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The Arena Warriors

Emily Sanders
Jana V
Miscrit Maniac
7 posters

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1The Arena Warriors Empty The Arena Warriors Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:42 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

Okay, so I'm going to start on a new roleplay!! I need volunteers to be part of this play.


ME as the Destined Fighter
Jana V as Miscrian Scholar
Emily Sanders as Miscrian Forest Warrior
Sima Miletijevv as Volcano Warrior
BlueWyverkai Wyvern as Undefeated Warrior
ShadowsMaster as Monk's Mountain Warrior


Undefeated Warrior (Male)
Talking Tree (Male or Female)
A Warrior From Sunfall Shores (Male)
A Warrior From Mount Gemma (Female)
A Warrior From the Miscrian Jungle (Female)
Son Of Undefeated Warrior (Mal%)
Evil Girl (Female)

Please reply soon! I want to start on it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!! Very Happy

Last edited by Miscrit Maniac on Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:36 am; edited 4 times in total

2The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:57 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

A Short Description of the Roles

Physical Appearance: Several muscles, tan skin and neatly-cut hair.
Hair Colour: Chestnut
Eye Colour: Aqua Blue
Clothing: Straps for clothes and Bermudas for pants.
Notable Power: Super strength and speed
Magic: NONE
Power Meter: 8/10
Personality: This warrior is nothing more than a braggart, corrupted by fame and glory. The only thing he finds interesting is winning, winning, winning.

Physical Appearance: With wrinkly skin, Talking Tree's eyes are a bright green. His/her skin colour is brown.
Hair Colour: No hair, but leaves are green.
Eye Colour: Bright Green
Clothing: None. Trees don't need clothing!
Notable Power: The Ability To See Through People's Hearts.
Magic: Healing Abilities
Power Meter: 9.9/10
Personality: Your friendly neighbourhood talking tree always tries to cheer anyone up when they are feeling down. Although he cannot move, this lively and outgoing Tree is extremely helpful, with the ability to heal any wounded or injured humans or Miscrits.

3The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:02 am

Jana V

Jana V

I will be the Miscrian Scholar, if I may. But I want him to have superpowers. Twisted Evil

4The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:38 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

I shall be the female warrior from the Miscrian forest.

5The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:20 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

Jana V wrote:I will be the Miscrian Scholar, if I may. But I want him to have superpowers. Twisted Evil

Your superpower is wisdom, the ability to see people and Miscrits' true intentions.

Magic: Invisibility.

6The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:22 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

Emily Sanders wrote:I shall be the female warrior from the Miscrian forest.

Superpower: Super Speed

Magic: The Power of the Nature Elementum

7The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:05 am



I'll be undefeated warrior.


8The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:08 am

Jana V

Jana V

Miscrit Maniac wrote:
Jana V wrote:I will be the Miscrian Scholar, if I may. But I want him to have superpowers. Twisted Evil

Your superpower is wisdom, the ability to see people and Miscrits' true intentions.

Magic: Invisibility.

9The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:38 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

Jana V wrote:
Miscrit Maniac wrote:
Jana V wrote:I will be the Miscrian Scholar, if I may. But I want him to have superpowers. Twisted Evil

Your superpower is wisdom, the ability to see people and Miscrits' true intentions.

Magic: Invisibility.

Don't be so sure! His weakness is that he is a softie, and extremely gullible!!

10The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:38 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Miscrit Maniac wrote:
Emily Sanders wrote:I shall be the female warrior from the Miscrian forest.

Superpower: Super Speed

Magic: The Power of the Nature Elementum

affraid Awesomeness.

11The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:39 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Miscrit Maniac wrote:
Jana V wrote:
Miscrit Maniac wrote:
Jana V wrote:I will be the Miscrian Scholar, if I may. But I want him to have superpowers. Twisted Evil

Your superpower is wisdom, the ability to see people and Miscrits' true intentions.

Magic: Invisibility.

Don't be so sure! His weakness is that he is a softie, and extremely gullible!!
A gullible scholar?? Alright. Rolling Eyes

12The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:29 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

i shall be Warrior From the Volcano! Razz

13The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:12 pm

Paul m

can i be with

14The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:21 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Paul m wrote:can i be with
Sure, just pick a character.

15The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:49 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

Sima Miletijevv wrote:i shall be Warrior From the Volcano! Razz

Okay. The Volcano Warrior is a fiery person with a wrecked past. He vents his anger on younger people, but can be quite kind at points of time. He enjoys eating with friends, but is allergic to Nature. Strong-willed and indifferent, the Volcano Warrior can be a big problem and usually gets himself into trouble...

Superpower: Extreme physical prowess.
Magic: Power of the Fire Elementum.

16The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:55 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:I'll be undefeated warrior.

Okay. The Undefeated Warrior is arrogant and stubborn, and refuses to believe that there is a fighter better than him. He fights mindlessly, not knowing what his goal is.

Superpower: Flight
Magic: The Power of Every Elementum

17The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:12 pm



Talking Tree :3 ,wait I cant fight or move ._. ok Ill be warrior from Monks Mountain then...

18The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:09 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Just so when we all know and can be prepared: When are you planning to start up?

19The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:34 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

Emily Sanders wrote:Just so when we all know and can be prepared: When are you planning to start up?

When all the roles have been taken up. If after 3 more weeks the roles are vacant, a 'null' will take their place.

20The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:45 am

Miscrit Maniac

Miscrit Maniac

ShadowsMaster wrote:Talking Tree :3 ,wait I cant fight or move ._. ok Ill be warrior from Monks Mountain then...

Okay. Sir Monk's Mountain will be your name. Cool-headed and calm in battle, Sir MM believes he can win anything by meditating. He is helpful and helps the hurt. However, because of a topsy-turvy past, he performs incorrect remedies on some injured people, usually causing more harm than good. Sir MM is also very strong-willed.

Superpower: Telekinesis.
Magic: The Healing Touch and the Magic of The Lightning Elementum.

21The Arena Warriors Empty Re: The Arena Warriors Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:19 pm



Can I be A Warrior From Sunfall Shores instead?


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