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My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W.

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1My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W. Empty My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W. Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:14 am



I'm trying to start a trend of My Life (???) - ??? Threads. ??? Is Happiness/Sadness and Name.

I want to tell you the bad things thats happened in my life. (I only remember 1 happy thing actually)

1. Loosing Dad (Mum HATED him)

2. Having my first holiday be turned into Hell

3. My mum has a friend and when I go there when my Mum goes to Devon, I go there but return with scratches and stuff on my face/arm because a 3 YEAR OLD GIRL.

4. Since my mother's miscarriage she's had constant bad things happening one by one.


7. I live on the most boring place ever

8. My mum got everything to move to Exmouth (Hospitals, schools etc.) but at the last minute the person we were home swapping with didn't want to anymore!

I hope you know how bad my life is. I want to tell the Miscrit Forum Moderators but they'd just laugh and say I'm lying.


2My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W. Empty Re: My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W. Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:20 am

Jana V

Jana V

I feel sorry for you, just keep being happy. There's no point being sad for too long. Good luck with your life.

(and why would you tell mods -_-)

3My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W. Empty Re: My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W. Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:19 am



Very brave for posting this. If you can, try forgeting that in time to time, and keep going well in your life. You have many, many more decades to live.


4My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W. Empty Re: My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W. Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:09 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

I am very sorry. I shall keep you and your family in my mind and my prayers.

5My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W. Empty Re: My Life (Sadness) - Wyverkai W. Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:10 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

I am very sad for you,i lost my dad too,so i know how you feel bro.

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