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Do you want TEAMS on this forum?

8 posters

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1Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:09 pm



Hello, everyone! Sava suggested it first, but this is one general discussion to all of you: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? They would be same teams as Miscrits.com's forum, with the same point of its existing. You will not be available to create a team that you have on the other team, you can't have the same name, and you must not have the same name! This teams are one thing, other teams are other thing. New names, new threads, new experience. I am leader of LYE on that forums, but now I can be MEMBER of other created team, which will create someone who is not leader of a team on the other forums etc.

Let's discuss.


2Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:11 pm



Add teams,that would be pretty nice Very Happy

Last edited by Sava on Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:12 pm



Sorry i don't understand a bit, so you mean these are new teams and not related on Miscrits.com ?

4Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:13 pm



JL wrote:Sorry i don't understand a bit, so you mean these are new teams and not related on Miscrits.com ?

Exactly. Tottaly different story.


5Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:21 pm



Steff wrote:
JL wrote:Sorry i don't understand a bit, so you mean these are new teams and not related on Miscrits.com ?

Exactly. Tottaly different story.
ooohhhh, seems pretty nice

6Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:22 pm


Steff wrote:Hello, everyone! Sava suggested it first, but this is one general discussion to all of you: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? They would be same teams as Miscrits.com's forum, with the same point of its existing. You will not be available to create a team that you have on the other team, you can't have the same name, and you must not have the same name! This teams are one thing, other teams are other thing. New names, new threads, new experience. I am leader of LYE on that forums, but now I can be MEMBER of other created team, which will create someone who is not leader of a team on the other forums etc.

Let's discuss.

Hmm...i like the idea! it would be great! Very Happy

7Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:31 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Not entirely sure, because of the currently small amount of members here. Perhaps when the game launches..

8Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:29 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Sounds good,but there is very little amount of members...

9Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:33 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Personally, I believe it would be a bad idea. I love TC, and I love the friendships I've forged with members in other teams, but there seems to be a lot of drama which comes along with teams.

There are squabbles among team members (for silly, or rank-involved, reasons), there are people who continuously pester and beg to be let into a team, and there have been inter-team fights.

Yes, I know and acknowledge that people who cause most of these problems to/within/among teams are behaving immaturely and it is not the majority of people who do this; teams can be, and are, fun, but when problems arise, those problems are bothersome [in different levels].

10Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:57 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:Personally, I believe it would be a bad idea. I love TC, and I love the friendships I've forged with members in other teams, but there seems to be a lot of drama which comes along with teams.

There are squabbles among team members (for silly, or rank-involved, reasons), there are people who continuously pester and beg to be let into a team, and there have been inter-team fights.

Yes, I know and acknowledge that people who cause most of these problems to/within/among teams are behaving immaturely and it is not the majority of people who do this; teams can be, and are, fun, but when problems arise, those problems are bothersome [in different levels].

Neutral -Rages and smashes up laptop (And you)-


11Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:37 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Magicite Overlord wrote:
Emily Sanders wrote:Personally, I believe it would be a bad idea. I love TC, and I love the friendships I've forged with members in other teams, but there seems to be a lot of drama which comes along with teams.

There are squabbles among team members (for silly, or rank-involved, reasons), there are people who continuously pester and beg to be let into a team, and there have been inter-team fights.

Yes, I know and acknowledge that people who cause most of these problems to/within/among teams are behaving immaturely and it is not the majority of people who do this; teams can be, and are, fun, but when problems arise, those problems are bothersome [in different levels].

Neutral -Rages and smashes up laptop (And you)-

She just said her opinion......
My opinion is that there isn't very high number of members in forums,so i think we should wait till forum get more members.....

12Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Wed May 02, 2012 3:55 pm



Emily Sanders wrote:Personally, I believe it would be a bad idea. I love TC, and I love the friendships I've forged with members in other teams, but there seems to be a lot of drama which comes along with teams.

There are squabbles among team members (for silly, or rank-involved, reasons), there are people who continuously pester and beg to be let into a team, and there have been inter-team fights.

Yes, I know and acknowledge that people who cause most of these problems to/within/among teams are behaving immaturely and it is not the majority of people who do this; teams can be, and are, fun, but when problems arise, those problems are bothersome [in different levels].

Theres now 50 members. I think its time now :3


13Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Thu May 17, 2012 10:02 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Wyver-Triumph wrote:Theres now 50 members. I think its time now :3

I had never mentioned anything about a certain number of members in the forum deciding whether there should be teams or not; I think you might have gotten my words mixed up with someone else's. Nevertheless, however members there may be, I am still sticking with my original feeling(s):

Emily Sanders wrote:Personally, I believe it would be a bad idea. I love TC, and I love the friendships I've forged with members in other teams, but there seems to be a lot of drama which comes along with teams.

There are squabbles among team members (for silly, or rank-involved, reasons), there are people who continuously pester and beg to be let into a team, and there have been inter-team fights.

Yes, I know and acknowledge that people who cause most of these problems to/within/among teams are behaving immaturely and it is not the majority of people who do this; teams can be, and are, fun, but when problems arise, those problems are bothersome [in different levels].

14Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Fri May 18, 2012 9:22 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Hello everybody! Me again.
It seems that there are people that want to have teams,and some people that don't want teams.So,i have a little suggestion.If STeff could make a thread,and there all of us can say,i want to have teams on forums,or i don't want to have teams on forums.And he will count the votes,and IF more people don't want teams,we will not have teams.That is all i have to say.

This is just a suggestion. Razz

15Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Empty Re: Do you want TEAMS on this forum? Fri May 18, 2012 9:30 am



Teams will not exist on this forums. Current decision.


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