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Please Help :(

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1Please Help :( Empty Please Help :( Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:54 am



I just made my first image on GIMP and it isn't the right format and it's upset me. How do I change the format?


2Please Help :( Empty Re: Please Help :( Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:05 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Magicite Overlord wrote:I just made my first image on GIMP and it isn't the right format and it's upset me. How do I change the format?
Save it with the name Something.png

3Please Help :( Empty Re: Please Help :( Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:43 pm



Jana V wrote:
Magicite Overlord wrote:I just made my first image on GIMP and it isn't the right format and it's upset me. How do I change the format?
Save it with the name Something.png

Already saved it....


4Please Help :( Empty Re: Please Help :( Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:10 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Save it again duh. Do 'save as' and name it as 'something.png'. You need a '.png' at the end of the file name.

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