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2 screenshots: About CAPTURING!

Jana V
Pritam Nayak
Sima Miletijevv
8 posters

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12 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:57 am



Hello, Miscrimaniars! How have you been? I hope you enjoyed the last exclusive 5 screenshots from the Land, the sea, the shops and the chapel (click here if you want to check it again).

This time I'm meeting you with the CAPTURING system. We are using Cubsprout as an example, just to show you how it would look. I will not explain you nicely here, I will LET YOU start guessing, and judging how it will be, till you see this two pictures. Enjoy Smile

2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! GHsmC

2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! QMKxb


22 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:59 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

That looks awesome and interesting... Cool

32 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:07 pm

Pritam Nayak

Pritam Nayak

Well Steff You're 14 or 15 Just one Year more Than me

and I see a Bright Future of You Very Happy

Good Luck with The Game Very Happy

42 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:08 pm

Jana V

Jana V

I really am interested. It seems easy to modify the game, therefore the game's potential could be limitless. The system looks fascinating.

52 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:12 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Jana V wrote:I really am interested. It seems easy to modify the game, therefore the game's potential could be limitless. The system looks fascinating.

Totally agree with you Jana Very Happy

62 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:12 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Does this means that game will come soon? sunny

72 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:59 pm



Sima LYE wrote:Does this means that game will come soon? sunny

Oh, well... I really don't know what to say. I'm pretty scared of that bugs and that's why the Testers will be here. We need to put all the Miscrits (Only Cubby, Blumise and Dragonail putted so far), to edit the shops, and to decide about the buying system (something like the Gift Shop). Duels and Arenas are currently not posibble, but we will see.


82 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:02 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Steff wrote:
Sima LYE wrote:Does this means that game will come soon? sunny

Oh, well... I really don't know what to say. I'm pretty scared of that bugs and that's why the Testers will be here. We need to put all the Miscrits (Only Cubby, Blumise and Dragonail putted so far), to edit the shops, and to decide about the buying system (something like the Gift Shop). Duels and Arenas are currently not posibble, but we will see.

Okay.To bad that i cant help....

92 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:05 pm



Most of the testers will be chosen normal. Miscrimania Testers will be only 5. One of them is Emily Sanders, and the second is Ivan Georgiev. They haven't recieved the part but they will pretty soon tought and you will all have a chance to look at their comments about it. The rest - 3 Testers - I still think who to choose. Smile But never lose hope, maybe you can be chosen, you can never know that.


102 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:09 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Steff wrote:Most of the testers will be chosen normal. Miscrimania Testers will be only 5. One of them is Emily Sanders, and the second is Ivan Georgiev. They haven't recieved the part but they will pretty soon tought and you will all have a chance to look at their comments about it. The rest - 3 Testers - I still think who to choose. Smile But never lose hope, maybe you can be chosen, you can never know that.

Waiting for next contest Very Happy
Who is Ivan Georgiev? xD

112 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:14 pm



Sima LYE wrote:aiting for next contest Very Happy
Who is Ivan Georgiev? xD

Ivan is Miscrits Player, and not that active forums member. He is actually member of Team Carpenter, and it's a great person, and really true friend of mine. He was the most honest person always, he is always here for any advices and everything, even if the critique is the worst one. When I showed him the screenshots (that 5 + this 2) he asked me can he be one, and I accepted. He's a nice guy, so I really can't wait to see his comment about the game, as Emily's. And of course the rest of the testers. Smile


122 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:17 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Steff wrote:
Sima LYE wrote:aiting for next contest Very Happy
Who is Ivan Georgiev? xD

Ivan is Miscrits Player, and not that active forums member. He is actually member of Team Carpenter, and it's a great person, and really true friend of mine. He was the most honest person always, he is always here for any advices and everything, even if the critique is the worst one. When I showed him the screenshots (that 5 + this 2) he asked me can he be one, and I accepted. He's a nice guy, so I really can't wait to see his comment about the game, as Emily's. And of course the rest of the testers. Smile

Okay. Very Happy
Cant wait to see their comments.

132 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:25 pm


Sima LYE wrote:
Steff wrote:
Sima LYE wrote:aiting for next contest Very Happy
Who is Ivan Georgiev? xD

Ivan is Miscrits Player, and not that active forums member. He is actually member of Team Carpenter, and it's a great person, and really true friend of mine. He was the most honest person always, he is always here for any advices and everything, even if the critique is the worst one. When I showed him the screenshots (that 5 + this 2) he asked me can he be one, and I accepted. He's a nice guy, so I really can't wait to see his comment about the game, as Emily's. And of course the rest of the testers. Smile

Okay. Very Happy
Cant wait to see their comments.

Thanks for the good words Steff. It really looks awesome and reminds me for old day pokemon games which I really loved and enjoy. Lets hope that the battle system is on place!

142 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:32 pm



Making it online as it is in Miscrits, fighting a real opponent is impossibble for us. We don't know how to make it. Battling an opponent as Wilford is posibble, but it's pretty hard. We will try tought. Cool


152 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:14 pm

Jana V

Jana V

ivanajulma21 wrote:
Sima LYE wrote:
Steff wrote:
Sima LYE wrote:aiting for next contest Very Happy
Who is Ivan Georgiev? xD

Ivan is Miscrits Player, and not that active forums member. He is actually member of Team Carpenter, and it's a great person, and really true friend of mine. He was the most honest person always, he is always here for any advices and everything, even if the critique is the worst one. When I showed him the screenshots (that 5 + this 2) he asked me can he be one, and I accepted. He's a nice guy, so I really can't wait to see his comment about the game, as Emily's. And of course the rest of the testers. Smile

Okay. Very Happy
Cant wait to see their comments.

Thanks for the good words Steff. It really looks awesome and reminds me for old day pokemon games which I really loved and enjoy. Lets hope that the battle system is on place!

I know right. I guess in the end Pokemon is the best.

162 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:37 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Shocked good, but a litte bit bad quality for dragonail.


172 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:06 am



That's not problem. It will be fixed either way. Laughing


182 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:22 pm


just awesome,cant wait for it!!!!

192 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Empty Re: 2 screenshots: About CAPTURING! Sun May 13, 2012 10:03 am



I will capture them all Very Happy

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