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Guide:GIMP-Know the tools name and what are the tools for.

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Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Guide:GIMP-Know the tools name and what are the tools for. GIMPiesbar
Hello miscrimaniars, and other miscrits players! i want to share about a program to draw called "GIMP". i usally use that program for make avatars, drawing and more. Now, i want to tell you the function of every tools in your toolbox.

Before we start, here is the links related to GIMP:
-GIMP download:http://www.gimp.org/
-GIMP tutorial how to draw/edit drawings:http://www.miscrits.com/forums/showthread.php?16617-GIMP-Tutorial-For-Editing-Drawing-Miscrits
Now, let's start! ^.^

i'll give every tool a number.

1.Rectangle select tool: allow you to make a rectangle. Good for barners.
2.Ellipse select tool: allow you to make a circle. good for making emblem things, or other circle things.
3.Free-select tool (or lasso select tool):allow you to freely select a areas tu be cutted.
4.Fuzzy select tool (or wand tool):allow you to select an area based on colors. used for cutting an area, or coloring an area.
5.Select by color tool:allow you to select an area with similar color.
6.Scissors select tool: allow you to select shapes precisely.
7.Foreground select tool: allow you to select objects in foreground.
8.Paths tool: allow you to create lines and curves well as lineart.
9.Color picker tool (or color dropper tool): allow you to pick a color from invidual pixels.
10.Zoom tool: allow you to zoom in or zoom out a picture/image.
11.Measure tool: allow you to measure distances and angles.
12.Move tool: allow you to move a picture/image/drawing/layer. useful to make an avatars. (avatars are small pictures that used in forums.)
13.Allignment tool: allow you to align a layer.
14.Crop tool: allow you to crop an image/picture.
15.Rotate tool: allow you to rotate an image/picture/drawing.
16.Scale tool: allow you to make your image/picture smaller or bigger. useful to make avatars too! *(Note: scaling too much will make your image/picture blurry.)
17.Shear tool: allow you to shear a layer or selection.
18.Perspective tool: allow you to change a perspective an image/selected area/layer.
19.Flip tool: allow you to flip an image/picture horizontally or vertically.
20.Text tool: allow you to make a text. if you want more fonts, download it in a font website, such as dafont, or others.
21.Bucket fill tool: allow you to fill an area with a color.
22.Blend tool: allow you to make gardient from 2 colors(can be more) in selected areas/layer.
23.Pencil tool: allow you to draw a pixeled (hard fine edge) line. use this tool and bucket fill tool for coloring big areas.
24. Paint brush tool: allow you to paint smoothly with brush. usually used for coloring drawings.
25.Eraser tool: allow you to erase an area/layer.
26.Airbrush tool: allow you to paint with variable pressure.
27.Ink tool: use this tool to make outline when you draw in caligraphy style.
28.Clone tool: allow you to selectively copy a portion of layer or selection.
29.Heal tool: allow you to corect image irregularties.
30.Perspective clone tool: allow you to copy the edited perspective from diffrent image scource.
31.Blur.sharpen tool: allow you to blur or sharpen areas in an image.
32.Smudge tool: allow you to smudge areas in an image. good to make a shadings almost looks real.
33.Dodge/burn tool: allow you to shade a drawing.

Guide:GIMP-Know the tools name and what are the tools for. 1qg8R

thats it. You can see this guide too in Global Artisty, if you have join the group on facebook.
see you soon! Very Happy

Last edited by Pawrian Gray on Sat May 26, 2012 2:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Very detailed,nice explained guide! Very Happy
Steff should give you +rep for this,and make it Sticky. Cool




+rep; Sticky.


Jana V

Jana V

Teteh's entering the world of guides Very Happy

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

thx for the rep and stick steff lol!
i don't have any right emotion beside that one XD




Np. You deserved it. Keep it up! Wink


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