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Greece: Why God...

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1Greece: Why God... Empty Greece: Why God... Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:27 pm



I'm currently watching a documentary about whats happening in Greece and it's devastating, there should be charities or something to stop the debt!

List of stuff over the debt:

-A woman was going to jump off a building because where she worked closed down and he child was ill, she needed to pay monthly for her child's medication...

-Many riots have happened

-Some Doctor's Surgeries are having to give out Food Parcels to people who come...

-And much more sadness...

I hope you understand whats happening here, it's devastating and terrifying for the children, teenagers and even adults...


2Greece: Why God... Empty Re: Greece: Why God... Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:34 pm

Jana V

Jana V

It's devastating but there are much worse conditions elsewhere around the world. Don't worry about Greece because the EU is supposedly working to help and solve its debt problem Just worry that it is very likely that other Euro countries will get dragged down by the Euro crisis, possibly but not very likely Britain herself.

3Greece: Why God... Empty Re: Greece: Why God... Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:50 pm



Jana V wrote:It's devastating but there are much worse conditions elsewhere around the world. Don't worry about Greece because the EU is supposedly working to help and solve its debt problem Just worry that it is very likely that other Euro countries will get dragged down by the Euro crisis, possibly but not very likely Britain herself.

Oh god, an area right infront of the building the documentary presenter was in was a riot zone... It turned from a peaceful protest to a riot No


4Greece: Why God... Empty Re: Greece: Why God... Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:00 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

What is going on in Greece is only a small slice of what is happening in the world. This makes it no less terrible, but remember: Syria; the African nations; Latin America; and Asia. There is trouble all around the world.

5Greece: Why God... Empty Re: Greece: Why God... Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:26 am



Okay! No such thing as life.


6Greece: Why God... Empty Re: Greece: Why God... Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:32 am

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Just don't forget that there is beauty and compassion in the world also. Unfortunately it is not as focused on and shown around by media.

7Greece: Why God... Empty Re: Greece: Why God... Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:27 am

Jana V

Jana V

Emily Sanders wrote:Just don't forget that there is beauty and compassion in the world also. Unfortunately it is not as focused on and shown around by media.
Well said. Smile

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