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What Do You Think?

2 posters

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1What Do You Think? Empty What Do You Think? Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:06 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

So this thread will be filled with what people think about certain things. The first ones...

#1 What do you think the Collector's Mansion will look like?

#2 What do you think Miscrimania is gonna be like in Edition #27? No, Steff cannot answer!

#3 What do you think the next Suggestion in the Feedback And Suggestion Forums in the Miscrit Forums will be?

Take your time to think through those 'WHAT DO YOU THINK?'s! But rush your answer for No. 1, because the Mansion will be released before the end of this week!!

2What Do You Think? Empty Re: What Do You Think? Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:52 pm

Jana V

Jana V

The mansion would surely be lavish and luxurious.

Miscrimania 27 would be awesome as usual, but might be a little bit more extraordinary since Steff's having more free time.

Don't know bout number 3.

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