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Elene is here, for friendly playing :)

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1Elene is here, for friendly playing :) Empty Elene is here, for friendly playing :) Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:16 pm

Elene Rashkovich

Elene Rashkovich

Hi Smile

I'm here too yeah, steff wanted me to start checking this place. I will be looking around on some stuff and replying sometimes. I love the roleplays so wait for me there. i made this thread here because i also want you to add me. i need many miscrits friends Smile

My Facebook ID = elene.rashkovich

i'm not allowed to post links, so follow my ID Suspect

Thank you Very Happy

2Elene is here, for friendly playing :) Empty Re: Elene is here, for friendly playing :) Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:27 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Welcome! Very Happy It's so nice to finally have you here.

Steff has told us he loves you very, very much; and if any brother can adore a sister that much, then quite obviously you are a wonderful person. (Sorry if I embarrassed you Steff, but just in case I did, remember...you did. Very Happy )

So, I am looking forward to seeing you around and joining you in roleplays.

Pritam Nayak

Pritam Nayak

Welcome to Miscrimania.

I have been talking to you lately, and I personally think Steff must be Proud to have a Sis like you.

Enjoy. bounce



Elene is a great person, but she never wanted to say anything good for herself. Smile


Elene Rashkovich

Elene Rashkovich

love you brother.

thanks to the rest, and emily - how i will enter in the roleplays when i have misses a lot? you already made a lot of pages and posts in any thread Embarassed



Elene Rashkovich wrote:love you brother.

thanks to the rest, and emily - how i will enter in the roleplays when i have misses a lot? you already made a lot of pages and posts in any thread Embarassed

Hello! You seem interested in roleplays... Try mine first please, nobody has tried it yet.


Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Elene Rashkovich wrote:love you brother.

thanks to the rest, and emily - how i will enter in the roleplays when i have misses a lot? you already made a lot of pages and posts in any thread Embarassed

You can enter the roleplay at any time; just because we have a lot of pages and posts, does not mean new characters can not come in. Smile Your character could have just recently moved into the area, as an example; that would explain why you had not been present. You can roleplay learning what is going on by asking other people in the roleplay, or having your character observe her surroundings.

Just like in real life, if you (I say 'you' in the general term; I do not know what you as an individual do) have just entered an area you have never been in before, you start to learn what is going on by listening and watching what is happening. That way, you do not have to read through tons and tons and tons of pages; it's much easier and faster to simply roleplay being a newcomer (although for what reasons, is up to you) and learning what is going on through observation and experience. Smile

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