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NEW: Reputation!

4 posters

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1NEW: Reputation! Empty NEW: Reputation! Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:24 pm



Hello, Miscrimaniars! We have added few updates this week, and we are still working on few more, as we promised that we will be active this summer. As far as Miscrimania is growing with random stuff, we are also looking for more organized community.

-This is an old feature, but now it's more organized. The old reputation (from this thread) is dead. It's not working anymore. Now, on this forums I successed to activate something better. From today, EVERYONE CAN GIVE REPUTATION. Next to every post on this forums, you can see one "+" and "-". If you think that the post is helpful, or deserves to recieve +one reputation, you can click the plus button, or opposite, if you don't like the post, just click the "-" button. With that, you are giving someone ONE + or - reputation point. How many reputation someone have in total is writen on his own profile on this forums. You can't give reputation to yourself.

I hope that you like this new feature, and that you think it's better that now everyone can "vote" a post. If not, tell us the reason. And feel free to ask if you have any question(s).


2NEW: Reputation! Empty Re: NEW: Reputation! Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:19 am



I discovered this when making my forum. I told you :3!


3NEW: Reputation! Empty Re: NEW: Reputation! Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:24 am

Jana V

Jana V

Very nice and neat system, wow!

4NEW: Reputation! Empty Re: NEW: Reputation! Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:26 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Nice new system, and neat, as Jana said. Razz

5NEW: Reputation! Empty Re: NEW: Reputation! Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:32 am





6NEW: Reputation! Empty Re: NEW: Reputation! Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:40 am



Post censored by Steff.


7NEW: Reputation! Empty Re: NEW: Reputation! Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:45 am



Skylord_Rorak, be careful. On many posts you are insulting people, on a joke or not. Now the reputation is based on all posts, so anyone here can give you -rep just because of your bad words. We all admit that you are a unique member and that you are very weird, but please try to be as all the others.


8NEW: Reputation! Empty Re: NEW: Reputation! Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:23 pm



Steff wrote:Skylord_Rorak, be careful. On many posts you are insulting people, on a joke or not. Now the reputation is based on all posts, so anyone here can give you -rep just because of your bad words. We all admit that you are a unique member and that you are very weird, but please try to be as all the others.

Calling me weird makes me angry. YOU WOULDNT WANT TO SEE ME WHEN IM ANGRY!


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