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Aduro & Blumise - Aduro, The Rascal Trader

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The story is about a rascal who is constantly opposed by a hacker. It takes place in a battleship. The story begins with a door being opened, climaxes with a murder, and ends with the preparation for a performance. A powerful magical weapon plays an important role.

It began on the Dragonail's Revenge, in remembrance of the King Dragonail, where Aduro and Blumise Jakonix were sailing on their prized battleship on their way to Dalek Cove to trade with the Cubsprouts there. When they arrived Blumise walked down to the hold to get the cargo but as she went down she saw a wooden door she had never seen before, so obviously she opened it but when Blumise opened the door there was a noise like somebody teleported out of it... Something did but she didn't know that though Twisted Evil.

Blumise was carrying the crate to the deck when Aduro rushed to her! Whilst Aduro told Blumise there was a black creature hacking the mainframe of the battleship suddenly Plaguerat, their crew-member, came out of her room and said

'My rooms not there anymore! THE WALL AND FLOOR IS GONE! IT TOOK FOREVER TO GET OUT!!!'

'Oh my! We did find a black creature in the control room hacking the maineframe! Maybe it was it?' Said Aduro





Sounds good so far :)I'm loving the story, keep it up! Very Happy

Jana V

Jana V

Not bad. What a Face

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