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Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner?

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1Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Empty Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Thu May 10, 2012 11:56 am



A simple question indeed, do you want Miscrimania to come faster? Do you want to help us? Well that time has come, right now we don't have many hands which will make Miscrimania come later but if you guys help us, it will come real soon!What do you have to do? Let me explain, well first lets see a picture.

Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? UQZk0

THIS is what you have to do for the Miscrimania miscrits. If you do this Miscrimania will come very soon. If you can help, these are the miscrits that we need, Flario, Dark Flario, Manatt, Aduro, Hydry, Clouma, Piwird, Virfing, Plaguerat.
They have to be perfectly alligned and one more thing. The background has to be a color completely different from what the miscrit colors are. Like Senere, it has a pick background because Senere doesn't have pink on it. I hope you can help and thank you!

2Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Empty Re: Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Thu May 10, 2012 2:36 pm

Jana V

Jana V

That shouldn't be hard. But does it have to be COMPLETELY PERFECT? Like a small mistake would ruin it?

3Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Empty Re: Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Thu May 10, 2012 2:58 pm



I guess it can't ruin it, but either way, try to make it good. Smile


4Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Empty Re: Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Thu May 10, 2012 4:42 pm

Jana V

Jana V

What about the size?

5Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Empty Re: Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Thu May 10, 2012 4:45 pm



Look at the example Mahmoud posted. Smile


6Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Empty Re: Do YOU want Miscrimania sooner? Thu May 10, 2012 4:46 pm


I think i already know what this is for :p

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