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A little help!

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1A little help! Empty A little help! Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:39 am



Hi,as you may know i made Virfing

And im in procces of making his evos,but i'm having touble making the secong and fourth evo.
So if you could please help(give me som ideas for the poses,some instructions on how to draw them etc.)Would be very apeciated.



A little help! WHlmA
PS:The white spots will be corrected after I draw all the evos.

2A little help! Empty Re: A little help! Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:06 pm

Jana V

Jana V

I could help you with that. Just at least upload a sketch of how you'd want it to be like, doesn't have to be neat doesn't matter if the pose is limpy, just give me the base first for me to refine.

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