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Genreall Discussion

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1Genreall Discussion Empty Genreall Discussion Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:19 pm

Julian Z

Julian Z

Here in Generall Discussion, you, as the name says, will be able to Discuss ANYTHING ing generall, while it is related to the game: Miscrimania!
Some Rules to controll this:
First of all... please, DO NOT SPAM THREADS, this is because it would waste forum space, and it makes Steff's job MUCH harder... Making this will result (or atleast in big scale) in lowering REP... red bar, etc. BUT we don't want to end up on that, so carefull!
After that... be sure to Post on the right Section of these Miscrimania forums... moving and deleting threads/topics will also ake Steff's job harder!
here are the places in which you should post!
Updates and announcements: Here you will see the future game updates, like new miscrits, etc.
Suggestions: Here you can post suggestions for the game, any ideas you like (make them racional).
Generall Discussion: Discuss all you like (Game related).
ADD Centre: Here you can ask for friends to add you... to play the game, or anything else.
Fan-Made Miscrits: Here you can post all your ideas of Miscrits that you have done!!
Off-Topic: Discuss ANYTHING you want... anything, I say!!!!!

Please... in this forums we don't need root people... nor disorganized ones... when reffering to people, be respectfull, and do not use any sexual/root/bad materiall...

Do not exagerate with punctuation: >>>>HELLO<<<<; .........SORRY........ and things like that.

Hope I helped you guys!!!

Last edited by Julian Z on Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Genreall Discussion Empty Re: Genreall Discussion Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:24 am



Cool.I'm creating the full rules though


3Genreall Discussion Empty Re: Genreall Discussion Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:22 pm

Julian Z

Julian Z

Magicite Overlord wrote:Cool.I'm creating the full rules though
Suspect Why?? this looks OK to me?? Question

4Genreall Discussion Empty Re: Genreall Discussion Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:23 pm



Julian Z wrote:
Magicite Overlord wrote:Cool.I'm creating the full rules though
Suspect Why?? this looks OK to me?? Question

Too bad look at them.


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