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Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania!

Jana V
6 posters

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1Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Empty Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Sat May 05, 2012 7:49 pm



Hello, Miscrimaniars. Here I am, to meet you with the lands of Miscrimania!

First Land: Miscrimania Forest!

Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! MDkD6

Miscrimania Forest is the very first land of Miscrimania, opened from the start of the game. It is the first place where you will be available to train miscrits, and also to catch brand new miscrits. The land will include 11 miscrits, not including Dragonail, because he is the starter, and he will not be available to be captured. The Miscrits from the Forest: Blumise, Flario, Dark Flario, Manatt, Aduro, Senere, Hydry, Clouma, Piwird, Virfing and Plaguerat!

Second Land: Ancient Ruins!

Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! RVfUq

Ancient Ruins is the second land of Miscrimania, and it will not be opened from the start of the game, it will be added few weeks or months, after the game is released. This area will be also like the first area, available for training and capturing brand new miscrits. Ancient Ruins will include brand new miscrits, and maybe even more powerful. Also, brand new landscape!

Third Land: Your Choice!

ONE of you will be allowed to choose the theme AND the name of the third area. There will be one Miscrimania Contest, and the winner of the contest will get a chance to pick a theme and a name for the third area of Miscrimania. The theme and the name will be accepted, just in case if you suggested something good, unique and acceptable for the game.
What do you think about this? Are you excited that the GAME IS GETTING CLOSE?


2Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Empty Looking forwards to it :D Sat May 05, 2012 8:05 pm



The game has now begun... cant wait for it Very Happy

3Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Empty Re: Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Sat May 05, 2012 8:10 pm

Jana V

Jana V


Plaguerat's going to top the forest I hope! And how would the forest look? Deep and mysterious? or warm and pleasant?

4Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Empty Re: Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Sat May 05, 2012 8:16 pm



Unknown and mysterious.


5Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Empty Re: Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Sat May 05, 2012 9:55 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Haha, alright.

But there better be a nice, pleasant place with rainbows and kittens.

6Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Empty Re: Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Sun May 06, 2012 6:59 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Awesome!Cant wait for that contest!Razz

7Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Empty Re: Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Sun May 06, 2012 7:35 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

amazing Surprised can't wait~


8Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Empty Re: Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Sun May 06, 2012 9:37 pm

Luke Finney

Luke Finney

amaaazing! :O

9Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Empty Re: Meeting the Lands of Miscrimania! Sun May 13, 2012 10:02 am



amzing,cant wait for it

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