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Night Club: Miscrimania Music!

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1Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Empty Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:54 am



Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Dpoz7

Hello everyone. Welcome to our official Night Club: Miscrimania Music! This is the place for listening the best music. Now, let's explain how this works > This is a thread where you have to post a song, or more songs, but post them as I do with full preview, not a link, for cooler look of the night club. If you don't know how to post that, above your post, in the icons where you have to choose Bold, Italic and stuff, choose the VIDEO one, counting from the last, fourth after the button "Others". Then just paste your Youtube's link there, and publish your song! I will give it a shot; I will listen ALL the songs you send, and comment them if posible, and I would like if you comment my sent music too. Light your fire!

Night Club: Miscrimania Music! NilZB


2Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Empty Re: Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:55 am



I would like to begin with one brand new Macedonian song that is gonna be HIT this summer for sure! The song is by Vlatko Lozanoski Lozano. Have a good time during listening! Rolling Eyes


3Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Empty Re: Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:55 am



You so got the idea from my thread didn't you. I hope this doesnt clash with my thread and make mine unpopular :3


4Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Empty Re: Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:02 am



BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:You so got the idea from my thread didn't you. I hope this doesnt clash with my thread and make mine unpopular :3

This is something different, and I didn't get your idea from your thread. Your thread is very nice, and I will be very active there once you give it more designer actions, like moderating it with colours or maybe game's banners. Much effort is always appreciated. And if you are cared will your thread be popular, than I can promise you one nice share in Miscrimania's Facebook page and the Magazine, once you full moderate it. Smile

And now, play the music!


5Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Empty Re: Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:09 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

As the last sentence you posted in thread is the logo of this year's eurovision (Light your fire!), i will post Serbia's eurovision song!Zeljko Joksimovic-Nije Ljubav Stvar.I will post many songs here,but for now enjoy listening to this one! Very Happy

6Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Empty Re: Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:16 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Steff wrote:
I would like to begin with one brand new Macedonian song that is gonna be HIT this summer for sure! The song is by Vlatko Lozanoski Lozano. Have a good time during listening! Rolling Eyes

Great song!I love it. Razz

7Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Empty Re: Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:25 am



The HIT on the Balkan from the last summer. Something dangerously awesome! *-*


8Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Empty Re: Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:43 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Another awesome song! This thread is great,cant wait for others to post some songs! Razz

9Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Empty Re: Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:40 pm



I saw Macedonia's Eurovision 2012 song (I think it was finals


10Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Empty Re: Night Club: Miscrimania Music! Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:11 pm



Here are some music Very Happy

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