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5 days left...

2 posters

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15 days left... Empty 5 days left... Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:38 am



Hello everyone! How have you been? How are you feeling, after-holidays, huh? I hope you all are going well.

Miscrimania: The Ecology Action... 12 great submissions so far! I'm more than impressed, I have no idea what to say anymore. In 5 days I will have the hardest challenge ever - to choose a winner. I would choose you all, but I cannot. I must pick only ONE, and that ONE will be the very first TESTER of Miscrimania! If you haven't submited yet, than you have to do that as fast as posibble. There are only 5 days left, the time is going.



25 days left... Empty Re: 5 days left... Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:50 am

Jana V

Jana V

The submissions were better than I expected. Rolling Eyes

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