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More NPCs please!

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1More NPCs please! Empty More NPCs please! Wed May 09, 2012 6:22 pm

Jana V

Jana V

My suggestion is, make more NPCs that actually is part of the storyline. Not like the people on Miscrits that just stand on the same place, talking about the same thing. I love NPCs.

2More NPCs please! Empty Re: More NPCs please! Wed May 09, 2012 6:41 pm



As I have said before, I don't really now about this thing. It is an awesome suggestion tought, and even Hasan suggested Wizzards << Warriors << The Boss, but I don't know. Our team is not that big, and to put the NPCs is easy, but the problem is who will draw them. This period I'm too busy, and I can't draw them. In any of you have time and opportunity to draw any NPC, but fully draw that, and want to take part of Miscrimania with that (etc. draw all the group of NPCs - around 9 Wizzards or whatelse), let me know here, or on any other place for contacting me.


3More NPCs please! Empty Re: More NPCs please! Wed May 09, 2012 7:07 pm

Jana V

Jana V

I understand. But by NPC, it means Non-Player Character, I don't mean like people you can battle (mini boss), I mean just characters you speak to, walk around and help you with stuffs. So you don't need to draw them right? Just make a little pixel of it lke this little guy over here.

More NPCs please! V55sz

Never mind that if it's complicated. Basically I want people to populate places, make the town alive at least. Unlike the current SK or VI town, no one is really there.

4More NPCs please! Empty Re: More NPCs please! Wed May 09, 2012 7:09 pm



That's easy. We will consider it. If you've any exact wish, feel free to say. Razz


5More NPCs please! Empty Re: More NPCs please! Wed May 09, 2012 7:43 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Not really, because I don't even know the storyline.

6More NPCs please! Empty Re: More NPCs please! Thu May 10, 2012 12:06 am

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

I can do sketches for you, Steff; but I don't have my Photoshop program anymore, because that was on my Mac which kicked the bucket...so I wouldn't be able to add all the details like I did with Spectreus in my contest submission.

Unless there is a free program similar to Photoshop for Dells, which I could use...does anyone know of any?

7More NPCs please! Empty Re: More NPCs please! Thu May 10, 2012 4:43 am



Oh you don't have to Emily,its WAY to easy,NPC are extremely easy to make and there will be tons!Even ones who help you on your journey!Wait did I just reveal smoethig .-.

8More NPCs please! Empty Re: More NPCs please! Thu May 10, 2012 5:01 am



Thank you so much Emily, that's nice to hear that you would help, but as Mahmoud said ^ it is way too easy to put them, without any special drawing. Smile


9More NPCs please! Empty Re: More NPCs please! Tue May 15, 2012 2:09 pm

Moiz Raza

Moiz Raza

how did you create thos NPC'S???

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