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If You Could Be a Miscrit...

Laziest Gamer
Jana V
Emily Sanders
8 posters

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1If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty If You Could Be a Miscrit... Fri May 25, 2012 8:19 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

If you could be a Miscrit...which Miscrit would you be, and why?

You can choose a Miscrit from:
Sunfall Kingdom
Volcano Island

- or -
A Miscrit you invented yourself (but please tell us you made it)
A Miscrit someone else invented (but please tell us who made it)

You can simply give a Miscrit's name and a brief explanation for why you chose it, but
it would be great for the rest of us members if you put some passion into your writing.
Why do you revere this Miscrit, that you wish you were it?
What sort of things would you do if you were this Miscrit?
Give us all of the details, if you are willing to! And if you are not willing to, then...oh, bummer.

I know that I certainly am eagerly waiting and interested to see what all of your responses will be!

2If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Fri May 25, 2012 8:35 pm

Jana V

Jana V

What a terribly hard question.

3If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Fri May 25, 2012 8:43 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

I would be Aethero. Or the female equivalent to Aethero. There is something about the nobility of his character --wearing armor so he can not be accused of the dishonorable act of sneaking up on people--, the attitude in his expres​sion(he seems quite spunky), his...err...for lack of a better term, windiness (I love flying. Wind is not the same thing as flying, but to me, it is close. And wind can be gentle, like a soft breeze; or terrible, like the gales of a hurricane. Wind can be silent, sound like whispers, roar like a beast, or screech like some dark creature. It speeds along boats, it blows over trees and buildings, it uplifts birds, it whips up sandstorms, cools people on hot days, and many other things), and the fact that he has big fists. For punching. Or winning thumb-wrestling contests.

If I was an Aethero, I would wander around and pull party tricks with my wind power. And no, I am not talking about gaseous "wind" party tricks like belches or...never mind. If I was bored, I would try to defy the laws of physics by seeing if I could make un-flyable things flyable. Or at least able to be blown away.

4If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Fri May 25, 2012 8:53 pm



If You Could Be a Miscrit... SegOR

If I could be a Miscrit, I would be Mirthrous. I'm a friend, a real friend, never twice-faced, if you know what I mean. I'm wearing a mask, sometimes, but when I'm doing it, I'm about finding out who is a friend for me. Mirthrous knows how to make people and Miscrits feel good about themselves. Yeah, I know how to make people feel good too. I know to choose the right words in the right moments, when my friends need them. I'm the "Kidding-Guy" in my private life, with my friends. I'm the person who is always making them laugh, and also I'm the most positive.

I don't know did I explained it well, and I don't know do you understand me or this is making you even more confused, or I have a lot gramatical mistakes, but you can feel free to ask me anything if you don't understand. I find Mirthrous the most positive Miscrit of them all, so definitly, if I could be a Miscrits, I would be Mirthrous.

...and I'm not fat. Evil or Very Mad


5If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Fri May 25, 2012 9:58 pm

Laziest Gamer

Laziest Gamer


Relaxing on the lake with only a few people bothering him and relaxed swimming at the lake


6If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Sat May 26, 2012 3:36 am



I wouldn't be a miscrit. They pooped all over my house :mad:


7If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Sat May 26, 2012 7:07 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

If You Could Be a Miscrit... Dynamellow_back

If i could be a miscrit,i would be Dynamellow.A friendly,nice,male Dynamellow.His lighting can be beautiful,but very dangerous.He is a symbol of love and friendship and everything good in this world.He can be your best friend,but if you make him sad or angry,he can make burn in flames of hatred lighting.I would like to be a Dynamellow,a sweet fluffy koala with lighting powers but nice personality.

What would i do?I would walk trough the forest,or even run in mountains,but only if i am not tired,than i would find a good place to sleep.I can actually sleep in any place i want.I would enjoy in life and make many friends.I would eat every plant i see,if i fight with somebody(I don't want that),i would just fall in deep sleep.I would play with lighting bolts!(I would never use my lighting powers to hurt anybody)I would help others when i can help,i would be always happy and smiling,because life is great.

8If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Sat May 26, 2012 2:42 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Steff wrote:
If I could be a Miscrit, I would be Mirthrous. I'm a friend, a real friend, never twice-faced, if you know what I mean. I'm wearing a mask, sometimes, but when I'm doing it, I'm about finding out who is a friend for me. Mirthrous knows how to make people and Miscrits feel good about themselves. Yeah, I know how to make people feel good too. I know to choose the right words in the right moments, when my friends need them. I'm the "Kidding-Guy" in my private life, with my friends. I'm the person who is always making them laugh, and also I'm the most positive.

