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Action: Let's return Jana v's reputation!

4 posters

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Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Hey guys!

Looks like Jana lost his reputation because Callum. (A.K.A Skylord Rorak) Because of him, he got -14 reputation!

Now, let's give him some help by giving the reputation back.
Very Happy How? Simply,

Look here for image. I'm sorry i can't show it live since it dosen't fit.

look at the red box. See a + symbol, right? click that thing!
Now, here, there will be a thread where Jana comment, so you can give him a rep.

The Thread

scroll down and find Jana comment. Give him a rep.

Thank you.


Jana V

Jana V

Aw thanks very much Nisa. I'm very touched. :')

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Good job. You got +rep for making this thread for Jana to help him out. (And yes, Jana, I will be helping you get rep back since it was unrightfully removed.)

Jana V

Jana V

Emily Sanders wrote:Good job. You got +rep for making this thread for Jana to help him out. (And yes, Jana, I will be helping you get rep back since it was unrightfully removed.)
Thank you Granny Apple. Very Happy

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

I gave you +rep, i will help you to get back to normal. Wink

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