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Fire miscrit: Acrux

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1Fire miscrit: Acrux Empty Fire miscrit: Acrux Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:07 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

i have post this in forums, so now lets post it in here! Very Happy

here is it:

evo 1: Acrux
Fire miscrit: Acrux 62V8U
lore: Acrux made from real fire,but Acrux are armored with a lot of wood types.

evo 2: Coatex
Fire miscrit: Acrux UOMOS
lore: When night,Coatex are moving around to keep Coatex place from distrubers.

evo 3: Phonex
Fire miscrit: Acrux Ugu8r
lore: Phonex golden pendant is very rare,and its hard to get it. Rumor said the golden pendant can dissapear darkness, no matter how strong is it.

evo 4: Acrunyx
Fire miscrit: Acrux Esuf4
lore: Acrunyx likes to battling,helping peoples,and defeat darkness. When he defeat evildoers, he will fly around the moon when night to celebrate his victory.

comment, and feedbacks are welcome! Very Happy


2Fire miscrit: Acrux Empty Re: Fire miscrit: Acrux Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:34 am



Very good concept. I like it Smile


3Fire miscrit: Acrux Empty Re: Fire miscrit: Acrux Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:35 am

Jana V

Jana V

Teteh, post your artwork of Arcrux and that little doll. Very Happy

4Fire miscrit: Acrux Empty Re: Fire miscrit: Acrux Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:27 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Jana V wrote:Teteh, post your artwork of Arcrux and that little doll. Very Happy
yes. the truth, this miscrit concept is based on wooden doll.


5Fire miscrit: Acrux Empty Re: Fire miscrit: Acrux Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:09 pm

Julian Z

Julian Z

I like this one!!

6Fire miscrit: Acrux Empty Re: Fire miscrit: Acrux Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:26 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Awesome,i like it,very good concept. Very Happy

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