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Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit

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1Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Empty Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:59 pm



This is based on the Year 6 Production play I'm doing at my school! (Just to note Year is the same as a Grade).

One day THE CURRY BEAN CREW come to Pearl's tavern and Jack shouts about a map he found in the back room, so the pirates earwig while the Periwinkles talk about the map. In a midnight raid the pirates steal the map and kidnap Pearl too! They make Pearl their wench whilst Jack and Liza get on a navy ship (THE CRUNCHY FROG) to find their mother. There are many perils and twists in the this roleplay so beware and take care!
Character List

THE NARRATOR - This is the narrator.
Deadeye Dinghy - Basically the Narrator and Uncle of Jack and Liza Periwinkle. - Played by Herobrine

PERIWINKLE FAMILY - They own a Tavern.
Pearl Periwinkle - She is easily angered and mother of Jack and Liza Periwinkle and is also kidnapped by Captian Redbeard in a Midnight-Raid for the treasure map
Jack Periwinkle - He is a young 10 year old who loves pirates and is brother of Liza Periwinkle. - Played By Herobrine
Liza Periwinkle - She is a young 9 year old who loves pirates and is sister of Jack Periwinkle. - Played By Emily Sanders
Stanley Periwinkle/Chief Wonga - He is the father of Jack and Liza. He is on Lumbago, a far away desert island in the Sea of Sciatica! - Played By Herobrine
Fiddlesticks the Cat - The Periwinkle Family pet!

Captain Cod - The strict captian of the Crunchy Frog!
Admiral Horatio Hornhonker - He knows NOTHING about boats or the sea, he is also a bit loopy.
Scuttle - An idiotic part of a duo.
Slack - An idiotic part of a duo.
Mr. Wally - A ship inspector who was taken out to sea by accident.
Mr. Pratt - A ship inspector who was taken out to sea by accident.
Lookout Lofty - The lookout who has lost his glasses and never wears them.
Cutthroat Clegg - The ship's barber and surgeon, cuts of the hurting part of your body!
Fathom - A HMS Crunchy Frog Crew-Member.
Fender - A HMS Crunchy Frog Crew-Member.
Fluke - A HMS Crunchy Frog Crew-Member.
Gooseneck - A HMS Crunchy Frog Crew-Member.
Gibbet - A HMS Crunchy Frog Crew-Member.
Grog - A HMS Crunchy Frog Crew-Member.

THE CURRY BEAN CREW - The pirates of the sea!
Captain Redbeard - The Pink Beared captian! Pssst, don't say pink infront of him!
Loopy Louie - This is Redbeard's 2nd Mate!
Squawk the Parrot - This is Redbeard's parrot! He is sometimes annoying to others.
Baggywrinkle - A stinky pirate crew member!
Broadside - A stinky pirate crew member!
Bunghole - A stinky pirate crew member!
Blunderbuss - A stinky pirate crew member!
Barnacles - A stinky pirate crew member!
Bullyrag - A stinky pirate crew member!
Bilboe - A stinky pirate crew member!
Bilge - A stinky pirate crew member!

Ping - Lumbago Guard
Pong - Lumbago Guard
Wiff - Lumbago Guard
Waff - Lumbago Guard
Tick - Lumbago Native
Tack - Lumbago Native
Toe - Lumbago Native

Now pick a part and have fun!

Last edited by Herobrine on Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:16 am; edited 4 times in total


2Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Empty Re: Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:00 pm



Welcome to the docks of Old London Town, and to the Squirty Squid - my favourite dockside tavern! Home to young Jack & Liza Periwinkle, a right pair of rascals…


3Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Empty Re: Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:07 pm



Avast! No mere comment-ers!


4Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Empty Re: Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:45 am



Arrr! A seagull just pooped in me eye.

Last edited by Herobrine on Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total


5Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Empty Re: Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:00 am





6Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Empty Re: Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:13 am

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Liza sits on the edge of one of the many docks, her small legs swinging back and forth far above the water. She stares off at the ocean, her young face bright but alert, partially hidden beneath a pirate hat which is much too big for her head. As her wide eyes scan the horizon for ships, the 9-year-old girl hums the "Yo-Ho-Ho" tune.

7Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Empty Re: Cup of Tea and a Bourbon Biscuit Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:16 am



Emily Sanders wrote:Liza sits on the edge of one of the many docks, her small legs swinging back and forth far above the water. She stares off at the ocean, her young face bright but alert, partially hidden beneath a pirate hat which is much too big for her head. As her wide eyes scan the horizon for ships, the 9-year-old girl hums the "Yo-Ho-Ho" tune.

(Just to tell you, you may choose 3 characters to play)

Liza! Liza! Mums going ballistic, she is really angry with you!

(Emily be Pearl too)


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