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Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1!

Moiz Raza
Sima Miletijevv
8 posters

Who you want to see in the next round?

Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_lcap0%Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_lcap6%Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_rcap 6% [ 1 ]
Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_lcap6%Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_rcap 6% [ 1 ]
Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_lcap6%Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_rcap 6% [ 1 ]
Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_lcap29%Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_rcap 29% [ 5 ]
Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_lcap6%Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_rcap 6% [ 1 ]
Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_lcap6%Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_rcap 6% [ 1 ]
Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_lcap18%Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_rcap 18% [ 3 ]
Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_lcap12%Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_rcap 12% [ 2 ]
Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_lcap11%Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! I_vote_rcap 11% [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 17

Poll closed

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1Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:22 am



Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Vvwe9

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome in Guns N' Cookies Show! I will try being as short as I can in explaining the rules, and if you have anything unclear, please feel free to ask.

We are on the first round, and we have here 12 miscrits. Blumise, Flario, Dark Flario, Manatt, Aduro, Senere, Hydry, Clouma, Ahnubreeze, Virfing, Plaguerat and Dragonail. You have TO VOTE ON THE POLL for the Miscrit that you want to see as a winner of this season of Guns N' Cookies! This round, only TWO miscrits will go out, that two miscrits that will have the smallest number of votes on the poll.

But, this forum allows only 10 poll options, that's the rules of the friendhood forums, so 2 miscrits from the first round will go DIRECTLY in the second round and they are not added on the poll. To make it fair, I choosed that 2 miscrits with a lottery, and they are: Plaguerat and Clouma! You can't vote for them because they are directly in the next round. All the others are endangered.

Once this round finish, I'm closing this thread, and going to do new thread for new round, and new poll. That's the rules from now, till the end. The first round will be here for thee days only, so...

NEW ROUND - 11th JUNE, and now, VOTE!

Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! BC7MO


2Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:26 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Guns N' Cookies Razz
Great name,you really liked it huh?I will vote now. Very Happy

3Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:27 am



Do we vote the miscrits we don't like?


4Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:30 am



BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:Do we vote the miscrits we don't like?

No, opposite, vote for the miscrit you like!


5Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:33 am



Aduro's sexy and we know it! afro


6Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:35 am



Wow, this is gonna be close game. Only Blumise, Hydry and Manatt without a vote.


7Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:36 am



Steff wrote:Wow, this is gonna be close game. Only Blumise, Hydry and Manatt without a vote.

If we had multi-vote then I would of chosen Blumise too


8Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:40 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Aduro in the lead Cool

9Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:50 am

Moiz Raza

Moiz Raza

Go,Go Hydry! Razz

10Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:53 am



Aduro in the lead while Dragonail is catching up!

11Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:54 am



Actually if you read the post... Aduro is losing. The least picked miscrits go to round 2.


12Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:58 am



BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:Actually if you read the post... Aduro is losing. The least picked miscrits go to round 2.

No, having more votes raises your chances for the second round. That two miscrits with the smallest number of votes will leave the show, Guns N' Cookies.


13Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:00 am



Steff wrote:
BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:Actually if you read the post... Aduro is losing. The least picked miscrits go to round 2.

No, having more votes raises your chances for the second round. That two miscrits with the smallest number of votes will leave the show, Guns N' Cookies.

Maaaaaaaaaaaake Iiiiiiiiiiiiiit Cleeeeeeeeeeeearer!!!!!!


14Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:02 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:
Steff wrote:
BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:Actually if you read the post... Aduro is losing. The least picked miscrits go to round 2.

No, having more votes raises your chances for the second round. That two miscrits with the smallest number of votes will leave the show, Guns N' Cookies.

Maaaaaaaaaaaake Iiiiiiiiiiiiiit Cleeeeeeeeeeeearer!!!!!!
He did.He clearly said that miscrits with the biggest number of votes will go in next round.

Last edited by Sima Miletijevv on Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total

15Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:03 am



Most of them will go in the next round, 8 of them from the poll, with Plaguerat and Clouma.


16Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:23 am

Jana V

Jana V

Wow, a great way to introduce some miscrits here, I've never seen some of them. affraid

17Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:14 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

I love Ahnubreeze! Go for it!

18Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:37 am



Miscrit Maniac wrote:I love Ahnubreeze! Go for it!

And you actually saved Ahnubreeze very well! Because, as you see so far Blumise is the first who will go out and will not be in the second round, but from they five who have only one vote, I think that I will have to choose one person to choose who to go out, maybe Emily. Very Happy


19Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:50 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Go ahnunrezee! Go aduro! Go plaguerat! (even he is not in the poll)


20Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Empty Re: Guns N' Cookies - ROUND 1! Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:43 pm



First round finished.


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