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Unforgettable Bad Moments!

Jana V
Pawrian Gray
8 posters

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1Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:44 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Hello, im Pawrian- ups, im teteh here wants you to share your unforgettable moment!
but... a sad one.

Very Happy Lets start sharing our bad unforgettable moments!

Mine: (copied from my dA, Ramadhanti)
ok guys,no one knows(except my friends)my bone ever broke.

when i still kindergarden,me,and my 2 other friends were running around shared area in my school.(my mom still chit-chat woth her friend.)then,when we ran around,one of my friend is pushed me until i fell down."BRUGH!"its very...HARD.i felt very hurt.then,my other teachers come to me and bring me to nearest hospital.

after that,the doctors told me that my elbow bone was broke.aww.the the doctor wore me a gips to my hand.next,when i tried to stand up,i felt hurt and it take around 5 minutes to stand up,and we(me and mom)go to other hospital in bintaro.(bintaro was in indo,and i leaved in indo. -.-)the teachers were followed us went to the hospital too.

in the hospital,the dpctor told us to go here again later by routine to check my bone.we go home and said goodbye to my teachers,and we went home.

so,with my brokenhand,i felt hard to sleep,writing(my right elbow broke),and take a bath.every time i slept,my mom always cover my broken hand from the bed with small pillows.sometimes,i tried to write using left hand,but i more often use my broken right hand.AND,the most bad thing:every i took a bath,i only....ok,i will not said it in here.

then,few months ;ater the doctor put of my gips,and my arm is not broken anymore.but,i cant bend my arm erfectly(not touching the chest).

so,i just told this to let u guys know my sad moment.^.^ my first journal.(but,please,i cant use left hand.im not a leftie.)

thats it, so what is your bad unforgettable moment? Share here!


2Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:03 am



Not that too sad, but one my real life story.

Whole my life, I'm with cats and dogs. I love them. They are animals, the biggest humans's friends.

One day, I found one little dog, near to my favourite basketball ground, where I play almost everyday. I was wondering who is that dog, what I haven't seen it before. It was ugly, it was looking hungry, injured... With more care and attention that same dog can be improved, a lot. I don't get him to put in my garden, together with my other dogs, to care about him every day. I was scared what my parents would say.

Two weeks later, I was awakened from rude dog's barking. I was nervous and I escaped outside to see what is happening there, was weird (6 am). There were 2 dogs - one big, rude pit bull and... WAIT, that is the same dog what I have seen 2 weeks ago, that little ugly white dog. The Pit Bull attacked the little dog, I tought he was going to ate him. I was alone outside, in pajamas with 2 dogs. What more I can do? Do go inside, to try to sleep again because it's too early and to hear that hard barking? No, I must do something. I was worried about that little white puppy. I escaped outside with my wood stick, and attacked the strong pit bull. I had big fear, but the pit bull disappeared in the morning fog.

The little white puppy was on the street. He can't walk more, he is tottaly injured. I can't think what my parents will say after, I will get this dog as mine. Veterinary, YES! I must call them.

3 months later... I was playing in my garden with my 3 dogs - Linda, Kudra and THE LITTLE WHITE LABRADOR (the same dog what I found 3 months ago). It is pretty CUTE! I helped him, I cured him. Now, it is MY DOG. And guess what, my parents was proud of me.


3Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:18 am

Jana V

Jana V

Lost in a hotel, trapped in an elevator. Sad

4Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:46 am



I kicked a spikey plant well not that sad so scratch .... I stepped on glass shards and went to the hospital to find if there are still shards stuck in my foot, wait that's not sad too Mad ... well...

Not that sad but still. I rode my bike in the streets as I do every day, There was a car so I turned and went in the rocky ground then I turned to go back to the street and I turned too much and *BOOM* I spinned in the ground and wounded my leg,So then I haven't walked for 2 days.

5Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:52 am



I have kissed a cow suddenly at 4 years old. Haha, I'm sure you would not like to hear the whole story! Very Happy


6Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:54 am



Meeting Steff xD! :3


7Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:03 pm



Steff wrote:I have kissed a cow suddenly at 4 years old. Haha, I'm sure you would not like to hear the whole story! Very Happy
Tell us more Twisted Evil lol jk

8Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:06 pm



JL wrote:Tell us more Twisted Evil lol jk

Haha, no. That was disgusting experience.


9Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:19 pm



Me and my friend got chased by a big dog lol! then I suddenly freezed and the dog ran after my friend and I stood there safe Very Happy

10Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:50 pm

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Jana V wrote:Lost in a hotel, trapped in an elevator. Sad
what hotel?


11Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:32 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Pawrian Gray wrote:
Jana V wrote:Lost in a hotel, trapped in an elevator. Sad
what hotel?
Forget. I think it's hilton or something.

12Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:58 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

another one

August 17 2011, excatly the Indonesia independence ceremony.

We sing a song while ceremony. Me and almost of my friends are fasting (its ramadhan.) there. i joined a choir team in my school and we gonna sing aour anthem song. after finish sing, i still stand up, until...
I started to get dizzy. i see something black, but i can still see the ceremony. but, soon i started to can't stand up well. i almost want to fall down for a few times... and...
I fainted. all of peoples are worried me, and bring me to nearest hospital, Eka Hospital near my home.
And because of that, my fasting was not full one month. 28 from 30. (If you are fainted, your fasting will be invalid.)
doctor said i must be watched for 24 hours. My parents bring me home, and i took a rest.If i throw up, i got brain concussion. luckly, i don't. Thanks.
The night, i watch TV and one of my friend come to look at me at home.
Very Happy


13Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:46 pm

Julian Z

Julian Z

Well... Here goes my bad moment!

Once upon a time... in a city called ******, there was a young boy, named Julian! This boy was once meant to become... Julian Z! lol... just kidding, Here it goes:

I was in one of my most important moments of the season... the last Basketball match before the finall... but there are problems with me playing Basketball at 7:00 p.m. I normally get headache at this time (A strong one, don't even try to imagine) I was playing badly, I had something... I had to get out... but no... I started to get better, and better at playing, suddenly, the score was 50-12!! We were winning! But then the strongest, most horrible headache in the world, came... I almost fainted, the match stopped, people... worried people all around me... I... the match... well, we finished loosing pale just because of me... We waited 'till the other season, but nothing. That was the greates Basket loss... EVER!

14Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:08 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

Today, while building a volcano model, I blew some baking soda. It got onto my cheeks and I licked it... It was the SALTIEST thing ever!! I also had a fever recently and felt extremely uncomfortable. It is extremely unforgettable. I had dizzy spells and headaches. Sad

15Unforgettable Bad Moments! Empty Re: Unforgettable Bad Moments! Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:08 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

When I learned that my best friend, who has just turned 15 years old, has leukemia, and that the chemo is not working.

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