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Funny Smileys Jokes

Laziest Gamer
Jana V
7 posters

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1Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:56 pm



hello lets make jokes with smileys Very Happy letsssss start

Pirate Curse: i was like this pirat but then i evolved and turned like this cyclops

Flying Joke: (guy 1) hey man look whats that in the sky!? (guy 2) Shocked (guy 1) eheh is superman Razz (superman) Twisted Evil

lets make more! Very Happy

2Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:59 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Ho ho ho. I am santa , I ride rendeer . One day, at Christmas, I went to the sunny Egypt and I met my old friend, farao . He was so arrogant. Then I went to England and saw my enemy, queen . She almost banned christmas! After that I went to Easter Island and chatted with my friend albino . Then finally I came to Carribean and befriended this random guy geek with his pet pig . My adventure was great, ho ho ho. Off I go to the Like a Star @ heaven .

3Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:05 pm

Laziest Gamer

Laziest Gamer

study "Gain hair for 2 days" hmm...Interesting
Expected: geek reality: afro Suspect What the heck is this sorcery?


4Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:14 pm

Julian Z

Julian Z

Guy 1: Who knows? confused
Guy 2: I do!!! cheers
Guy 1: what is it then? scratch
Guy 2: an elephant!! elephant
Guy 1: I don't think so... Suspect
Guy 2:You may never know!! rabbit
Guy 1: Hey! I saw it! it is you... the one eyed weirdo! cyclops
Guy 2: It wasn't me who you youo had to What a Face at!!
*cryes and walks away* Arrow Hey! it's the other way!!

5Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:17 pm

Laziest Gamer

Laziest Gamer

Julian Z wrote:Guy 1: Who knows? confused
Guy 2: I do!!! cheers
Guy 1: what is it then? scratch
Guy 2: an elephant!! elephant
Guy 1: I don't think so... Suspect
Guy 2:You may never know!! rabbit
Guy 1: Hey! I saw it! it is you... the one eyed weirdo! cyclops
Guy 2: It wasn't me who you youo had to What a Face at!!
*cryes and walks away* Arrow Hey! it's the other way!!
cyclops are cyclops


6Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:21 pm

Julian Z

Julian Z

Gath wrote:
Julian Z wrote:Guy 1: Who knows? confused
Guy 2: I do!!! cheers
Guy 1: what is it then? scratch
Guy 2: an elephant!! elephant
Guy 1: I don't think so... Suspect
Guy 2:You may never know!! rabbit
Guy 1: Hey! I saw it! it is you... the one eyed weirdo! cyclops
Guy 2: It wasn't me who you youo had to What a Face at!!
*cryes and walks away* Arrow Hey! it's the other way!!
cyclops are cyclops
I know Very Happy vbut aren't Cyclops also one-eyed weirdos? Rolling Eyes

7Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:31 pm

Laziest Gamer

Laziest Gamer

Julian Z wrote:
Gath wrote:
Julian Z wrote:Guy 1: Who knows? confused
Guy 2: I do!!! cheers
Guy 1: what is it then? scratch
Guy 2: an elephant!! elephant
Guy 1: I don't think so... Suspect
Guy 2:You may never know!! rabbit
Guy 1: Hey! I saw it! it is you... the one eyed weirdo! cyclops
Guy 2: It wasn't me who you youo had to What a Face at!!
*cryes and walks away* Arrow Hey! it's the other way!!
cyclops are cyclops
I know Very Happy vbut aren't Cyclops also one-eyed weirdos? Rolling Eyes
ya you might get ambushed by them in 3 minutes


8Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:35 pm

Julian Z

Julian Z

Gath wrote:
Julian Z wrote:
Gath wrote:
Julian Z wrote:Guy 1: Who knows? confused
Guy 2: I do!!! cheers
Guy 1: what is it then? scratch
Guy 2: an elephant!! elephant
Guy 1: I don't think so... Suspect
Guy 2:You may never know!! rabbit
Guy 1: Hey! I saw it! it is you... the one eyed weirdo! cyclops
Guy 2: It wasn't me who you youo had to What a Face at!!
*cryes and walks away* Arrow Hey! it's the other way!!
cyclops are cyclops
I know Very Happy vbut aren't Cyclops also one-eyed weirdos? Rolling Eyes
ya you might get ambushed by them in 3 minutes
o.O do not even dare!!! I am so scared!! Sleep

9Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:23 pm

Laziest Gamer

Laziest Gamer

pig pig pig pig pig pig pig
Just tell to asian cyclops 'uh-isang-taung-naka-tae' They're asians


10Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:49 am



He was like this cat then LOL'd affraid then became a clown clown :3


11Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:26 pm

Julian Z

Julian Z

Gath wrote: pig pig pig pig pig pig pig
Just tell to asian cyclops 'uh-isang-taung-naka-tae' They're asians
Nevah!! Evil or Very Mad

12Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:32 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac


Guy: Who is that I love you girl? I feel so Embarassed in her presence!
Girl: Who is that ugly boy? That clothing is so last century! Sleep
Guy, when he hears the girl: Sad Sad Sad Boo-hoo!
Girl: HAHA! Very Happy


Same Guy: Isn't that the insulting Twisted Evil girl? Why is she in last century clothes? Sleep
Same Girl: I shouldn't have Very Happy at him! I am so affraid that he will Very Happy at me NOW!
Same Guy: HAHA!! Those clothes belong to a cyclops alien ! I'm very pale ! lol!
Same Girl: Sad BOO HOO! *runs away*


Same Girl: Ah! What a I love you fashion store! Idea Maybe I can go in and buy something!
Same Guy: I I love you you! Why can't you understand that I just want to eat you with some pig ?!
Same Girl: A CANNIBAL! You... wanna eat me with a pig and a cherry on top? santa won't give you any presents! You must be drunken !!
Same Guy: I could put you under the sunny and wait for you to roast! Then I could invite my farao friend and my royal friends, the king and the queen and their royal jocolor , to lunch! Then, we can watch a Basketball match. scratch What else can I do next?
Same Girl: affraid *FAINTS*
Same Guy: Instant food! She offered herself to me! cheers


Same Girl: This is confused , why am I on a frying pan?! scratch What are these flower ?
Same Guy: Yum! Now, I put the cherry cherry cherry on top of the ice-creams! Delicious!


king : Yummy!
queen : This pork is delicious!
jocolor : As good as eating human body parts! lol!
Same Guy: That's because it is! lol!
king , queen and jocolor : *vomit blood as red as cherry s* YUCK! We just became cannibals Shocked !!

13Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:28 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Once upon a time there was a king and queen of an alien planet who were very Smile . They loved ruling among the Like a Star @ heaven s and being entertained by their alien jocolor , although sometimes his jokes left them feeling confused .

14Funny Smileys Jokes Empty Re: Funny Smileys Jokes Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:51 pm



Miscrit Maniac wrote:2010...

Guy: Who is that I love you girl? I feel so Embarassed in her presence!
Girl: Who is that ugly boy? That clothing is so last century! Sleep
Guy, when he hears the girl: Sad Sad Sad Boo-hoo!
Girl: HAHA! Very Happy


Same Guy: Isn't that the insulting Twisted Evil girl? Why is she in last century clothes? Sleep
Same Girl: I shouldn't have Very Happy at him! I am so affraid that he will Very Happy at me NOW!
Same Guy: HAHA!! Those clothes belong to a cyclops alien ! I'm very pale ! lol!
Same Girl: Sad BOO HOO! *runs away*


Same Girl: Ah! What a I love you fashion store! Idea Maybe I can go in and buy something!
Same Guy: I I love you you! Why can't you understand that I just want to eat you with some pig ?!
Same Girl: A CANNIBAL! You... wanna eat me with a pig and a cherry on top? santa won't give you any presents! You must be drunken !!
Same Guy: I could put you under the sunny and wait for you to roast! Then I could invite my farao friend and my royal friends, the king and the queen and their royal jocolor , to lunch! Then, we can watch a Basketball match. scratch What else can I do next?
Same Girl: affraid *FAINTS*
Same Guy: Instant food! She offered herself to me! cheers


Same Girl: This is confused , why am I on a frying pan?! scratch What are these flower ?
Same Guy: Yum! Now, I put the cherry cherry cherry on top of the ice-creams! Delicious!


king : Yummy!
queen : This pork is delicious!
jocolor : As good as eating human body parts! lol!
Same Guy: That's because it is! lol!
king , queen and jocolor : *vomit blood as red as cherry s* YUCK! We just became cannibals Shocked !!

wierd.... Suspect
but cool Rolling Eyes

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