I don't know did I explained it well, and I don't know do you understand me or this is making you even more confused, or I have a lot gramatical mistakes, but you can feel free to ask me anything if you don't understand. I find Mirthrous the most positive Miscrit of them all, so definitly, if I could be a Miscrits, I would be Mirthrous.

...and I'm not fat. Evil or Very Mad

I understood everything you said; and I really like the reasoning for why you would want to be Mirthrous. And, you're not fat. Very Happy

Sima Miletijevv wrote:If i could be a miscrit,i would be Dynamellow.A friendly,nice,male Dynamellow.His lighting can be beautiful,but very dangerous.He is a symbol of love and friendship and everything good in this world.He can be your best friend,but if you make him sad or angry,he can make burn in flames of hatred lighting.I would like to be a Dynamellow,a sweet fluffy koala with lighting powers but nice personality.

What would i do?I would walk trough the forest,or even run in mountains,but only if i am not tired,than i would find a good place to sleep.I can actually sleep in any place i want.I would enjoy in life and make many friends.I would eat every plant i see,if i fight with somebody(I don't want that),i would just fall in deep sleep.I would play with lighting bolts!(I would never use my lighting powers to hurt anybody)I would help others when i can help,i would be always happy and smiling,because life is great.

It sounds like a good life to me!

9If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Sat May 26, 2012 4:58 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Emily Sanders wrote:
Steff wrote:
If I could be a Miscrit, I would be Mirthrous. I'm a friend, a real friend, never twice-faced, if you know what I mean. I'm wearing a mask, sometimes, but when I'm doing it, I'm about finding out who is a friend for me. Mirthrous knows how to make people and Miscrits feel good about themselves. Yeah, I know how to make people feel good too. I know to choose the right words in the right moments, when my friends need them. I'm the "Kidding-Guy" in my private life, with my friends. I'm the person who is always making them laugh, and also I'm the most positive.

I don't know did I explained it well, and I don't know do you understand me or this is making you even more confused, or I have a lot gramatical mistakes, but you can feel free to ask me anything if you don't understand. I find Mirthrous the most positive Miscrit of them all, so definitly, if I could be a Miscrits, I would be Mirthrous.

...and I'm not fat. Evil or Very Mad

I understood everything you said; and I really like the reasoning for why you would want to be Mirthrous. And, you're not fat. Very Happy

Sima Miletijevv wrote:If i could be a miscrit,i would be Dynamellow.A friendly,nice,male Dynamellow.His lighting can be beautiful,but very dangerous.He is a symbol of love and friendship and everything good in this world.He can be your best friend,but if you make him sad or angry,he can make burn in flames of hatred lighting.I would like to be a Dynamellow,a sweet fluffy koala with lighting powers but nice personality.

What would i do?I would walk trough the forest,or even run in mountains,but only if i am not tired,than i would find a good place to sleep.I can actually sleep in any place i want.I would enjoy in life and make many friends.I would eat every plant i see,if i fight with somebody(I don't want that),i would just fall in deep sleep.I would play with lighting bolts!(I would never use my lighting powers to hurt anybody)I would help others when i can help,i would be always happy and smiling,because life is great.

It sounds like a good life to me!
Of course it is!But,i am not fat as Dynamellow.Just to be clear. Razz

10If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:17 pm

Jana V

Jana V

I would be like Gath. Livin' a utopian life with no worries. Unfortunately it doesn't exist in reality. pale

11If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:51 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

I would like to be a... a... An Osmeron!!

Why? I'm extremely protective and would protect anything I get. If anyone takes it without my permission, I'll make sure he pays.

I would also like to be a Liquifien!

A Liquifien is extremely playful but also cannot access some locations. That best describes my personality.


I would like to be a Dark Breezycheeks.

Dark Breezycheeks takes his revenge by being seclusive and cunning. He's also quite cute!!

If You Could Be a Miscrit... Dark-glidengale
If You Could Be a Miscrit... Basilien
If You Could Be a Miscrit... Turgerus

12If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:32 pm



If I could be a miscrit,the miscrit I would choose is definitely Fossilia.Many people tend to put Fossilia as evil in there stories but quite the contrary I see Fossilia as some of the most peace-loving,calm,and patient creatures.In my eyes they are the best miscrits,appearance and everything.People would not like to get on the bad side of a Fossilia,Though it is extremely hostile when at the young ages,it gets less hostile when it grows older.Getting on its bad side will cause you problems though.So being a Fossilia would be awesome because you ould avoid most problems and if you encounter a problem,they could defend themselves with their power.I see them as some of the most intelligent creatures.They are also my favorite miscrits.

13If You Could Be a Miscrit... Empty Re: If You Could Be a Miscrit... Wed May 07, 2014 7:18 pm



I would be light blazebit beacause he is cute

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