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The Reputation!

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1The Reputation! Empty The Reputation! Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:49 pm




The Reputation is an important thing for this forums. That's your own reputation. We haven't reputation nicely posted on your profiles as on Miscrits.com, but we will post the reputation of the forumers here. You can gain reputation by helpful threads or posts. Also, I'm closing this thread, because I think that we don't need to discuss about the reputation. Check this thread oftenly for checking the reputation. The MAX reputation is 500 points.

-Steff Rashkovich The Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkE
-Emily Sanders The Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkEThe Reputation! CxAkE

Miscrimaniars with reputation:
-Jana Virananda The Reputation! YXvThThe Reputation! YXvThThe Reputation! YXvTh - 205 points.
-Pawrian Gray (Teteh) The Reputation! YXvThThe Reputation! YXvTh - 152 points.
-RockyBalboa The Reputation! YXvTh - 42 points.
-Julian Zapata The Reputation! YXvTh - 30 points.
-Sima LYE The Reputation! YXvTh - 25 points.
-Hasan Farhat The Reputation! YXvTh - 25 points.

Miscrimaniars with negative reputation:
-Skylord_Rorak The Reputation! 8r2Wf - 30 points.


Last edited by Steff on Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:16 pm; edited 1 time in total


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