suggested,don't be mean,and don't say rude stuff to the person that suggested.

See,there isn't many rules for this forum,but,all of them are important.Well,i guess this was all that i had to say. Very Happy

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