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Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT!

5 posters

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1Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Empty Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:59 pm



Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! J8bW3

That's all! Congratulations to TOP 3! Simmoane Diesta a.k.a Wendelton got two of her miscrits in TOP 3, till Nikola Lazev, and maybe the biggest surprise in Guns N' Cookies, won the second place. Thanks everyone for voting during the contest. Smile


2Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:04 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

What to say.............congrats Wendelton and Nikola! Rolling Eyes

When is the next contest? XD

3Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:15 pm



If you are asking about Guns N' Cookies, not that soon, but if you are asking about new Miscrimania Contest, it will be soon. Something NEW...


4Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:29 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Congratulations Wendelton and Nikola!

5Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:38 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:Congratulations Wendelton and Nikola!

-Does Fake Proposal-

-To Self- Now she thinks I'm marrying her >Very Happy


6Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - FINAL RESULT! Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:22 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Congratulations Aduro, Virfing and Anuhbreeze and Wendelton and Nikola!

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