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NEW: Log in and Register with FACEBOOK!

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1NEW: Log in and Register with FACEBOOK! Empty NEW: Log in and Register with FACEBOOK! Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:05 pm



NEW: Log in and Register with FACEBOOK! Iwwkp

Hello, Miscrimaniars! We have finally done something important for this community. I know that most of you are very lazy to log in or register with writing stuff in empty places and confirming you account on your e-mail, so we finally got the Facebook Log In and Register on this Community!

Whenever you click Register or Sign In, you will be available to register or log in via Facebook. For the older members, don't use this, because I think that you are gonna make new account, improve me if I'm wrong. Don't forget that you can make a new account if you want to.

Click here to register via Facebook!


Jana V

Jana V

Good news. It should be easier for people to register.

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Jana V wrote:Good news. It should be easier for people to register.

Yes.Now forums will have more mambers i guess. Very Happy

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